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Hearthville Serial: Book 4 – Chapter 6


Billy said, “I am seeing someone tied up in the back of a red van. I think it is Paulster. He is still alive but he is in danger.” In Billy’s mind he could see Dioson driving the van. Billy said, “He is damn witch hunter.”

Daniel cocked his head at Billy’s words and the angry emotion in his voice when he said, “Damn witch hunter.” In a questioning tone Daniel whispered, “Witch hunter?”

Arthur smiled at Billy’s words. He understood Billy’s sentiment all so well. Arthur guessed that Billy was more than just a psychic.

Hearthville Serial 4
Book 4 : A Paranormal Suspense Gangster Horror

By Charles Peters

Copyright 2019

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 6

(Victor’s other personality) and Dioson.

Nat stared at Daniel and Daniel stared at Nat as he walked closer to Nat. Daniel smelled the moonshine on Nat’s breath. He smelled the cigar.

Nat asked, “Are you angry at me for going on the Ramsey property? I know we are trespassing.”

Daniel said, “I come over here all the time and also I check on the mansion. Arthur is fine with that. I will let him know that you are part of the family and you can be trusted.”

Billy asked, “What about the moonshiner operating on the Ramsey land?” Billy giggled.

Nat said, “Your psychic ability is really starting to piss me off.”

Billy said, “Tell me about it. I don’t ever know when I am right or wrong. I could have sworn that Victor there was fighting with someone, but then he wasn’t.”

Nat thought a second. There was a flash in his mind. He stared at Victor. He couldn’t quite remember but he knew there was something to what Billy said. He shook the thought from his head with a shiver that ran down his spine to his toes. Nat repeated something his granny often said, “I feel like someone just stepped on my grave.”
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Hearthville Serial: Book 4 – Chapter 5


Suddenly, in the grass, Daniel saw five snakes coming in his direction. “Son of a bitch.” Daniel reached for his revolver that was holstered beneath his white, loose fitting, shirt. As he pulled the revolver from the holster it snagged on his shirt and fell from his hand. The revolver fell to the ground as a snake crawled over its gray barrel and toward one of Daniel’s red sneakers. Daniel quickly jumped back from the slithering snakes but still they came in his direction. One of the predatory vermin appeared to lead the way. “Fucking hell, the snakes are chasing me.” Daniel ran but the snakes were fast. “This is unreal. This can’t be real.”

Billy transformed into the Legman. He ran toward Daniel. Reaching Daniel, he grabbed Daniel up into his arms. He quickly carried Daniel away from the snakes and sat Daniel down on the ground.

Hearthville Serial 4
Book 4 :
A Paranormal Suspense Gangster Horror

By Charles Peters

Copyright 2019

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 5

The storm clouds whirled but at times the sun could be seen. A chase had ended and a battle between two men was about to begin.

George reached to grab Dioson’s muscular hand that with thick fingers held his leg. George screamed, “You space alien monster, let go of my leg.”

Dioson pulled George downward as Dioson climbed upward to press himself down on George. “You call me a Monster!” Dioson slapped George across his face. “You filthy human! There is no way I am letting you go. I’ve got you just where I want you.”

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Hearthville Serial: Book 4 – Chapter 4


Nat unfastened the jug from his belt and sat it down. He then slumped down to his stomach on a bolder with his head positioned where he could see down in the ravine, but not well. He used his binoculars but there was so much growth he could not see what was going on below. He crawled, easing farther off the rock beneath him, as he attempted to see beyond a clump of bushes below. He used his feet to catch on a deep crack in the rock to balance himself. But his curiosity caused him to ease too far and he began to slide. Attempting to grab and grip the bolder so as to stop from sliding he knocked the jug off the bolder and down into the ravine.

Hearthville Serial 4
Book 4 (Title Undecided):
A Paranormal Suspense Gangster Horror

By Charles Peters

Copyright 2019

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 4

In the woods on the Bare Estate, there was mischief about.

