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Why Bloomberg is running for President?

Does the man who hates guns, hates sweets, hates poor people, and hates Southerners really want to be President? Well, he might, but he is not delusional. I doubt he really thinks he stands a chance in hell–or as I like to jokingly say, “a chance in New York City”–of becoming President.

Contrary to what you might hear ad nauseam on Fox News if you leave that channel on for noise, Michael Bloomberg was really not that good of a Mayor. His stop and frisk policy was by far more racist than Trump simply wanting to protect our border. It didn’t seem to bother him when the police shot innocent people at the Empire State building in 2012 and then at first seemed to try to blame it on the shooter. Or at least the first reports by the media did.

Michael Bloomberg is not a moderate who respects the US Constitution or the concepts of freedom. He is just as radical as many of the other Democrats running for President.

So does he really think he could win?

Well, anything is possible, but many suspect the main reason he is running for President is so that he can run political ads as a Presidential Candidate and not just as a PAC. He wants to have influence in the election and if it comes down to a brokered convention, he wants influence there as well.

This is opinion. If you have a different opinion, cool.

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Walmart Now Doing Sales???

Amazon has been promoting Prime Day. It is a two day sale–July 15 and 16–with good savings.

So you may see articles talking about Walmart and other retailers doing their own sales so as to not be out done. The thing is, you do realize that sales totally went against Walmart’s original philosophy. While back in the old days, when Walmart was still just a brat on the corner trying to upend retail, you had Zayre, Kmart, Treasure Island, Woolco, W.T. Grant, Richway, Target and others that thrived off sales. We would rush to look at the Sunday’s Newspaper to see what was going to be on sale the coming week. It was also a way to see what change in merchandise was happening because the sales generally revealed new inventory. Those stores didn’t carry the same merchandise week after week. They always had something new to bring you through the door.

Then came that brat Walmart. “We are not going to do sales. We are we going to have everyday low prices. And when we need to promote a product we will call it a price rollback. We won’t call it a sale.”

So when Walmart starts talking about a sale, even if it is for their online store, it is still a pretty big change in philosophy. It is as big of a change as getting rid of their door greeters, putting up damn metal bars, pushing self check out, and having their stores with surveillance cameras that not only constantly video tape you but begin to profile you the second you walk through the door. In other words, today’s Walmart is no longer your Granny’s Walmart. It is behaving exactly the same as the retailers they put out of business. Think about it.

The change at Walmart is a HUGE opportunity for new retailers to become that friendly place Walmart used to be. Will other retailers take advantage and do it? Probably not.

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twitter has me throttled again so freak twitter

Last tweet only got 15 impression. I don’t give a dang about that. But while other websites are loading with speed, twitter is slow loading with part not loading. When that happens it generally means that one of the hate groups they have given the keys to the Mercedes to has hit the throttle button on a user. Some people think twitter is being sluggish for everyone but generally that is not true, though sometimes it is. Their servers are not always the most robust.

I am not saying I am going to stop doing twitter. I’ve said that before and then I start back tweeting.

Regardless I am not going to sit on twitter and wait 3+ minutes for a page to load. I have awful dsl so in the past I have just automatically assumed that was the cause of the slow load times. But then I started testing how other sites load when twitter is being so slow. When their load time is fast and twitter is slow and also the tweets have an extra low impression rate, that almost always means the user is being throttled and the slow load times are intentional. That means twitter is intentionally taking three minutes off my life while waiting for their freaking page to load. That is not acceptable.

So, when that is going on do not expect to see too many tweets from me. The truth is I need to spend more time putting content on my websites and less time tweeting anyway.

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Twitter is Evil

Update:  It does look like the trending topic was demoted.  It has vanished from being visible on the side.  That is a good thing. So maybe I overreacted but it was a crappy situation, and it happens too often with those top tweet list.


If I had any doubts on how evil Twitter and the Ecosystem it has established is, then those doubts were ended today.  Alabama and Georgia were devastated by tornadoes.  Both facebook and twitter intentionally demoted, if not shadow banned, content related to that devastation.  Then on twitter a trending topic developed called FEMA that blasted Trump for saying FEMA would give Alabama first rate treatment.  Actually FEMA doesn’t give anyone first rate treatment but that is a different subject.  Under the FEMA trending topic the top tweets blasted Trump for saying he would help Alabama.  The ignorant shits (I include Jack Dorsey in that number because his people seem to encourage ignorant trending topics … opinion) inserted the word whites in Alabama.  Actually blacks make up 25% of Alabama’s population.  Some of the ignorant shits suggested how the brown people of Puerto Rico had not been helped.  Actually only 12% of Puerto Ricans identify as black though most are mixed race. (Many people are mixed race in Alabama as well.)  But besides that, the Trump administration & FEMA have spent roughly $3 billion to help Puerto Rico.  But Twitter doesn’t think we Southerners deserve to be helped.

