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From Around The Internet – May 2018

America’s elite colleges struggle to integrate low-income students
Mario Batali’s restaurants in Las Vegas will close
Mortgage rates have been rising at a pace not seen in almost 50 years
Spotify Eases ‘Hateful Conduct’ Playlist Policy After Outcry
Pornhub launches VPNhub, its own virtual private network app
May 24 or before
Acer’s Predator Helios 500 gaming laptop is a Core i9 powerhouseThere are also Nitro and Predator Orion desktops.

Both the Orion 5000 and Nitro 50 will reach North America in July with starting prices of $1,499 and $799. If you’re looking for the $999 Orion 3000, you’ll have to wait until October.


Sony says it’s the beginning of the end for PS4

The whole statement is largely designed to reassure investors that all is well, and it is, save for PSVR and Vue, both of which are performing below expectations. Again, no specifics on how PlayStation plans to tackle that beyond “increasing user engagement”, but Kodera seems unfazed, noting that the company will aim for more “realistic” growth in the coming period.


VIOTEK NB32C 32 Inch Curved Computer Monitor Full HD 1920×1080 Large Widescreen Samsung Panel With HDMI DVI VGA For Desktop PC


Is bitcoin being manipulated by traders? The US government has opened a criminal probe

Note that this has been ongoing. If I am not mistaken bloomberg has been reporting on this back to at least January.


Brothel ban question divides residents in Nevada county


Note that this article states the claim that legal prostitution somehow increases illegal prostitution.  And there is data that illegal prostitution has been putting legal, regulated, brothels out of business.  Nineteen brothels operate in Nevada, down from 36 in the peak years of the mid-1980s.  There are some counties where brothels are legal but where none exists because illegal prostitution makes the tightly regulated business in a questionable economy difficult. Nevada was hit hard by the 2008 crash.

But the suggestion, the correlation, that somehow the legal brothels are what has increased illegal prostitution is not valid.   Also, the arguments from religious groups that all prostitution is about human trafficking is stupid. Conflating the two separate issues as though they are the same issue is stupid.  Thinking you are helping prostitutes by listening to people who hate prostitutes is upside down and crazy.  Don’t pretend you are trying to help someone when the obvious agenda is to hurt someone.



History of Prostitution







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Government’s Duty To Its People

LOL regarding the thumb. Most of my thumbs are awful on my videos. If only I could shape shift into a cross between Brad Pitt and Albert Einstein instead of goofy looking Chuck. Yeah, it is what it is.

In this video I start with Hillary suggesting that she lost the election because she is a capitalist. I think she said that in part because of her tough fight with Bernie Sanders. Then I show Chris Matthews talking to two Democrats who I believe supported Bernie Sanders. He attempts to press them into talking about the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist. Then I show Barack Obama talking about the label of Socialism not really making much sense because there is no modern government that does not have some elements of Socialism. I also show him suggesting that there is a big difference between himself and real Socialist. I then show a discussion between Phil Donahue and Milton Friedman talking about Capitalism and Socialism.

I then make my point that the government has a duty to its people and should not be neglectful of its people just as a parent (yeah, I used mother rather than parent because it is more identifiable with most people but yeah the point applies to both parents) should not neglectful of their children. I suggest Hillary Clinton lost the election because she ran her campaign to excuse her policies that would be that of a neglectful mother, parent. She defended policies that would cost Americans their jobs as though she were proud of that.


Milton Friedman

The Great Depression: America 1929-1941

The Man Who Knew: The Life and Times of Alan Greenspan

Six Crises by Richard Nixon

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Amazon banning shoppers

The headline on various news sites is:
Amazon banning shoppers who return items too often

But Amazon has been banning shoppers for other reasons as well such as selling fake reviews.  If a user publishes eBooks on amazon and they have been doing things to manipulate the rank of those eBooks then that is also causing customers to be banned.  Amazon has rules and they expect their users to follow those rules.   I don’t have a problem with that.  I don’t take issue with that in the way that I take issue with the behavior of youtube and twitter treating users like crap for political reasons.   Even though Jeff Bezos is pushing a political agenda at the Washington Post I don’t think that has translated into any bad behavior at Amazon in the way it has at youtube and twitter.

As some people may know I operated that sold things both in physical stores as well as online. I didn’t mind the returns when they were warranted.   But with inwoods, because I also had to do free shipping to compete, just one return could not only cancel the profit from that sale but the next sale.  The margins were that thin.  So I don’t blame amazon for telling customers who are costing them money, “bye.”

Because I haven’t been selling that many eBooks lately, returns haven’t been a problem for me on amazon.  But there was a period there that there was no doubt that Amazon had customers who were abusing if not out right cheating the system.  There were other writers in certain forums who were being hit by far worse than me and wishing amazon would do something about customers abusing the return system.  Apparently, now they have.

Still, some customers claim that they have not broken any rules.  They really don’t understand what they did.  If that is true, which I don’t know, hopefully Amazon will straighten those issues out.


by Chuck Peters


Comics & Graphic Novels : Top Sellers on cduniverse

Comics & Graphic Novels on amazon

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How Twitter Changes Will Change The Way I Use Twitter

Yeah, I am back tweeting. LOL.


Twitter has announced yet new ways on how it will allow its darling leftist hate groups to treat its other users badly.

Twitter will now use thousands of behavioral signals when filtering search, replies, and algorithmic recommendations. If it believes you are trying to game its system, or simply acting like a jerk, it will push your tweets lower down. …. buzzfeed

One of the signals will be if a user tweets to a lot of users that user has not followed.  I started to say that might be a good thing.  Then I had second thoughts.  The leftist hate groups will simply follow you before they attack you and then they will block you right after you respond to that account that you have not followed.  Even before the change to use these so called signals, blocking you with bots is how a lot of leftist hate groups have worked to hurt your account.  Being blocked by leftist bots is a signal that twitter will use to target you even more than before to push you down.

Indeed, bias twitter, thinks they have figured out how to hurt libertarians and conservatives on their platform even more.

But the thing is that people like me don’t care.  I’ve been on twitter since 2009 but for the life of me, I don’t know why except for a few users that I like and to link to stuff such as this opinion piece.   Yes, twitter is addictive to want to scream about some hash or something that you have read or seen on TV but that addiction really is not healthy.  It is not like writing a full article/editorial where you articulate in a more meaningful way on why you agree or disagree with something.  It basically makes your thinking process lazy which of course is what leftists love.  They really don’t want their advocates to fully think things out.  Leftist movements thrive on lazy, half-baked, reactionary thoughts which makes twitter perfect for them.

