“And why is General Amelia important to you?”
“Do you want me to show you what Belial has done to Pluto Viso?”
“Not really.”
“Well. It is bad. There are over 300 million souls caged. Over half of them have fallen into the sleep. That is why I turned against Belial and left Pluto Viso. I need General Roxy and General Amelia to help me beat the son of a bitch.”
“Does the Legman understand your primary goal is to go to war with Belial?”
Hearthville Serial
Book 5 (Title Undecided):
A Paranormal Suspense Gangster Horror
By Charles Peters
Copyright 2020
All Rights Reserved
Chapter 14
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General Gorgan and Dorian Dormark sat in the abandoned Space Station RK7 that was positioned in Realm BQ7 that was only reachable from a portal situated on planet earth. BQ7 could be exited onto Pluto Viso but it could not be entered from Pluto Viso. When the Space Alien Witches ended their war with Belial on Pluto Viso the realm and the space station were abandoned.
Dorian said, “I can’t believe you convinced me to come with you to Pluto Viso.”
“Well, we are not on Pluto Viso. We can still return to earth from here.”
Dorian asked, “But what about Victor, Deven, Leroy, Constance, Nanny Ogleby, Dioson and Hannibal?”
General Gorgan said, “They are in a Pluto Viso realm that is on level 7 at the first gate to Iapetus. To get them off Pluto Viso we will have to get them to realm BQ8 which can be entered from Pluto Viso and exited to Earth. It will not be easy. Belial forces do not know about BQ7. They know about BQ8.”
“Is freeing General Roxy from her cage really that important to you, to risk your relationship with the Legman and putting those poor souls at risk?”
“General Roxy knows who Amelia’s spawn is? She may even know how to awaken Amelia.”
“And why is General Amelia important to you?”
“Do you want me to show you what Belial has done to Pluto Viso?”
“Not really.”
“Well. It is bad. There are over 300 million souls caged. Over half of them have fallen into the sleep. That is why I turned against Belial and left Pluto Viso. I need General Roxy and General Amelia to help me beat the son of a bitch.”
“Does the Legman understand your primary goal is to go to war with Belial?”
“He knows I want to help him free earth from being under Space Alien Witch control. He doesn’t understand that the only way we can do that is if we free Pluto Viso from Belial so that Pluto Viso will again become their primary planet and realm system for the Space Alien Witch Council.”
Dorian asked, “You do know that what you are trying to accomplish is the impossible.”
“Belial can be defeated. He can driven back to the Hell Realms.”
“If you say so. So what is the plan?”
“General Roxy is in a cage on Level 7 that is the past the first gate to Iapetus. The crew has to figure out how to get past the gate and find the cage with General Roxy and free her. Then we have to get them all off of Pluto Viso.”
“So you do not know how to get beyond the gate.”
“No but Victor is smart and the rest of the crew aren’t exactly idiots. They will figure it out. I just have to let them know what their mission is.”
“And how are you going to do that without going to Pluto Viso?”
“I need to restore a robot to send down to them. The robot will tell them their mission.”
“We do not have our magic in this realm. And the robots on this space station are ancient. Do you really think you will be able to get any of them to work again?”
“You don’t?”
“Well, aren’t you a Doubting Thomas.”
Dorian walked up to a robot that looked like the robot from the television series, “Lost In Space.” She touched it. “Danger, danger, Will Robinson.” Then she began to manually wave its arms around.
General Gorgan walked up to the robot. “Back in the day, these were good robots.” He pulled the corroded power pack off of it. “That is going to a problem. Getting a power pack restored.”
Dorian pointed to their spaceship. “You didn’t bring one.”
“Shut up. If I had thought to bring a power pack I would have thought to bring a robot.”
“You did not plan this mission very well, did you?”
“I did not plan it at all. I was watching what was happening on the boardwalk and noticed the vortex that had formed which I could program with a goto statement to send people to Realm 7. It was temporary and I jumped at the chance.”
“Sure. Who would not have? Dumb ass.”
“I need General Roxy.”
“Do you understand that if the Legman turns against you, you will have a formidable enemy?”
“I’ve seen his dark and light side, his good and bad. I do understand. I’ve seen him in a mood at times that would make Belial look like a pussy, a really tight pussy where the woman has religiously done pencil exercises.”
“When you have a cock as small as yours you really need a woman like that, don’t you?”
“I am a witch. I can make my cock as big or as small as I want it.”
“I’ve heard that your magic is kind of like your cock. It doesn’t work half the time.”
“Well here, neither of us have magic. Let us find a robot I can repair and get it sent down to Victor and his crew.”