Seriously Democrats who run twitter, go fuck yourselves.

So anyway, at this point Twitter is obviously evil.   That is my opinion.






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Facebook to restrict ads based on customer feedback

This editorial contains strong opinion in which many people may rightly disagree.

Facebook is adding a new feature that allows users to leave feedback about their shopping experience after viewing a Facebook advertisement. [Will Facebook verify purchase or simply allow liberal or elite bots to kill conservative / indie businesses???] The report on the Facebook change originated from the Wall Street Journal. [The WSJ previously stirred sh*t with Facebook regarding legitimate arbitrage where people buy deals and conduct a sale to make a profit from buying low and selling high aka the free enterprise system.] The WSJ cited product marketing director Sarah Epps in their report. If a business receives a significant volume of negative feedback, the social media company will allow the business a chance to address the complaints but if feedback does not improve over time, Facebook will reduce the number of ads they can deliver and could also eventually ban them from the platform.

In some cases there have been legitimate complaints from sellers drop shipping from China. In some cases the shipping has taken too long and the products have been received in an unacceptable condition. But given this Facebook change comes three weeks after a Wall Street Journal hit piece like was done against independent, libertarian Pewdiepie one can assume the change is to promote the elite. That was the point of the hit piece against Pewdiepie. The WSJ and the elite want to help the elite (who once turned up their nose at the internet) to take over the internet in business, entertainment, and propaganda at the expense of ma & pa & junior.

The WSJ hit piece that was done against arbitrage sellers three weeks ago has already resulted in Facebook warnings to arbitrage sellers. Unlike the later WSJ article which was basically to brag about their success in getting Facebook to f the little guy, Facebook is in fact trying to work with honest sellers with negative feedback so as to help them to set more realistic customer expectations such as with shipping times. Facebook does not want to chase away advertisers but obviously they also don’t want their users to be misled or cheated.

Although the change was largely put in place because of the WSJ attack against arbitrage sellers, the change may impact local businesses as well eBook sellers and others. It will impact everyone who advertises on Facebook because there is no one who does not get some negative feedback of some kind; including the WSJ. It would be funny if they were among the first to be banned from advertising on Facebook.

Sarah Epps is trying to do a good job for everyone involved. Still, we all know how the Internet’s review/feedback system is abused from bots to competitors to weekend drunks to teens having a party to the kindly little old lady who secretly hates everyone.

This editorial contains strong opinion. If you disagree, cool.

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How Twitter Changes Will Change The Way I Use Twitter

Yeah, I am back tweeting. LOL.


Twitter has announced yet new ways on how it will allow its darling leftist hate groups to treat its other users badly.

Twitter will now use thousands of behavioral signals when filtering search, replies, and algorithmic recommendations. If it believes you are trying to game its system, or simply acting like a jerk, it will push your tweets lower down. …. buzzfeed

One of the signals will be if a user tweets to a lot of users that user has not followed.  I started to say that might be a good thing.  Then I had second thoughts.  The leftist hate groups will simply follow you before they attack you and then they will block you right after you respond to that account that you have not followed.  Even before the change to use these so called signals, blocking you with bots is how a lot of leftist hate groups have worked to hurt your account.  Being blocked by leftist bots is a signal that twitter will use to target you even more than before to push you down.

Indeed, bias twitter, thinks they have figured out how to hurt libertarians and conservatives on their platform even more.

But the thing is that people like me don’t care.  I’ve been on twitter since 2009 but for the life of me, I don’t know why except for a few users that I like and to link to stuff such as this opinion piece.   Yes, twitter is addictive to want to scream about some hash or something that you have read or seen on TV but that addiction really is not healthy.  It is not like writing a full article/editorial where you articulate in a more meaningful way on why you agree or disagree with something.  It basically makes your thinking process lazy which of course is what leftists love.  They really don’t want their advocates to fully think things out.  Leftist movements thrive on lazy, half-baked, reactionary thoughts which makes twitter perfect for them.

[Edit: I am just leaving below for reference. I am not sticking to it. #shrugs]

On twitter in the future I will probably read some users’ profiles that I like there as long as those people are tweeting.   Visiting profiles is my preferred way of reading tweets.   I may tweet links to something I have written or a video that I have done.  But will I continue to use twitter in the way that I have done in the past?  No. I will not scream thoughts on some hash or something from news or TV.  I will not debate people.  I will not engage with people; even those that I like.   Those days are over.  Twitter has turned itself into a hurtful, bully, minefield that I do not wish to navigate.  They can play all the games they want to hurt their users.  I do not care.  I will not play.