Fourteen year old Nat Wilkins sat high up in an oak tree in a large deer stand that rested fastened to a giant limb. With a mostly empty brown jug of moonshine in one hand and a cigar in the other, he aimed his hunting rifle around, looking through the scope. A pair of binoculars hung around his neck that included a camera. He eased the hunting rifle down for a moment. He put his cigar down into an ashtray made of an old melted vinyl record, bent up to have sides, and painted gold. He held on to the brown jug as he again held his weapon up and looked through the scope.

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Hearthville Serial: Book 4 – Chapter 3


Arthur said, “Hey George. What is happening?”

George looked to see Dioson approaching him on horseback. “I am being chased by the Witch Hunter Dioson Claws.” Jumping over the black wooden fence, George continued to talk into the phone. “The ghost of your grandfather told me that Paulster McCluskey is being held in a secret room in the Bare Family Mausoleum on the Bare estate. I was going to investigate when Dioson saw me. Dioson is the fake Jess.”

“You know about the fake Jess. You know who the fake Jess is! The ghost of my grandfather is talking to you! How did you get involved in this?”

“I don’t even know.”

“What is this about?”

Hearthville Serial 4
Book 4 (Title Undecided):
A Paranormal Suspense Gangster Horror

By Charles Peters

Copyright 2019

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 3

Clouds had begun to darken the sky as George pulled his orange mustang through the columned gates of the Bare Family Cemetery. He looked around the grand, ornamental monuments to the deceased members and loved ones of the Bare family. He remembered how he had stood silently in the back of a large crowd of people as they had laid Donny Maxtone to rest.

George parked his mustang. “What am I doing here. I should leave.”
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Hearthville Serial: Book 4 – Chapter 2


“Strange. So you said that Deven killed Hannibal who killed Donny. What about Dioson?”

“He got away.”

“Shit. So the question is, were they working for the Council or were they free lancing for someone else.”

“What Council?”

George said, “Never mind.”

“Sure. You do realize that you are seriously pissing me off by not explaining stuff to me but giving me hints.”


Hearthville Serial 4
Book 4 (Title Undecided):
A Paranormal Suspense Gangster Horror

By Charles Peters

Copyright 2019

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 2

Victor’s cellphone began to ring. He saw the number belonged to Tabitha Angster. Victor looked at the number and his vision began to blur. He felt a slight pain between his eyes. Then his alter personality George came out.

George answered the phone. “Hello Tabitha, this is George.”

“Thank goodness. I was afraid Victor might answer.”

“He almost did. You do know he has crush on you. He wants to ask you out on a date.”

Tabitha said, “I hope he does ask me out.”

“I do not want you to date him.”

“It would help the two of us to be closer. But let me make clear, I like Victor. I liked him before you ever existed. And in truth, there is a part of me that likes you because I know there is a part of you that is Victor.”

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Hearthville Serial: Book 4 – Chapter 1


“Yeah. I went home and hit one of my bottles I have hidden around the trailer. I know that makes me weak and worthless. And I can’t even tell you all how weak and how worthless.” Earl pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. There was a sketch on the piece of paper that Earl had printed from his computer. “This is not the police drawing. This is the sketch I did from talking to people.”

Daniel took the paper from Earl. Daniel looked at it. “I don’t understand. What people? We have his body. Why would we need a drawing.”

Lilly took the paper from Daniel. She stared at it. She stared at Earl. “It was random mugging. That is what I was told.”

Johnny stared at his sister. “Random mugging?” He thought about what Earl had been saying. His mind clicked. “Oh fuck.”

Hearthville Serial 4
Book 4 (Title Undecided):
A Paranormal Suspense Gangster Horror

By Charles Peters

Copyright 2019

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 1

Lilly Bare arrived at the crime scene with her brother Johnny Bare. They walked over to their cousin Daniel Bare.

Johnny asked, “Have you been able to figure out who the dead criminal is?”
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