[Edit: I am just leaving below for reference. I am not sticking to it. #shrugs]

On twitter in the future I will probably read some users’ profiles that I like there as long as those people are tweeting.   Visiting profiles is my preferred way of reading tweets.   I may tweet links to something I have written or a video that I have done.  But will I continue to use twitter in the way that I have done in the past?  No. I will not scream thoughts on some hash or something from news or TV.  I will not debate people.  I will not engage with people; even those that I like.   Those days are over.  Twitter has turned itself into a hurtful, bully, minefield that I do not wish to navigate.  They can play all the games they want to hurt their users.  I do not care.  I will not play.

Twitter could go out of business tomorrow.  I would not care.  They have no loyalty to me.  I have no loyalty to them.   That is the way they want it.


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Chapter Six – Billy Bingo: The Forgotten Past

Billy Bingo: The Forgotten Past

Chapter 6

[List of All Chapters]

Support by buying Bare Detectives: Judy’s Missing Boyfriend or one of my other ebooks.

The trip back to Georgia was uneventful. When Billy unpacks his suitcase he finds the sketch that Tommy Harris had done of him. Tommy knew he had driven the car that killed George Destone. That realization bothers Billy. He considers destroying the sketch but he can’t bring himself to do it. He tucks the sketch beneath some old magazines in the bottom of a chest drawer.

Billy takes a shower and changes into some clean clothes. He sits down at the computer and sees if he can access the library news archive in Rockdale. He manages to pull up information on Tommy Harris’ death. Billy figures that Tommy killed himself or was murdered around 6 weeks after the death of George Destone. Tommy had time to go to the police but he didn’t.

Billy turns off his computer and lays down in his bed. It is good to be back in his own bed. Billy closes his eyes and quickly falls asleep. He begins to dream.

Billy is at Jimmy’s in the dream. They are playing with skateboards on a cement patio. Tommy walks out to the patio where they are playing. Tommy tells Billy, “I don’t want you playing with Jimmy any more. Don’t come back here.” Jimmy pitches a fit with his brother, telling him that he can’t tell him who he can and can’t invite over. Jimmy runs in to ask his parents to tell Tommy to leave Billy alone. In the dream Tommy yanks Billy up. “I don’t care what my parents say. You stay away from my brother.”

The dream changes. The door to Tommy’s bedroom is partially opened and Billy peeps in. Tommy is in his bedroom looking at a video. The video is of Billy’s mother being forced to have sex with George Destone and Ralph Shath in the abandoned garage.

Billy tosses and turns. “Stop hurting her. Please stop hurting my mother.” Billy realizes he is having a dream. “I don’t want to dream this. Please stop this.” Billy pictures himself as a ten year old. In the dream he has dissociated himself and it is as though he is watching a third person as he dreams of himself running into Tommy’s bedroom. He watches the ten year old boy jump on top of Tommy and start pounding him with his fist. “Why are you watching that? Stop watching that.”

The dream changes and again Tommy is telling him to stay away from his brother Jimmy. “Stay away from my brother. Stay away. Stay away.” The words keep repeating.


Support by buying Bare Detectives: Judy’s Missing Boyfriend or one of my other ebooks.


Billy continues dreaming and sees himself Billy sitting alone and staring at the old car in the garage. Billy searches the garage for a gas can and hose to siphon gas with. Billy finds a can and hose and sneaks to Jimmy’s home. He sucks the gas out of Tommy’s car into the gas can. He takes the can back to the garage to put the gas in the old car. He finds the key to the car and cranks the car.

Billy wakes up. “Did Tommy have a video of mom being raped? Was that real? Did that happen?” Billy realizes how little he does remember. Mostly what he has remembered through the years is driving the car when he runs over Ralph Shath and George Destone. The rest has been hazy memories of spying on his mother and Bess. It is not something he has particularly much wanted to think about. If he had run into Tommy’s room and attacked him because of his watching the video, what happened next. Something had to have happened. If the incident was real, did it happen before or after Tommy told him to stay away from Jimmy.

Billy stands up. “The past is the past. There is nothing that can be gained by thinking about it and conjuring up old memories.” Billy finds that easier said than done.

Billy goes into the kitchen and gets himself a soft drink. He goes into the living room and sits with his mother. “Mom, Tommy Harris had a sketch of me driving the car that run over George Destone and Ralph Shath.”

Maureen Bingo isn’t sure how to respond or what to say. “I don’t understand.”

“I found the sketch among Clarices things when Bess and I were at the Cassidy home. I tore the sketch out of the pad. Tommy killed himself or was murdered 6 weeks after I killed George Destone. I just had a dream. In that dream Tommy Harris had a video of where George Destone and Ralph Shath raped you.”

“How would he have such a tape? They would not have given him the tape. He had to have stolen the tape.”

“It could just be a dream. I don’t remember seeing the tape like in a memory. It could just be a dream.”

“I know we haven’t much discussed what happened. Both of us have wanted to put it out of our mind. Still, I know you didn’t just wake up one morning and realize what was happening and decide to kill George Destone and Ralph Shath. I haven’t wanted to consider how you knew what was happening.”

“I have vague memories of sneaking back home and spying on you. I have a vague memory of going to the gas station which is where, in the dream, the tape was made. I don’t really remember that with Tommy but the dream makes me wonder.” Billy hesitates. “In the dream Tommy wanted me to stay away from Jimmy. I don’t know if that happened or when that might have happened.” Billy pulls out his cellphone. He calls Jimmy Harris. “Jimmy, are you busy or can you talk?” … “Steak. That sounds like some good eating. Look. I know this is going to sound weird to you but I had a dream and in that dream Tommy was in it.” … “Did Tommy ever tell me to stop coming over to your house and stop playing with you?” … “He did. Do you remember what that was about?” … “Even if he was just being an asshole there must have been something that triggered it.” … “He had helped me with a school project. I don’t remember that.” … “I made him angry when we were working together. Was that project something you and I were working on together? … “Your father was helping you with your project. I don’t remember it. It is strange.” … “Well, thanks Jimmy. I am sorry for interrupting your meal.” … “Yeah. I hope to come back to New York sometime soon as well. Bye.”

Billy stands up. “Do you remember me being helped on a project by Tommy Harris?”

