Propaganda sheets continue to try to paint the economy better than it is as the FED plans to begin pulling money out of circulation even as the government (local as well as federal) policies are set to create artificial inflation in the economy that has nothing to do with the money supply.
Ex. Cost of Obamacare spread through economy
Ex. Increases in minimum wage
Ex. Cost of regulations
Though the propaganda sheets try to paint the economy as better than it is, there is some anecdotal evidence that the economy is improving. I know people who were having hard times around last Christmas but they have been making money this summer. Unfortunately some do not realize a summer does not an economy make since historically businesses use summer for housekeeping projects, inventory builds and the like. Also there is the tourist money that tends to pick the economy up during the summer. The economy this summer was also helped by gas prices remaining reasonable.
Anyway, so the labor number is given by the propaganda sheets to suggest all is well with the world. And that would be nice.
Still you have to look at this:

The Labor Participation rate continues to decline.
There are 64,719,000 people on Social Security.
There are 318.9 million people in the United States.
Over 90 million Americans who are working age, between 16 and over, are not working or looking for work. The total U.S. population age 16 and over is at least 243 million.
While the Obama administration has been doing little more than Fiddling, excuse me, Playing Golf, the FED has been doing all they can to keep a structurally flawed economy afloat but the broken economy is still broken.
When the propaganda sheets focus on a largely archaic and misleading unemployment number it doesn’t really do much to encourage political leaders to get off their ass and deal with the structural flaws in the economy.
Structural Problem:
Income Inequality due to economic centralism & too few businesses monopolizing too much of the economy. Economic Centralism is the flaw that brought the Soviet Union down. One player owning too much property is what brings the game of Monopoly to the its inevitable conclusion.
States make it too hard for self-employed workers to enter and leave the marketplace.
Pretending to support education while allowing the elite to horde intellectual property. The system should allow inventors to make money from their invention but at the same time allow small business to learn and use that technology.
And the biggest structural flaw of the economy … drum roll please … is having a debt based currency rather than a product based currency. Federal Governments should NOT have debt. And I do not say that to suggest an insane Balanced Budget Amendment when we have a debt based currency.
I mean there should be a product bank where businesses can deposit by auction products for currency. Other businesses may in turn take that currency and bid on products in that bank. And the government’s entire source of revenue should be a 20% fee collected in those auctions. If the government needs more money than that provides it should not be able to tax the money or borrow the money but go ahead and deflate the value of the currency by printing the currency, but still have the currency backed by the products in its product bank … NOT DEBT / IOUS.