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Hearthville Serial: Book 7 Episode 11

Hearthville Serial: Book 7

Episode 11

Any Truth, Proper Grammar, or Correct Spelling is totally coincidental if not accidental.
All characters are fiction. This story is fiction. This story makes no claims about any real person.

By Charles Peters

Copyright 2021

All Rights Reserved
Chapters / Episodes

Victor told Preacher Pat Pialo that he and Stewart would go on over to the church and begin setting up the tables where people could get their face masks. Preacher Pat Pialo nodded as he ate on his bowl of cereal.

Stewart smiled. “You are seriously loving that cereal.”

“When I am nervous I eat like I am starved. It is a wonder I don’t weigh a thousand pounds.”

Stewart said, “Since this covid shit I have put on some weight but you are looking good.”

Victor said, “He is Jack’s.”

“I am not gay. How many times do I have to tell you, I like women. I may not have too much luck with them, but they do get my dick hard.”

Victor grinned. “They should put that Valentine’s Day cards. ‘I Love You Because You Get My Dick Hard.”

Preacher Pialo stared at Victor. “You really are the devil, aren’t you.”

Victor laughed.

Stewart said, “I had a dream where Victor was telling me that Jesus Christ is his higher brother. He went into some shit about being spawned or some crap. It was a weird dream.”

An image flashed in the mind of Preacher Pialo of standing with Victor at a scene from Jesus being crucified. Preacher Pialo shook the image from his mind. “Victor, who do you think Jesus was?”

“His soul is a spark from God herself. He is a great soul just as Buddah is a great soul. But his story, the true story of Jesus was hijacked by a subset of Jews to bring Rome down just as they are trying to bring the United States down. But don’t confuse that subset of Jews with the good Jews and make no mistake there are a lot of good men and women among that population.”

Preacher Pialo said, “Jesus was Jewish.”

“No. In that incarnation he and his cousin John were mostly Sumerian born to the outer tribes that maintained their secret identities long after their people, the Sumerian people, were defeated by the Jews. Joseph was Jewish but the Virgin Mary was mostly Sumerian.”

“She was from the Jewish Tribe of Levi.”

“No. She was not. She was Sumerian. See, the Jewish myth that was created does not even keep the tribes straight. They try to say that Jesus was from the Tribe of Judah. But he was not. He was mostly Sumerian. The remnants of the Tribe of Benjamin and the remnants from the Sumerians lived together and so if it can be said Jesus came from any tribe, he came from the tribe of Benjamin which had been decimated into oblivion by the other tribes. The bloodline of Saul became mixed with the Sumerians and so if it can be said that ancestral line of Jesus came from a former King of Israel it would have been King Saul. It sure as hell would not have been from that bastard, King David.”

“You don’t like the historical figure, King David.”

“Saul was a kind King. When his armies went in, he left the villages with enough to survive. King David went in to destroy villages. He massacred people for pleasure. He was a murderous asshole.”

Stewart asked, “Where do you read this shit at? It is not like any religious text I have ever read.”

“Sure. I read it somewhere. Who knows where.”

Preacher Pialo and Stewart stared at Victor with a puzzled look. He contradicted their beliefs, and that bothered them. But still, they did not want to enter religious debate with him.

Still, Preacher Pialo could not contain himself. “So you don’t believe in the bible.”

“I believe in the truth and not some fabrication by the Jew to destroy the Roman Empire. I believe in the true Christ and make no mistake the truth is more compelling to who Jesus was in that incarnation than the Jewish fabrication. His incarnation sure as hell was not intended to create an age of ignorance, the Dark Ages, for all of Europe. His intent was to help mankind find grace and redemption and find our way out of this prison we call Earth. His incarnation sure as hell was not intended to help the Jew create a worse hell on earth so as to torture the gentiles.”

Stewart asked, “Victor, are you anti-semitic?”

“I am anti-ignorance. But like I said, there are a lot of good people among the Jewish population and we have to remember that even as we face there are also a lot of evil people among that population. They are like every population. There is the good, the bad, and the ugly and allowing the Evil Ones to hide behind their religion, whatever the religion, is not acceptable. And the politicians who want to protect the Evil Ones just because they pretend to be religious or are hiding behind their religion need to all be voted out of office.”


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