Maureen thinks. “Yes. Now that you mention it. He helped you construct a volcano. Jimmy’s father was helping him and you didn’t have anyone helping you and it was Jimmy’s father who suggested that Tommy help you.”

“A volcano?”

“You made an A+”

“I don’t remember. Jimmy said that Tommy and I had some kind of fight while he was helping me to work on it.”


Support by buying Bare Detectives: Judy’s Missing Boyfriend or one of my other ebooks.


“I don’t know anything about that.”

Billy calls Rachel. “Are you busy?” … “Would you mind going with me to visit some places around Rockdale?” … “I want to visit an old garage. I want to drive by where George Destone lived and Ralph Shath lived. I want to drive by where the Harris family lived.” … “There are some things I may have blocked out of my mind and I want to try to remember.” … “Sure. Dirk can come with us.” Billy hopes he does not sound jealous. … “I will see you and Dirk in the morning then.”

Maureen sighs. “Be careful dredging all of this up.”

“The dream I had bugs me.” Billy doesn’t tell his mother about what Hutch had told him about the Leg Man. Billy finishes his soft drink in a final gulp. “Still, I agree. Bringing people’s attention back to the deaths of George Destone and Tommy Harris will do no one any good.” Billy closes his eyes. “Still, there is something that makes me feel that I owe Tommy. He knew I killed George Destone but he did not go to the police.” Billy opens his eyes and looks at his mother.

Maureen nods.

* * *

Billy, Dirk, and Rachel go the the old garage where his mother had been forced to have sex with George Destone and Ralph Shath. It has been turned back into a working garage or something to appear so by George’s cousin Olivia Destone. At the moment the garage doesn’t seem much of a business.

Billy remembers following Kane Bishop and Sylvia Trundle to the garage from the parking lot of the Apartment where he lives. Then there they were at the Way Party.

Rachel points to a woman that is approaching them just inside of the garage. “That is Olivia Destone. She is older than me or Bess but I remember her.”

Dirk whispers to Billy. “I saw her at the Way Party.”

Pale as though she has just seen a ghost, with suspicion, thirty year old Olivia walks up to Billy. She is a tough looking woman. The slur in her speech suggest she has been drinking. “Can I help you with something?”

“Just revisiting the past.” Billy bites his lip as he looks around the garage.

There is an uneasy, but still a teasing sound, in Olivia’s voice. “You aren’t one of those who believes the garage is haunted, are you?” Olivia looks down and up almost simultaneously as she cocks her head to the side. There is now a sour tone in her voice. “Those stories don’t help business.”

“I’d never heard that it is haunted.” Billy looks around. “Who do people think is haunting the garage?”

Olivia straightens her head and looks Billy straight in the eyes. Olivia ask with a puzzled and disbelieving look. “Are you teasing me?”

Billy shrugs. He isn’t sure what to say.

“This is where Tommy Harris was found hanging some years ago.” Olivia scratches her head. She watches for Billy’s reaction but there isn’t much of one. She wonders if Billy is playing a game with her. She thinks she will play along. “Do you know the name?”

Billy remembers that Hutch has said that Olivia Destone is one of the people who know who the Leg Man is. If Clarice was able to recognize and realize that Billy is the Leg Man then it would follow that Olivia should also recognize him. “I do know the name. I recently went to his sister’s funeral. I didn’t realize this is where his body was found.”

“I read about Clarice.”

Rachel had been unable to find any local news stories on Clarice’s murder. Rachel ask, “What newspaper?”

Olivia looks distant. She ignores Rachel. “I am the one who found the body of her brother Tommy. The police ruled it a suicide but there was no suicide note. I’ve never been sure it was a suicide.” Olivia rubs her forehead and can’t decide whether she wishes she weren’t drunk or whether she wishes she had a bottle to get more drunk.

“Who do you think killed him?”

Olivia shrugs. Then she cringes. She is silent.

“You don’t have any theory on what happened?” Feeling deafened by Olivia’s silence, Billy ask another question. “What did you think of Tommy Harris?”

There are more moments of silence and then Olivia’s face brightens up with a smile. “I was older.” Olivia does something similar to a ballerina curtsy. “The older woman, Tommy would tease.” Olivia whirls around and then her face darkens. “Tommy was just seventeen. When I saw him hanging there with his neck broken and his tongue hanging out, it was the worse day of my life.”

“What about when your cousin George died.”

“Shit. I fucking hated George. He may have been blood but that boy was evil. Unlike George, Tommy didn’t come from a rich family. George got Tommy all messed up on drugs that he didn’t have the money to pay for so he’d do stuff. George once took him to a motorcycle club where horny riders hung out. Tommy was stoned out of his mind.”

A hammer falls off the wall for no reason and Olivia looks scared. “Why am I telling you this shit.”

“Tommy wasn’t always drugged out.” Rachel speaks up. “He run with a tough and somewhat odd crowd but I remember he usually did good in school.”

Olivia glares at Rachel. “You were friends with that crazy girl who dated George. Yeah, I remember you. Little snotty bitches; the both of you.” Olivia spits at Rachel. “Yeah, that other crazy girl came around here asking questions. I didn’t tell that bitch anything.” Olivia stomps her foot. “Oh God. You are doing research for her damned play. Shit. If I had known that I would not have been talking with you.” Olivia runs her hands through her hair. She spits at Billy. “You get out of here. Get the fuck out of here. All of you, leave!”

Dirk and Rachel start out of the garage. Then they stop when they see that Billy is not following. “Bess is my sister.” Billy shakes his head. “But I am not doing research for Bess. I know things I’ve never told Bess and that I will never tell Bess. Not because she is a bitch but because she is my sister and I do love her. Bess does not know George was evil but I do know.”

“Wait. Fuck. Shit.” Olivia scratches her head. “What is this game?” Her voice is loud and her words are slurred. Olivia grabs Billy’s hair and pulls it back from his face. She stares at his face. “You were always so pretty. Bess’ little brother.” Olivia drops her hands away from Billy’s face and whirls around and giggles. “Little Billy Bingo isn’t so little now but then the Leg Man never was. Yeah, first you stepped into this garage, I recognized you.”

Dirk speaks, “I recognize you. You were at the Way Party.”

“Me in New York. No.”

Rachel repeats what Olivia has said, “Little Billy Bingo isn’t so little now but then the Leg Man never was.” Rachel’s mouth falls open. “Oh, my God.”

Dirk ask, “What?”

