Author: chuck
Chapter 10 – Billy Bingo: When The Legman Comes
Chapter 10
Doug White remained in a coma at the Hotville Memorial hospital. Thoughts of a recovery were now seldom mentioned and the horrific thought of a funeral crept into the conscious thoughts of his grieving family.
Steve Webster had joined Bobby White at the hospital and if there had been any doubts they were a couple; those doubts were now gone. Neither Steve nor Bobby were quite certain when their relationship had gone from dicking around to actually loving one another but at some point it had happened just the same. Bobby was thrilled that Steve was going to be a father; a parent with Jane Wilifar and Jane was thrilled that Bobby was thrilled. They felt that they all had issues in their own lives that they needed to work on to be better people but still they felt certain the three of them would be good parents to the baby that the Legman had given a second chance at life.
Billy Bingo came to the hospital to let the family know that Samantha Wilder was in jail and would be there for 3 to 6 months and that when she should be released he would make sure that she would not be a threat to Doug or anyone. As Billy talked to Doug’s parents he noticed Steve and Bobby in an embrace. Then he noticed the worn, beaten, looks on the faces of Doug’s parents. Billy suddenly realized that he had taken Doug’s recovery for granted; but Doug’s family was now doubtful of such a recovery.
Billy left from talking with Doug’s parents and walked over to talk with Benjamin. “Stan Wakes is dead and Samantha Wilder is doing time.”
Benjamin nodded. “Now if Doug would just come out of his coma.”
“What are the doctors saying?”
“Each day he is closer to death and his recovery is less likely. If he does not come out of the coma soon the talk will change from his recovery to bringing his suffering to an end; my parent’s suffering to an end, though it will never be such phrased.”
A woman walked up next to Billy from no where. “There was a day in my mind when my parents decided to buy lots in a cemetery. It was a strange day.”
Benjamin walked away from Billy to go to the restroom. Billy guessed Benjamin had retreated to hide himself in the restroom so Billy would not see his tears. Billy had seen the tears forming and the strain in his face.
The woman continued speaking. “It made me so angry. I thought my parents, especially my mother, was planning for her death. In my mind the buying of those funeral plots were like inviting death. I thought if I could just stop the buying of those plots that I could change the future. Wasn’t that silly?”
Billy nodded. “Is your mom sick?”
“She has had various health problems most of her life and I feared she was giving up. Besides buying the lots, she had also started giving things away. Then it was like she had lost her mind. And my mom was always so smart. It was so strange.”
Billy asked, “Alzheimer’s?”
“No. It was grief. Dad and I were killed in an automobile wreck. The plots were for our funeral but in our mind it was us who had to bury her. We went to her grave. We put flowers on her grave religiously. We grieved for her. And at some point we realized that we were ghost haunting the people we love. We realized that it was he and I who were dead.”
Billy pulled out a cellphone to pretend that he was talking on it, so it would not appear he was talking to himself, when he said, “I am so sorry.”
The woman said, “The line between life and death, reality and imagination, is a very thin line. But there are powers that intervene. Someone made us think mom had died from our imaginary world so that our imaginary world would stop bending her reality.”
“I don’t know. As I have gone from my imaginary world of the living to face the reality that I am dead, I now walk with the dead and I hear voices from the shadows. Those voices now tell me that you are a god. Can you help me go to heaven? I want to leave the shadows of death and go to heaven.”
The Legman emerged from within Billy and he vanished from the physical world and into the metaphysical world. He took the woman into his arms. “I am not the God to whom you pray. I am not allowed in his heaven or even into my own mighty realm, my own heaven. But I do have a place in the out lands, a lesser realm, where the space alien witches are not allowed and where your mind might become better in understanding.”
“Space alien witches? I do not understand.”
“There is no reason that you should until you remember, but still, just know. You are welcome to my lesser realm where you will be protected while there.”
“Will I be able to see the people I love when I am there?”
“Your loved ones are not there. But it is not a prison. You might find it a nice refuge from the shadows of death; but you may return to the shadows as you wish to search for those you love.”
“What if I should find my family? Will they be welcome to your lesser realm?”
“If while traveling from my House of Light back into the shadows and you find your family you are welcome to show them to the half area where everyone is welcome. It is not forbidden so long as the House Rules are followed; but understand, without permission they can’t enter the main House.”
“I am hearing voices. Some are saying to trust you as they have guided me to you but now I hear other voices and they are telling me to beware your mark. They say you might curse me where I might never enter heaven.”
The Legman looked at his old friend who was confused and remembered nothing of their past. Jessica Atajay was already marked where she could never enter heaven but he thought it was best to not tell her until he thought she was ready to know.
The Legman said, “Powerful witches and gods do sometimes leave marks when they help people. It is not intentional. I can sometimes remove the lesser marks but there is one mark in particular that I can not yet remove. It would not be I who might curse you with that mark as the voices might be suggesting, but the higher space alien witches that even other space alien witches know nothing about. Those H-SPAWS have been known to mark those who I help. And it is true, the mark of Iapetus, the mark that seals my realm, that keeps people from both entering and leaving its bounds, also can seal even the true God’s Heaven from the deserving. But there again it is not God or his angels or his gate keepers or even his Complex itself that respects the mark but simply it is a trick, a bit of reprogramming, that creates a gate that even St. Peter can’t see. The mark prevents people from reaching the real gate as instead they go to the fake gate. I’d like to forget about the mark and I should have warned you. I pray that someday I can find the spell to do a bit of reprogramming myself to lift the mark and cast the mark out of this computer program. But that is just a dream and I should be better mindful to remember that cursed mark and warn people before I help them.”