Twitter could go out of business tomorrow.  I would not care.  They have no loyalty to me.  I have no loyalty to them.   That is the way they want it.


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Vince McMahon Sells WWE stock to found Alpha Entertainment

Reports are that Alpha will be used to found a new football league and hold the intellectual property of that league. The original XFL, a joint venture between WWF and UIS television company NBC, was a brainchild in 2001 but lasted only one season. In that one season it lost $35 million.

The XFL should not be confused with the United States Football League (USFL) that lasted 3 seasons, from 1983 through 1985. The idea behind the USFL dated back to 1965.  It was the dream child of New Orleans businessman David Dixon, who saw a market for a professional football league that would play in the summer, when the National Football League and college football were in their off-season.

The XFL was conceived as an outdoor football league that would take place during the NFL off-season, and promoted as having fewer rules and encouraging rougher play than other major leagues.  Its failure was in large part due to NBC sabotaging its relationship with the WWF.  It was far different from the polished and rather plastic NFL.  It was more rough and gritty and used personalities from wrestling to promote.

If the reports are true to what is behind Vince McMahon creating the new company Alpha, this time he is separating it out from his wrestling business.  Given the change in the way content is now delivered–the networks are no longer in a position to play God–the reason can’t be totally related to his experience with NBC though that may play a part.  The XFL could provide content for youtube, amazon, facebook, twitter, its own subscription service, and so on.

To stand a chance it will have to have pay caps  offset by revenue sharing.  And with those pay caps it will have to create personalities beyond the normal skills of an NFL player.  It will have to pull from the showmanship of the WWE even if McMahon wants to keep  the XFL and the WWE separate.  Recruitment could be more like American Idol than scouting.  The recruitment can NOT be seen as rejects from the NFL but rather as men and perhaps even women who have some skill and who have a whole lot of ambition.  It can’t be seen as a cheaper plastic, but still plastic, version of the plastic–rich man’s–NFL.  The players must be people with whom the audience can identify.

Can it succeed? Yes.

Will it succeed? Well, we don’t really even know the full plans of Vince McMahon. So…  That is an open question.

But if they create an environment where everyday people think they might can play, and advance to a higher level, then yeah.  If they try to be a poser acting all NFL like, then no.




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News Round UP 10/18/2017

White men who work out at least seven-and-a-half hours a week are nearly twice as likely to suffer from heart disease than those who do a moderate amount, a new study shows. But the study may have a non-factored bias in that white men who work out too much may be trying to relieve stress from jobs, eat unhealthy at fancy restaurants and are trying to work the fat off, and so on. Men who exercised a more moderate amount did not share the 27% increase in risk to their artery system.


Roy Price resigns as Amazon Studios chief following sexual harassment allegation

From article: While Weinstein’s scandal involves more than 30 women who have accused him of harassment and assault, Price faced one accusation of harassment. But Price also faced larger questions from actress Rose McGowan, who accused the studio head on Thursday of ignoring her claims that she had been raped by Weinstein.

The following is opinion:

Here is a clue.  When you are raped, call 911.  You don’t call a studio head hoping to get a big check or get someone fired so your friend can get the job.  And no, just because actors and actresses think they are important does not mean that they are or that they can bypass the demeaning experience of proving allegations the same as poor people.  Just saying “I am proof” does not make it so.

That said:

From article:

Under California and federal law, companies are required to investigate claims of workplace harassment.

But note, accusations of rape go way beyond workplace harassment and should be reported to the law by the victim or their advocate.  Never assume the company where you work is your advocate.  How a company investigates workplace harassment or worse depends on the company and the remedy varies and may or may not be transparent since the job of a company is to get work out of employees and not to baby sit them or keep crap stirred up.

Although acting is a peculiar situation, the way companies once tried to deal with general employee situations was to simply say workers may not date or engage in sex with one another unless married.  If employees were caught dating they were both fired.  The understanding prevented some of the current situations but of course many considered the ban draconian.  Still, it was more even handed and more fair to all employees.

Just as big of a problem in the workplace is not sexual harassment but employees attempting to use sex to gain an advantage with the boss over other employees.  The rule also helped to try to prevent that unfairness.