Olivia winks at Rachel and then glares at Dirk and then looks back at Billy. She cocks her head. “Didn’t I tell you all to leave?”

Billy knows what Hutch has told him. “Olivia, were you and I friends? I don’t remember.”

Olivia doesn’t answer. She stands in silence.

Billy considers that people change but he doesn’t remember Olivia Destone. Hutch had mentioned her but Billy doesn’t remember her. Billy decides to start out of the garage.

“You know, I was stoned out of my mind when I got you to smoke that joint. Tommy was so mad at me when he walked in and there you were with that joint and high as a kite. High as kite!” Olivia runs and touches Billy’s face. “You would make a pretty kite.” Olivia winks and curls the corner of her lower lip up in an almost comical expression. “Now that you are grown we might could fly our kites together and by fly our kites together I do mean rub our nasties together.” Olivia laughs. “I am such a silly drunk.” Then Olivia frowns. Olivia moves her arm as though tossing an imaginary bottle as she screams, “You don’t even remember me.” Olivia takes hold of Billy’s shirt and pulls him close. Her voice is now soft. “You once told me that you would grow up and save me from this town.” Olivia lets go of Billy’s shirt and turns away from him. “You don’t remember when I was so afraid. In fear I did things and you don’t even remember me.” Tears stream down Olivia’s face as she turns back toward Billy. “Plain Olivia. No one remembers plain Olivia. No one wants to do business with plain Olivia.” Olivia screams. “I will not hate myself!” Olivia stomps her foot. “I will not kill myself. No one is going to find me with my neck broken and my tongue hanging out of my mouth.”

Billy touches Olivia’s face. “You are not plain. There is a beauty about you. You are a kind soul.”

“You remember those words you spoke to me. Of course you were jail bait and I am not a weirdo. You know. Still, the crush you had on me meant something.”

“I can’t remember. That is the trouble. It is not just you. I have hazy memories of some things but there are other things I don’t remember. Did I share things with you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Did I ever confide in you about things?”

Olivia looks at Dirk and Rachel. She then looks at Billy. “There is nothing worth remembering about those days. You don’t want to end up dead like Tommy or a drunk like me.” Then Olivia closes her eyes. “You were at the funeral of Clarice?”


“These days, do you know Hutch Cassidy?”

“Not really. I met him but I don’t know him. Not really.”

Olivia grabs Billy and hugs him. “But you do know him and he knows you. Don’t trust him. Be afraid of him. Be very afraid of him. He plays the respectable man very well but he is not respectable.” Olivia pulls back away from Billy.


“No. I told Tommy and Tommy is now dead. I am not going to tell you. It is enough that I’ve warned you.”

Billy changes the subject. “I remember Tommy being angry with me. Why was he angry with me? Do you know?”

“I don’t know,” is what Olivia says but her look suggest that she does know and is just not telling.

Even though Olivia is messed up, Dirk feels he might can help her. “I am going to come back here and if you are sober I am going to give you some work. If you stay sober I am going to give you lots of work.”

“Yeah, right.”

Billy takes Olivia’s hand and hold’s it. He wishes he could remember her, but he doesn’t. “I can’t help you but Dirk can. He is serious.”

Rachel opens her purse and pulls out pen and pad. “Make an appointment to see this doctor. Tell him that you are being sponsored by the Jenkins’ Foundation. He will help you get sober and it will not cost you anything.”

“What? You all just waltz in here. I am supposed to believe that you two don’t have some ulterior motive.”

Rachel smiles. “We do have a motive. We help you and you help Billy.”

“My helping Billy Bingo could get Billy Bingo killed.”

“I may not remember everything but I know I was a tough ten year old and I am an even tougher twenty year old.” Billy shakes his head. “But my friends will help you no matter whether you help me or not. It is not a condition. You just concentrate on getting sober and getting this business going right. Understood.”

“Understood. Thank you.”

Dirk, Rachel, and Billy leave Olivia’s Garage. Billy then directs Dirk to drive where the Harris family lived. The house is UN-lived in and the yard is grown up. The house still contains many of the belongings of the Harris family. Billy looks through the window but they don’t try to enter the house. They walk around to the cement patio where Billy and Jimmy used to play with their skate boards. “God, Jimmy and I used to have so much fun back here doing stunts with our boards.” Billy looks down to a window to the basement.

Dirk questions Billy. “Were you any good with the skate board?”

“I thought I was. Jimmy was better. He could do stunts that I could not quite master though I did fall on my butt quite a bit trying.”

Rachel ask, “Any other memories coming back.”

“I remember playing with Jimmy. Those memories were hazy. I mean, I remembered the childhood friend but I did not remember Tommy or Clarice. I remember playing. I remember laughing.”

Dirk smiles. “Those are good memories to have. Maybe the rest is best not remembered.”

“The past can’t be changed. That is true.”

They walk back to the car. As they are driving back to Dekalb they are all quiet. Then Rachel looks at Billy. “Bess and I were in our own little world. We had no idea what was going on around us. Billy, I am sorry. I had no idea that you are the Leg Man.”

Dirk glances at Rachel. He understands what she has just said but does not comment. The Leg Man’s reputation extended beyond just Rockdale to even the school he attended in Dekalb.

“There is no reason to be sorry. I did what I had to do. Whatever else was going on with me I did what I had to do. I will never believe differently. George Destone was evil. I had to save my mother and my sister.”

Dirk drops Billy off back home and he and Rachel drive off. Billy watches the car leave him behind. He thinks back to when Dirk had broken up with Rachel. Billy wants to be glad that they are back together and happy. “I can’t feel jealous. Dirk is a friend.”

Billy walks around for a bit and then goes in where his mother is waiting. “Did the trip help?”

“Do you remember a girl by the name of Olivia Destone?”

“Vaguely. She was a wild girl. Bess didn’t like her. Bess mainly didn’t like her because she totally hated George Destone.”

“I apparently was friends with her and Tommy. When I was ten I did drugs with her and I don’t remember. I think I should not want to remember, but it scares me that I don’t remember.” Billy paces in front of his mother. “I hope Bess doesn’t become more involved with Hutch Cassidy. Olivia warned me not to trust him. Do you remember him from around Rockdale?”

“Not really. I will call Mary Aghar and see what she says.” Maureen calls Mary Aghar. “Hey honey.” … “Look. Do you remember Hutch Cassidy from the Rockdale days?” … “Yes. Bess and Billy went to Clarise’s funeral.” … “So you only know him from New York. He apparently was around Rockdale back in the days of when you know what all was going on.” … “I don’t know if there is a connection between him and Ralph Shath and George Destone or not.” … “What about Olivia Destone? Did you know her?” … “I don’t know. I will talk to you later. Bye.”

