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Front Page 12-6-2020 FrontPage

Articles Added:

Does the Electric Car Industry Explain Our Broken Economy


Registration is currently turned on.

Registration is free.

No valid e-mail address is required.  Just use something like


I’ve added the next episode, Episode 14, of Hearthville Serial.  To download from store you will need to register.  It is quick and simple.  You do not have to use a real email address.  The download cost 1 SayToken.  You receive 5 SayTokens each day that you visit when registered and signed in.  You can also earn SayTokens by clicking certain links.  Note that  all you have to do is create a user name, give a fake email address, create a password and you will be set.  Do make a note and remember your user name and password.


Been looking at kboards.  It appears a lot of writers who previously had some sales to good sales are now struggling.  They have theories.  They always have theories.  I did not see where anyone suggested how hated Jeff Bezos and Big Tech is right now is causing part of their problems.  Someone did suggest how the once popular Social Media sites are being avoided by many people and so those ads have become next to worthless.

There was also a thread about audible, which I’ve never used and have no idea about, where people have been having trouble getting their books approved.  There was some suggestion about people scamming the system and so Amazon had to increase the manual reviews before publishing.  Then someone scratched their head and asked why that would apply to established writers they know are not scamming the system.  Obviously, the problem has to do with Amazon’s increase in political and Covid related censorship.  But hey, let us not mention that in the thread.

Yes.  I still promote Amazon.  I shop at Amazon.  And I will continue to do so until that is no longer an option, or I have had enough with their BS.

But Jeff Bezos and Big Tech hating the American and British people is becoming a fucking problem.  And you may have noticed the more successful writers on Amazon, when you see them in social media, are pretty much all leftist dickheads.  Of course there are exceptions–more in non-fiction–but it has to make you wonder if Amazon’s system uses an indie writer’s “social credit score” to at least partially determine how they are treated in organic search & also boughts & other ways that can either help or kill a writer’s potential for success.

Now, please do not read what I am suggesting and think, “Wow, all have to do is become a leftist dickhead–improve my social credit score–to become a writing success.”  The last thing this planet needs is more leftist dickheads.

In some ways I am liberal, but mostly I lean libertarian.  Regardless, I was born Southern and I will die Southern and that causes me to be hated by both the ignorant left and the ignorant right.  I am okay with that.  There are worse things than being hated.   And I will always stand up for the South!!!


Erotic Domination of Planet Earth: Man In The Painting

I have begun adding chapters that can be sampled online.


Please note that I have turned registration off.

Chuck @ sayata

What social media platforms am I on?

None really. I have not gone on Facebook in well over a year.  I’ve been posting on twitter but my sticky tweet is “bye.”  I put that up November 6.  I’ve tweeted since then but after the election, I went on a blocking tirade.  In addition a lot of people I followed on twitter have been suspended or have abandoned the platform.  The behavior of Jack Dorsey has been unforgivable.   That is the bottom line.

But what about the Indie Platforms such as Parler, Gab, and such?  I have not joined them.  The social media platform to me is over.  Twitter started out promoting free speech and we’ve seen what it turned into.  Patreon started out one thing and became something else.

I don’t say I will never join an alternative social media platform but I need to spend more time working on my websites.

I’ve thought about joining bitchute but I don’t know.

12-6-2020 Unscramble the words:

  1.  dddea
  2. ddowlona
  3.  eenb
  4. yreoht
  5. iitvs
  6. maevrl
  7. edtesggus

12-9-2020 – answers

1. added
2. download
3. been
4. theory
5. visit
6. marvel
7. suggested

11-15-2020 Unscramble the words:

  1. lvei
  2. depensusd
  3. tawh
  4. smfortalp
  5. mecabe



  1. live, evil, or veil are correct.  There may be others but all I see.
  2. suspended is correct
  3. what is correct
  4. platforms is correct
  5. became is correct

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There is a US coin shortage. No run on the banks is expected.

There is a US coin shortage. The shortage is probably from a combination of where people are not taking their coins to the machines to turn into paper money and also people are using cash more and credit/debit cards less. There has been around a 30% reduction in credit card usage since medical crisis began.

Continue reading There is a US coin shortage. No run on the banks is expected.