In Hollywood that casting couch has not just been used by those in charge of casting to take advantage of people.  Perhaps just as often it has been used by people who want to get a job they would not otherwise have gotten so that too often the better actor did not get the part.  Whether fair or not, the reaction of many unemployed actors listening to the various actors aggrandize  over how they were “abused” is “yeah, we know, that is how you got the job to become rich and famous and meanwhile I am working at fast food because I am not a whore.  I would have shot his dick off and he damned well knew it.”


Windows 10 is beginning a new cycle of update hell when some of us could not update the previous version because they wanted us to do a flash upgrade on our computers.  Although some flash updates can go off without a hitch, many of us know that is not always the case.  And here is a clue Microsoft, we buy computers to actually do stuff that we need to do, not to have our bandwidth wasted and our time wasted with endless cycles of updates.  Some of us have sucky dsl and the updates are ridiculously time consuming and then they won’t even install.  Put an OS on a computer and leave it alone until we decide to buy a new computer which given the crap being sold needs to be purchased every few years anyway.

Some websites–I guess paid to promote the crapware–pretend to be all excited about the new update even though they admit part of the new OS actually degrades some previous features and apps.  The new system will support–I guess–new virtual reality headsets such as Microsoft’s HoloLens.  But will the average computer that isn’t a gaming computer actually support the feature in a meaningful way?  I don’t know.

Like I said, I haven’t even been able to install the last update to Windows 10 on this HP computer that was supposed to be a good one.  And thankfully I stuck with Windows 8.1 on my older Dell Computer which I hate just as much as this HP.  On my older Dell with Windows 8.1, at times, I actually lose the hard drive until I turn my DSL off.  I know it is some kind of IRQ conflict that develops because of something happening with the DSL but still it is WEIRD.

Fox News Poll: Roy Moore, Doug Jones neck-and-neck in Alabama Senate race

Part of it may be the endless deep state propaganda against Trump or the fact Trump didn’t support Moore. Part of it may be that while the average person in the South still has religious beliefs, those beliefs do not translate into hate. Certain issues that once might have gotten Republicans votes, such as opposition to gay marriage, now raises eyebrows. Even Moore’s wording on immigration raises flags to some Trump voters. “Use our military to protect border.” “If the wall has to be built…” And again, Trump didn’t support Moore. But as an article I read pointed out the Alabama election may not be so much about who people are voting for but who they are voting against. And to some degree, Obama and then Trump won in part because people turned out in large enough numbers to vote against Hillary.




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Excuse me, we don’t have to rethink anything

So there is an article on Yahoo from Reuters that is titled:

“Web needs rethink to stop “nasty” ideas spreading, says its creator”

The World Wide Web needs a complete rethink to prevent spying and the spread of “nasty, mean ideas” on social media websites, its inventor, Tim Berners-Lee, said on Monday.


Before I was online I used to operate along with lots of other people BBS software where people could call into our computers and download files and discuss stuff on our public and private forums.  They could also play games on our computer systems.  Then the internet became a big thing and some BBS operators began to pull usenet into their forum system.  Back in those days, it was a big deal.

Now understand, the software we used was way ahead of and superior to the crap that would come to be called  the web. The web was more simple to use but it was inferior in many ways to other access tools people might use such a telnet, ftp, and mail systems.  The early web sites were far inferior to what we could do with our own network systems that people could access by phone.  When myspace came along, it largely emulated what people could do on the old BBS software.

The BBS software people could use back in those days was free speech.  Usenet was free speech.  And from the very beginning there were what was called flame wars where people disagreed and sometimes the forums had to be closely monitored just as online internet forums still do.  But the monitoring was done in such a way that largely allowed free speech and dissenting opinion.

When you read stuff like Tim Berners-Lee you need to remember that the BBS systems largely went away as people discovered the internet and the web.  But do not think those systems were inferior as far as social networks. They were not.  They were inferior in that you had a limit to the number of phone lines and the number of people who could connect at once.  We could not compete against the Information Services like AOL and GEnie and Compuserve and the larger internet which many of us didn’t have the resources to provide an entry to access.

Also remember that the government wanted us and CB radios and to some degree HAM radios to go away.  They wanted the communication on a system they could spy on and that they could censor.  Although it has been a long winding road we have gone down from the 1980’s, the “fake” privacy,  the secret spying,  and the blatant censorship that Tim Berners-Lee speaks to was the government agenda from the very beginning.

This is opinion.  Do not read this as an attack on Tim Berners-Lee.  It was not intended as such.

The point of this is to hopefully make you think and to oppose ideas that support broad censorship.  Never be afraid of ideas.  Not even nasty ones because even a nasty idea can lead to the mother of the next invention.

Don’t believe there is such a thing as privacy on the internet.  There never has been.