“Rachel and Dirk just walked in. I guess they will fill her in about your day.”

“It is early but I am going to bed. Goodnight.”

Maureen watches Billy go to bed at 7:00 PM. She is worried about her son but she does not know what to do. This day she had made her own trip to Rockdale. She had gone to Rockdale to find the grave of Tommy Harris. She found the grave all grown up and she had spent the day pulling up weeds and picking out flowers to put on the grave. The boy had known what Billy had done but had not turned Billy in. She felt gratitude toward this boy that she had not known. The only way she knew to thank Tommy Harris was to tend to his grave.

Maureen goes to the kitchen to fix herself a sandwich. She considers that Billy probably hasn’t eaten anything but she does not go to wake and nag him about not eating. Suddenly she feels a chill. A knife she has laid down slides off the counter and on to the floor. She now seriously wants to get Billy back out of bed but not for his sake but because she is spooked. She shakes her head and laughs at herself as she bends down to pick up the knife. Picking the knife up she sees a reflection in the metal of the knife. She sees someone standing behind her and she feels a hand on her shoulder. She quickly straightens up and turns around but no one is there.
Maureen screams, “Billy!”

Billy jumps out of bed and grabs a baseball bat as he goes to check on his mother. He thinks there might be a burglar in the house. Running into the kitchen, Billy sees his mother is as pale as a ghost. Maureen tells Billy, “There was a spook in this kitchen.
There was a haunt. I am not crazy. I saw the reflection of a ghost in the knife.”

Billy feels a chill at his mother’s words. Billy changes the subject. “I think I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Billy puts the bat aside.”

“You don’t believe me.”

“Doesn’t matter. I mean what are you going to do? Call ghost busters.”

Maureen slaps at Billy and laughs. She gets a drink and takes her sandwich to the living room to eat. Billy fixes himself a sandwich and joins his mother in the living room.

“I went to Tommy Harris’ grave today. It was all grown up. It was a mess. I cleaned it up and put flowers on it.”

“Good. I am glad you thought to do that. So neither Clarice nor Jimmy were going to their brother’s grave. That is sad.”

“They were Catholic. Because he killed himself he was not buried on consecrated grounds.” Maureen thinks a second and adds, “He was buried with us sinful Baptist.”

“That isn’t really an excuse for them not maintaining his grave.”

“No. Course, Clarice is now also dead. That is a pretty good excuse.”

Support by buying Bare Detectives: Judy’s Missing Boyfriend or one of my other ebooks.


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Chapter Five – Billy Bingo: The Forgotten Past

Billy Bingo: The Forgotten Past

Chapter Five

[List of All Chapters]

Support by buying Bare Detectives: Judy’s Missing Boyfriend or one of my other ebooks.

After Bess went to bed, Billy and Sammy fell asleep on Bess’s sleep sofa while watching “17 Again.” Morning comes early for Bess and she stumbles out of her bedroom to see Sammy laying cuddled with her brother. They are fully dressed and Bess knows they’d fallen asleep together watching the movie but still Bess feels a little jealous wishing for someone she might cuddle with.

Bess shakes her brother. “You two better wake up before mom and dad get up.”

Frank and Maureen Bingo call to Bess from the breakfast nook. Maureen tells Bess, “I hope you don’t mind that we hit your pantry to cook breakfast. There is plenty for you.”

Frank adds, “We’ll restock your pantry before we go back to Georgia.”

With a slight hangover Bess enters the kitchen and sits down.

Maureen gets a plate down and pulls out some silverware for Bess. “I love your place. It is so cozy.”

Frank points to the living room. “So who is the young man dry humping your brother?”

“That is Sammy Way. His parents are the ones who were hosting the party we went to last night. He came back with us to watch a movie and eat pizza.”

Maureen shrugs. “Well. They make a nice couple.”

“Yeah, Billy started the party with a woman by the name of Sylvia who tried to drown him and ended the night with Sammy. That is my brother.”

Maureen screams, “Tried to drown Billy! Why?”

“I don’t know. Billy thinks it was just a prank of some kind.”

Frank intentionally does not want to seem alarmed by what has just been said and winks at Bess. “So, how was your night. Did you meet some young man?”

“Believe it or not, at one point, Sammy was flirting with me.”

Maureen smiles. “You will meet someone but the way Sammy was humping at Billy while they slept I wouldn’t really count on Sammy being that someone.”

Bess plays with the eggs on her plate and then takes a bite. “The good ones are always gay, married, dead, or all three.”

“What?” Maureen worries about her daughter. “You will meet someone.”

Billy and Sammy wander into the kitchen. Maureen stands up to get two more plates and silverware to set the table.

“That bacon smells good,” Sammy tells Bess.

“Yeah, mom makes a pretty mean breakfast,” Bess tells Sammy.

As Billy and Sammy sit down, Maureen ask Billy, “What is this about some girl trying to drown you.”

“I guess it was a prank. I don’t know.” Billy isn’t about to tell his mother that someone tried to kill him.

Maureen and Frank both know that if Billy suspected Ralph Shath is involved he wouldn’t say so in front of Bess. They wonder but they don’t press the subject for fear they might say something they should not.

There is a sudden, loud, knock at the door. Everyone jumps but it is Bess who jumps up to answer the door. “Hardly anyone ever visits me, much less this early,” Bess says to her visiting company who are sitting in the kitchen as she hurries to the door. When she opens the door, her heart sinks. There are two policemen staring at her and she feels like a mute unable to say anything.

“May we speak to Bess Bingo?” one of the officers ask.

Bess’ heart races. She feels faint. Still, she manages to get the words out, “I am Bess Bingo.”

“Hutch Cassidy says that he was out at the pool with you, your brother, and Sammy when he thinks his wife left the party.”


Support by buying Bare Detectives: Judy’s Missing Boyfriend or one of my other ebooks.



Billy has been listening and comes to the door. “I am Billy Bingo. He was with us. There was an incident at the pool where someone had hit me over the head and threw me into the pool. Just a prank. But I lost my cellphone and he was helping us to look for it.”

“I see. Someone hit you over the head and throws you into the pool and you call that a prank and not attempted murder.”

