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Twitter is Evil

Update:  It does look like the trending topic was demoted.  It has vanished from being visible on the side.  That is a good thing. So maybe I overreacted but it was a crappy situation, and it happens too often with those top tweet list.


If I had any doubts on how evil Twitter and the Ecosystem it has established is, then those doubts were ended today.  Alabama and Georgia were devastated by tornadoes.  Both facebook and twitter intentionally demoted, if not shadow banned, content related to that devastation.  Then on twitter a trending topic developed called FEMA that blasted Trump for saying FEMA would give Alabama first rate treatment.  Actually FEMA doesn’t give anyone first rate treatment but that is a different subject.  Under the FEMA trending topic the top tweets blasted Trump for saying he would help Alabama.  The ignorant shits (I include Jack Dorsey in that number because his people seem to encourage ignorant trending topics … opinion) inserted the word whites in Alabama.  Actually blacks make up 25% of Alabama’s population.  Some of the ignorant shits suggested how the brown people of Puerto Rico had not been helped.  Actually only 12% of Puerto Ricans identify as black though most are mixed race. (Many people are mixed race in Alabama as well.)  But besides that, the Trump administration & FEMA have spent roughly $3 billion to help Puerto Rico.  But Twitter doesn’t think we Southerners deserve to be helped.

Seriously Democrats who run twitter, go fuck yourselves.

So anyway, at this point Twitter is obviously evil.   That is my opinion.