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Front Page 1-22-2020

Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Ditches A Feature That’s Been Annoying You For Years –
Ubuntu is removing the Amazon Icon


when Canonical’s upcoming Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Long-Term Support) release lands this April, that Amazon icon will be no more. “It was just a low-impact way for people to passively donate to Ubuntu without actually having to do anything but shop at Amazon,” Pope says.

Well, it hasn’t been annoying me for years. On the computer where I have Ubuntu, I have not updated in forever. The update became broken and so I just stopped updating. And so I never had that on Ubuntu. But I am getting ready to update, maybe, perhaps, I am thinking about it.

But what Ubuntu is doing got me to thinking about what I am doing here on Would people rather me go to a paid subscription system or a paid tip system rather than what I have been doing with the amazon advertisement / affiliate link tip system and trying to get people to buy my eBooks. Do the ads do more to piss people off than to get them to contribute to support my content?

Most of my links do not have pixels and so I don’t really share that much data with amazon, even accidentally. But of course people don’t know or understand that. I think with Ubuntu people had the idea that Ubuntu was sharing data with amazon.

I don’t really have that high of a registration / return rate. So my traffic level is part of my problem.

I don’t know. Is Unbuntu on to something that I don’t understand.???

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Front Page 1-7-2020

Twitter: I am back adding content to twitter. I am not going to stick to the 4 tweet rule. I was going to end up getting marked as a spammer is about all I was going to accomplish from what I was doing, even though I was limiting myself to 4 tweets.

Topics: Neil Peart, the drummer and lyricist of progressive rock band Rush, has died, US Economy Adds 145,000 jobs in December. Why I don’t think it is a good number. – What do I think about state governments going after big tech. – Trivia/Facts: How many fire stations are there in the USA? – How markets are reacting to Iran Missile Launches against bases in Iraq. – Twitter to experiment with limiting replies in effort to combat online abuse – This, that, humor.

Tweeted 3 of 4, 1 remains.

[contentcards url=”” target=”_blank”]

Tweeted 2 of 4, 2 remain.

[contentcards url=”” target=”_blank”]

Continue reading Front Page 1-7-2020

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Front Page 1/3/2020

Front Page

Day 1/3/2020

I have put “Erotic Western: Saving The Town” back into Kindle Select / Kindle Unlimited.
Month: Year:
« Prev February 2025 Next »
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
A Free Day Is Scheduled for 1/5/2020 Total Giveaways = 2Update 5:00 to 6:00 PM EST
Still, Total Giveaways = 2Update 8:02 PM
Total Giveaways = 4

Update 10:15 PM
Total Giveaways = 5

Next Update: 1/6/2020

Total Giveaway = 5

After January 5, 2020 I will see how the give away goes before I decide on whether I will put any more of my eBooks back into Kindle Select / Unlimited. It will also determine whether I will publish any more eBooks on KDP. Because “Erotic Western: Saving The Town” did generate some sales at one time I figured it was a good eBook to act as a canary in the coal mine. As some of you may know I have not had any eBook sales since April of 2019.
I am continuing the say unit tip system. If I can schedule the time I plan to start back doing youtube videos. For right now the Hearthville Serial will continue as part of the goals for the say units.

[contentcards url=”” target=”_blank”]

If you follow on me on twitter…  That
statement is almost a joke because I don’t think anyone really does.  Regardless, I am pretty
much finished there.All I am going do is link to my website up to 4x’s a day there and that
is it.  I am not contributing any more content there. I am finished.And to be honest, part of the content I have been putting there has not been good. Like for example I was going to do a joke if Democrats were to become the D word because being called a Democrat is quickly becoming an insult. Well, obviously, if you happen to be a Democrat that is not very funny. And that kind of stuff does not help me.

In my defense though, if you are sitting there reading ultra liberal Democrat crazy shit on twitter trending topics, it is enough to cause one’s head to explode. I am not doing that any more either.

Tweets Used Today 1//6/2020 = 0 of 4
Updated: 11:11 AM EST
What am I politically? I believe in the social safety net. I believe there is a role for government but limited. I believe there is a role for large corporations but limited. I tend to support indie movements and small business. I am a strong supporter of free speech. I am tend to be basically libertarian but not to the extreme. I am an Independent.

I have nothing against world travelers who respect the indigenous/local people and do not try to steal from them or push them out. But I dislike Carpetbaggers and Globalists who act as invaders and attempt to make the locals their bitches.