“When I regained consciousness I was laying partially in the pool and my arms and head were out of the pool. My hair was wet so at some point I was submerged but I don’t think anyone was trying to kill me. Someone probably saved me. I didn’t know anyone other than my sister at the party so who would have a motive. Just drunks trying to pull a prank is what I think.”

The other officer ask, “Can we come in?”

Bess nods. “Why was Hutch Cassidy talking to two policemen, I mean, talking to you?”

“He told us that you have been very friendly with his wife. I think you should sit down.”

Bess starts shaking as she walks with the police officers to a chair. Billy watches his sister and the police officers. Frank, Maureen, and Sammy walk to the living room and stand behind the chair where Bess is seated.

One of the police officers ask Billy, “Did you see Clarice at the party?”

“I am from Georgia and am just visiting my sister. I don’t really know anyone but I did see a woman that was identified to me as Clarice. I was dancing with Sylvia Trundle in the Ballroom and she pointed Clarice out to me in conversation.” Billy considers the voices he heard outside the pool house but does not mention what he heard.

“You didn’t have a fight with Clarice in the pool house. She is not the one who hit you over the head and threw you into the pool?”

“I didn’t have fight with Clarice. I don’t know who hit me over the head and threw me into the pool. I went to the pool house with Sylvia Trundle against my better judgement. I thought we were going to have sex.”

“I see.”

Sammy speaks up. “While we were searching for Billy’s cellphone, Billy found my father’s revolver under the sofa. It should have been in a locked drawer. That was odd.”

“We may need that revolver.”

“Sure.” Sammy looks at Billy and looks at Bess. “What has happened?”

“Where did you go after you left the party?”

Billy sits down on the fold out bed. Sammy sits next to him. Sammy tells the officer, “Bess, Billy, and I went to get pizza, beer, and rent a movie at the Shastaria. We came back here. Bess went to bed. Billy and I fell asleep watching the movie. Their parents were already in bed when we came in. Earlier, before Hutch Cassidy went to look for his wife he said he would call us. We thought they might come here to join us but he never called.”

“At their home Hutch Cassidy found his wife shot.”

Bess cries, “Oh God. Is she at the hospital? Is she going to be okay?”

“She was already dead when the paramedics arrived.”

The other police officer looks at Billy. “I think it would be good if you file a police report on what happened to you last night and that be investigated as a separate crime. It is possible the two crimes are connected.”

“I guess I can do that. As angry as I felt last night after it happened, I don’t really want Sylvia or her boyfriend Kane Bishop prosecuted.” Billy looks at Bess. “I used very bad judgement. I’ll be going home to Georgia but my sister lives here and will be dealing with the people who were at the party.”

“I understand. Do you think there is any reason to believe that what happened to you is in anyway connected to the murder of Clarice Cassidy?”

“I don’t know. I know I went out to the pool house with Sylvia. I don’t know why Sylvia left me there and I don’t know who the two people were who attacked me after she left. I figured it was Sylvia and her boyfriend. They were laughing when I came back into the Ballroom.”

Sammy shakes his head. “I also laughed. You were comical the way you made your wet entrance. Even Bess laughed at one point. I mean, Sylvia obviously lured you out there but I don’t know about Kane.” Sammy suddenly bows his head and strains to control his emotions. “I can’t believe someone killed Clarice. It seems unreal.” Sammy looks up and stares at Bess. The image of her kissing Hutch flashes in his mind but he doesn’t say anything about it.

“Clarice’s brother Tommy either committed suicide or was murdered back in Rockdale, Georgia. Now she has been murdered. It can’t be a coincidence, can it?” Bess looks at her mother and then her father. “Could her death be connected to the death of Tommy Harris and George Destone?”

Billy remembers the muffled woman’s voice. “I am sure that Leg Man has the tape that can prove who killed my brother. Leave me alone. I want to go talk with him.” He realizes the woman had to be Clarice. He starts to tell the police but he doesn’t. He has his own secret from the police to protect.

Maureen shakes her head as she glances at Billy. “Darling, I don’t know. George’s death was over ten years ago.”

“At the party I was showing some changes I had made in my play to Clarice. Then she was showing a page to Kane Bishop while I was showing some pages to David Jenkins. I was so busy trying to get David Jenkins interested in the play I didn’t much pay attention to Clarice.”

Neither of the police officers know what Bess is talking about. One receives a call just as he is about to question Bess. The Officer is told on the phone that a suspect has been caught trying to sell a couple of items that were taken from the Cassidy home for drug money. They are told to return to the station.

“We are sorry for the loss of your friend and if our questions have made your grief worse. Apparently the killer is a junkie. He killed her trying to get money for a fix is what the chief detective thinks.”

Sammy questions the officer. “Did he kidnap her from our party and take her back to the Cassidy Home?”

“We understand your concern but we don’t know. We intend to continue the investigation.” With that the police officers leave.

Sammy Way says his goodbyes and leaves. Bess prepares to go check on Hutch Cassidy. Billy changes clothes to prepare to go with his sister. Together they go to the Cassidy home. Hutch is sitting in the backyard trying to paint while he cries. When he sees Bess and Billy he puts down his brush and stands up.

“I don’t understand this. I just don’t understand,” Hutch tells Bess. “We were at the party together. Why did she come back here? It doesn’t make sense.”

Billy watches Hutch and notices a look that Hutch directs toward him. It is an odd look that Billy can’t quite read, other than it unnerves him.

“I don’t know. I don’t know what to tell you. The police say a Junky did it.” Bess hugs Hutch and Hutch glances over her shoulder at Billy with what Billy considers another strange look.

“I know that is what they are saying, but I know the young man. She knew the young man. He was clean. He was off drugs. They find him trying to sell a few of our items for drug money right after he has been shot up with heroin. I talked with a friend at the police station. He agrees. It doesn’t make sense. Joe Bigby would not have killed Clarice. Why would she leave me at the party? Joe Bigby wouldn’t be on that side of town where the party was. He wouldn’t have kidnapped her from the party.”

“I know Joe Bigby. Clarice was worried that he was about to self destruct. Still.”

“Do you think he did it?”

“I don’t know.”

Billy remains quiet while watching his sister and Hutch. To Billy, something does not feel right.

“Can you help me pick out a dress to bury her in?” Hutch ask Bess.


Hutch, Bess, and Billy walk up to Clarice’s bedroom. The smell of jasmine is strong in the bedroom. Billy guesses that lots of people might wear that perfume but he can’t help but remember that jasmine was the perfume he smelled at the pool.

“I smell jasmine in the air,” Billy comments.

“Clarice loves, loved that fragrance.”

Bess opens the closet to look at Clarice’s many dresses. Tears stream down her face. She pulls one dress from the rack and takes a quick look at it. She then puts it back on the rack.

Billy notices a box of pictures on the bed. Billy points to the pictures. “I guess your memories are important at a time like this.”

“She had been going through the pictures. Some are of her brother and other people.

Billy is shocked to see a picture of the junk car that he had driven to run George Destone and Ralph Shath down. Next to the picture of the car Billy sees a torn out Catalog page of the costume he had worn so that he looked like a small Moslem Woman. Then Billy notices a sketch pad off to the side. Billy picks up the sketch pad.

“That sketch pad belonged to Clarice’s brother, Tommy. You remember Tommy, don’t you?”

Hutch is speaking to Billy but Bess answers. “I wasn’t part of that circle of people.”

Billy flips through the pages. “He was very talented.” Then Billy comes to the last page that isn’t blank. On that page is a sketch of himself when he was ten and wearing the costume. Billy quickly closes the pad.

Bess pulls a black dress from the closet. “I think this is the dress for the …” Bess can’t finish her sentence.

“Yes. That one. I remember that one.” Hutch takes the dress from Bess and they leave the room.

They do not pay much attention that Billy is still standing with the sketch pad. He quickly flips to the sketch of himself and rips it from the pad. He sticks the page with the drawing down his pants to hide it. Billy is just about to make a quick exit from the room when Hutch stops him.

Hutch walks forward to cause Billy to walk backwards into the room. “Bess has gone to do some work on the dress.” Hutch walks Billy all the way back against a wall. He puts his arms on both sides of Billy. “Leg Man! Leg Man, what happened to my wife?”

“Why do you call me Leg Man?” Billy knows Clarice was also outside the pool house and talked about someone called the Leg Man. “I am pretty sure it was your wife that I heard outside the pool house. I think it was her because of the smell of jasmine in the pool area and also she said that she was sure that the Leg Man has the tape that can prove who killed her brother. She was talking to someone who I gather from things said had stopped her and was hurting her.”

“Leg Man, do you have the tape?”

“I don’t know why you are calling me the Leg Man. I don’t know anything about a tape.” Billy pushes Hutch away. “And hell, as far as I know, you could have been the one your wife was talking with outside the pool house.”

“It wasn’t me.”

“I don’t know that. I think it was Kane Bishop. That is what I think, but I don’t know. I only think it was your wife talking because of her mentioning the death of her brother which Bess had already mentioned to me. There was also the smell of jasmine in the pool area.”

“Look! Leg Man, now is not the time for your games.”

“Stop called me the Leg Man. I don’t know who the Leg Man is, but it isn’t me.”

“Joseph Face, Raymond Bing, Tommy Harris, Olivia Destone, Clark Bishop, George Destone, and myself were the only ones who knew your identity but you are the Leg Man. When you were being Billy with kids your own age, you’d keep your hair in a cap or in a pony tail tucked down your shirt. You wear your hair visibly long now, which is more like the way the Leg Man wore his hair. Back then, other than our little gang, most people did not connect you with being the Leg Man. There was just a few of us who knew. Because you were tall for your age you could pass for someone older and when you passed you were the Leg Man.”

“You’ve got me confused with someone else.”

“Man, I know that Billy Bingo and the Leg Man are one and the same person. Leg Man was a nick name we had for you when you were different. When you were the Leg Man you dressed older and behaved older. Your leg holster was known by a crowd and they would call you the Leg Man because that revolver and leg holster was your creed. The police knew of the Leg Man and at one point suspected the Leg Man as the driver of the car and of George’s death but the police never learned that you are the Leg Man. Those of us in the know did not want you to be arrested for killing George Destone.” Hutch hesitates. He stares at Billy. “But if Clarice confronted you with knowing who killed her brother and you killed her to protect yourself or someone else, by God I will make your ass fry.”


Support by buying Bare Detectives: Judy’s Missing Boyfriend or one of my other ebooks.



With his back against the wall, Billy slides down to the floor. “I remember driving the car that killed George Destone. I have other hazy memories from that period of time. I don’t remember what you are telling me.”

Hutch Cassidy stares at Billy. “You and I were friends. I was much older, but we were friends.”

“I don’t remember.”

Hutch turns around and sits down next to Billy. “Sylvia Trundle and Kane Bishop are evil. They may now attend all the A list parties but they were evil in the old days and they are still evil.”

“Did I know them in the past?”

“You crossed paths a couple of times, maybe even more.”

“I don’t remember.”

Hutch stands up and helps Billy to stand up. “I guess you don’t.”

Billy and Hutch go down stairs and to the kitchen where Bess is. Bess fixes tea for them to drink. Together, Billy and Hutch sit silently. Dirk Jenkins and Rachel Aghar enter the kitchen through the door to the kitchen from the backyard.

Dirk pats Hutch on the back. “I know we are competitors but Clarice and I were friends. When Rachel and I heard, we wanted to come here. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I understand. Clarice had many friends.”

Rachel sits down between Hutch and Billy at the table. “We are your friend also. If you need us for anything, please do not hesitate to ask.”

Dirk sits down next to Billy. “I saw you at the party last night after you went swimming with your clothes on.”

Bess pours tea for everyone. She says nothing as she sits down next to Hutch. They all sip their tea in uncomfortable silence.

Billy excuses himself from the table telling everyone he needs to stretch his legs. He walks to the living room and stares at a painted portrait of Clarice. Dirk walks up next to Billy. “That is a self-portrait. She was a very talented woman. I will miss her.”

“Do you have any idea what happened at the party last night,” Billy ask.

“What do you mean?”

“Sylvia Trundle lured me out to the pool house to have sex. She vanished and I was hit over the head. Naked, unconscious, I was thrown into the pool.”

“All I know is when you came back into the ballroom all wet. I didn’t realize something that serious had happened to you. You should have called the police.”

“When I regained consciousness there was the smell of jasmine in the air.”

“Clarice’s fragrance. She was at the pool?”


Rachel comes into the living room. “Bess is acting like she doesn’t even know me. I know it has been over ten years but still we were close at one point.”

“A friend has died. I am sure she will be glad to see you when she is not so upset.” Billy picks up a picture of Tommy on the mantel. The young man in the picture seems familiar but Billy can’t quite place him. “Do you remember Tommy Harris?”