I believe strongly in the free enterprise system. I think Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism are all bullshit terms to confuse the masses and to try to help the “Feudal Lords” to stop their indebted slaves from rebelling. I think all three terms are used by lying politicians to fool the masses. History shows all three terms mean very little to the actual policies the political leaders have executed against their populations.

For example, lying Democrats today are attempting to use the promise of free stuff under the auspices of socialism to execute the biggest government theft from the private sector, rich and poor alike, in the history of the universe … all to the benefit of the oligarchs/feudal lords who in truth just pass the government thefts they are forced to pay on to their customers while the oligarchs/feudal lords benefit from the government contracts and massive spending and the pacification of their indebted slaves.

For KDP Amazon to have passed the test 8 to 12 eBooks would have needed to have been given away.  They failed.  I love Amazon.  I will continue to promote Amazon.  I will continue to shop at Amazon.  But I will NOT publish any more eBooks with KDP Amazon unless they begin to generate paid sales.  I can’t even give eBooks away through them.  For right now I am not going to unpublish my eBooks with them but obviously I am not going to put any more eBooks into Kindle Unlimited unless there is some change.  I will leave it at that.

There may be some outdated text you will see on some posts that indicates something contrary to that because I temporarily lost my brain and I was planning to publish more with KDP and doing Kindle Unlimited with more eBooks but no.  That is not happening.

To be clear, to the people who downloaded my eBook from Amazon, thank you.  I appreciate it more than you know.

My stories will continue here.


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Why Bloomberg is running for President?

Does the man who hates guns, hates sweets, hates poor people, and hates Southerners really want to be President? Well, he might, but he is not delusional. I doubt he really thinks he stands a chance in hell–or as I like to jokingly say, “a chance in New York City”–of becoming President.

Contrary to what you might hear ad nauseam on Fox News if you leave that channel on for noise, Michael Bloomberg was really not that good of a Mayor. His stop and frisk policy was by far more racist than Trump simply wanting to protect our border. It didn’t seem to bother him when the police shot innocent people at the Empire State building in 2012 and then at first seemed to try to blame it on the shooter. Or at least the first reports by the media did.

Michael Bloomberg is not a moderate who respects the US Constitution or the concepts of freedom. He is just as radical as many of the other Democrats running for President.

So does he really think he could win?

Well, anything is possible, but many suspect the main reason he is running for President is so that he can run political ads as a Presidential Candidate and not just as a PAC. He wants to have influence in the election and if it comes down to a brokered convention, he wants influence there as well.

This is opinion. If you have a different opinion, cool.

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PG&E Fails to Have Law Holding It Liable for Billions in Wildfire Damages Thrown Out

California’s largest utility, Pacific Gas & Electric, was hosed by the courts in an effort to save its ass from liabilities in the wildfires that happened in 2017 and 2018. Most of the elite media always like to insert the phrase, “wildfires linked to PG&E’s faulty electrical power grid” but that is so freakishly misleading. Winds knock down a power line, well according to elite media, that is a failure of the power grid. Someone shoots down a power line, well, that is a failure of the power grid. Godzilla wrecks a system, well, that is a failure of the power grid.

The actual court ruling has nothing to do with the “failure of the power grid.” Rather it has to do with the law.

“The California Constitution provides that private property may be taken or damaged for a public use as long as just compensation is paid to the owner,” Montali wrote in the ruling. “This section does not mention liable parties, cost recovery, or socialization of costs. In short, the California Constitution imposes strict liability in favor of the owner of property that has been taken or damaged through a public use or purpose and does not concern itself with the rights or liabilities of (who) or what did the damage.”

PG&E failed to show a utility had “ever been denied cost recovery under this principle when they have been found prudent,” Montali added.

Pacific Gas & Electric is being held responsible for fires due to faulty equipment that many feel should have had better safety mechanisms in place. The Camp Fire in Paradise, California that burned 153 thousand acres had two separate ignition points and those ignition points suggests PG&E equipment may have caused the fires.

Continue reading PG&E Fails to Have Law Holding It Liable for Billions in Wildfire Damages Thrown Out

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Crossword Puzzle 006AB

Scrambled Letters of Words



Crossword Puzzle 006ab

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