Rachel takes the picture from Billy and looks at it. “He was kind of shy around me. The few friends he had were stoners. There was this one dude that was friends with Tommy. God he scared me. He was called the Leg Man. They may have used more than pot. I don’t know. Bess totally disliked Tommy. I am surprised Bess is friends with Clarice. In school they didn’t like one another either.”

Dirk takes the picture from Rachel. “People change. What is he doing now?”

Billy clears his throat. “He is dead. He died some time after George Destone. It was reported as suicide by hanging.”

“God. Clarice and Tommy were twins. That had to have been awful for her. Mom had already moved me away from Rockdale before any of that happened.” Rachel shakes her head. “I didn’t know. There was so much I didn’t know that was happening.”

* * *

Billy stares at the body of Clarice in the open coffin. A man about Billy’s age walks up beside Billy. They look at one another and the man speaks, “Someone told me that you are Billy Bingo. We played together as children. Well, you’d come over to my house and sometimes you’d stay and play and sometimes you’d sneak home.”

“Harris. Jimmy Harris.”

“Clarice is my sister.”

“I didn’t realize. Tommy and Clarice were your older brother and sister. I saw a picture of Tommy and I didn’t remember.”

Jimmy smiled. “Remember once when Tommy took us swimming.”

Billy’s eyes widened. “I think I do. He threw me in the deep end and I thought I was going to drown but then I started dog paddling. How could I forget him? Tommy taught me to swim!”

“If you want to know what a small world it is, I was the cab driver who drove you and your sister to the party at the Way Mansion. My sister and I haven’t spoken in years. I didn’t even know she was at that party.”

“I am so sorry for your loss. Are your parents here? I loved your mom’s apple pie.”

Jimmy frowns. “No. Clarice and I were the only ones left. Now there is just me.”

Billy wanted to ask Jimmy why he and Clarice were estranged but he thought asking would be improper. There are people waiting for the viewing of the coffin and so Billy and Jimmy walk away from the coffin. As they turn to go down one of the pew aisles, Billy sees Sylvia Trundle sitting next to Kane Bishop. He wants to ask her a few questions but doesn’t want to make a scene at the church. Still, he sits down in the empty spot next to Sylvia.

“I would like to talk with you outside, if that is okay,” Billy whispers to Sylvia.

Jimmy continues walking down the aisle. He looks back at Billy sitting next to Sylvia. Jimmy takes a seat toward the back of the church to sit alone.

Sylvia and Billy stand up. Kane Bishop follows as they walk out of the church and toward the parking lot. Bess notices Billy leaving the church with Sylvia. She prays he is not about to make a scene.

Billy is polite when he ask Sylvia. “What happened at the party?”

Kane Bishop speaks up, “I saw Sylvia and you go to the pool house. I used my camera that has night vision to follow you. Inside the pool house I pulled Sylvia away from you. As I was doing that she grabbed up all the clothes. Outside she got back dressed and I threw your clothes into the pool. Neither one of us know anything about who hit you over the head or threw you into the pool. That is what we told the police. That is the truth.”

Sylvia shakes her head. “I am sorry. I don’t know what happened to you in the pool house. I am sorry I took you out there.”

“Sylvia and I have an open relationship. I don’t know why I acted all jealous.”

“Did either of you see Clarice around the pool area?”

Sylvia and Kane stare at one another. Kane speaks, “I didn’t see her but I told Sylvia that I smelled Clarice’s perfume when I went to a bush to pee. Sylvia was getting dressed on the other side of the pool deck and didn’t notice the smell. I did though. I fully expected Clarice to be standing behind me when I got a whiff of that smell but no one was there.”

“I smelled jasmine when I regained consciousness at the pool.” Billy shakes his head and shrugs. “I appreciate the two of you talking with me.” Billy didn’t expect for them to be honest with him and of course there was no way that he could make them be honest. Still, he wanted to know their version of the night and now he had it. Billy doubts he has been told the truth. “I guess my parents and I will be going home in a few days. When you two are back in Georgia, look me up.”

“We will be going back to Georgia and back to work.” Sylvia cocks her head at Billy. “Would it be wrong to ask for hug?”

Kane pats Billy on the back. “Give the woman a hug.”

Billy hugs Sylvia and pats her on the back as Sammy walks up. “Can I sit with you and Bess. I don’t really know too many people here.” Sammy stares at Sylvia. “That is people that I like.”

“Sure. I need to go find Bess and then I want us to find Jimmy Harris.”

They all walk from the parking lot back into the church. Billy and Sammy find Bess and then they find Jimmy Harris still sitting on the back row. They sit down with Jimmy.
“Sis had lots of friends.” It is not so certain whether there is pride or resentment in his voice when he mentions his observation.

Bess nods and takes a kerchief from her pocketbook.

Sammy whispers to Billy. “You were hugging Sylvia.”

“They were pretending to be friendly.”

“You believe them?”

Bess whispers, “I believe them. Sylvia is a friend.”

Sammy stands up and starts to get up to go sit somewhere else. Billy takes his arm and stops him. “After the funeral I’d like to go get a beer with you and Jimmy.”

“Okay.” Sammy sits back down.

Bess shakes her head. “You are not old enough to drink in New York.”

“I am not old enough to drink in Georgia either. What is your point? I am not planning on us going somewhere and getting plastered.”

After the funeral Billy, Sammy, and Jimmy go to O’Heno for pizza, beer, and to play a game of pool. Then Billy goes back to Bess’ Apartment where his parents are already getting ready for the trip back home to Georgia. Their parents retire to bed and Billy and Bess sit halfway watching TV.

“I had fun with Sammy and Jimmy. I didn’t remember that Jimmy’s brother and sister were Tommy and Clarice.”

“I didn’t much like Clarice while we were going to school but here she was friend. She was much smarter and talented than I realized while we were in school.”

“Rachel was kind of hurt the way you were at the Cassidy home.”

“My friend had just died.”

“I know. Maybe some time the two of you can get together under more pleasant circumstances.” Billy pauses and moves closer to Bess. “I also would like for us to spend more time together. I wish you would consider moving back to Georgia.”

“My home is here.” Bess stands up. “Billy, it has been good seeing you this last week. Even if not under the best of circumstances, I am glad you were with me. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” Billy gets up to fold the bed out. He then collapses into it without changing out of his clothes.


Support by buying Bare Detectives: Judy’s Missing Boyfriend or one of my other ebooks.