“Computer Program?”
“The world is, was, and has always been digital; computer like. When the ancient ones emerged from chaos, the intellectual energy that was and is them, created an intellectual world from the images in their minds. The foundations of those images that creates our seeming realities is a type of computer code which we all alter with our thoughts and our activities. The lesser gods and witches have other abilities to alter the code in a different and often a more amazing way.”
“So we aren’t real? We are just characters in a video game?”
“Of course we are real. It is the idea that this is a clay based world that is intentionally misleading. The ancient ones emerged from the chaos first and are the oldest, but we all emerged from the chaos. Our souls are real. Our souls are not figments of this computer program where we are trapped; where we are prisoners. That is not to say that there are not figments in the computer program, but be mindful that you are real. If somehow you were to escape this computer program beyond the halls of the heavens, you would still exist. But that is not true of everyone. There are figments in this computer program.”
“Why do you tell me so much? You do not even know me.”
“Because I do know you and you know me. I want you remember. Remember!”
“I can’t.”
“You will. You came to me because on some level you do remember.” The Legman screamed but it was more than just a scream. “Remember!” His voice was an attempt at magic in the ether; a scream followed by a whisper. “Please remember.”
Jessica Atajay held her head. She swooned. She lifted into the air and turned in a full circle around. “I have been marked by the H-SPAWS?”
“Right. You already have that mark and lesser marks that closes the gates of heaven to you. I am going to put a map in your mind where you will know how to return to my lesser realm.” The Legman put his hand to Jessica’s head. “Do you see the map?”
“I do see the map and the flags on the map of where I need to take care to avoid the SPAWS. Thank you Legman.” Jessica Atajay vanished.
The Legman then vanished from the metaphysical world and back into the physical world and into Billy. To Billy it was just as though the woman had vanished. Billy had no idea of what the Legman had told her. Red eyed Benjamin emerged from the bathroom. Billy thought there must be a way to save Doug from dying but he had no idea how.
Linda Webster stepped out of an elevator. She looked at her son with Bobby and then looked at Billy. She walked over to Billy. She said, “They are saying that Doug might die. I’ve tried the healing spells that I know but I am not strong and they will not work for me.”
“Can I try the spells?”
“Yes, but they are not Amberline Darko quality. Do not be disappointed if they do not work for you either.”
Billy said, “Sylvia Trundle suggested that I might be a lesser god after she met the Legman when I—that is the Legman was doing the memory spell. Then I just now talked to a ghost who suggested that I am a god. Is that possible?”
“It is possible but you must understand that very powerful witches are sometimes mistaken for gods.”
Suddenly the Legman took over Billy and looked upon Linda with a smile and a look that caused Linda to know the difference. She knew it was no longer Billy standing in front of her. The Legman said, “If Billy or I were to bring Doug back to life, the gate to heaven might be closed to Doug. Even if the spell itself might not mark him there is a force that might intentionally mark him so that he might not get into heaven.”
Linda asked, “He might not get into heaven anyway. Isn’t it better to risk marking him than to let him die?”
“The protection of God and the angels is important to mortals and the mortals are important to God. Sometimes I do forget. I have forgotten. But if we stand any chance of defeating…” The Legman hesitated and changed what he had been about to say. As far as he knew Linda was only aware of the lesser human witches. He believed she knew nothing about the space alien witches. He thought for her own protection perhaps her not knowing about the SPAWS and H-SPAWS was probably best. The Legman said, “If we stand any chance of defeating the forces of evil then we must be mindful of God. We should not betray the importance of God and man to each other.”
“But I ask again, how do you know that Doug’s own mortal sins have not already closed the gates of heaven to Doug?”
The Legman considered that most beings, people, be they witches or mortals, in this digital computer like prison had no idea how the system worked. He felt Linda would be a good ally but she wasn’t ready to learn the truths of God and heaven any more than she was ready to face the space alien witches.
The Legman said, “Of course I don’t know whether the gates will be opened for him. All I can do is remove any minor marks from him that might prevent his entry and make sure that I do not accidentally cause a mark that I can’t remove.” The Legman took care not to mention the Iapetus Mark although that was the mark that most concerned him.
“So just on the chance that Doug might go to heaven you will let him die?”
“There is no true death. We are all on a journey and the journey takes us where the journey does. Of course I wish that his journey should continue with the people that he loves and who very much loves him. Their grief will sadden Billy and I will also be saddened; but we must all find happiness in our journey and where that journey takes us. Sadness is fleeting.”
Linda asked, “And what is your journey?”
“I want to defeat the forces of evil.”
“And what if that is not possible? Isn’t evil always with us? Are the lines between good and evil always so clear. I love Billy but he is not a saint and I doubt that you are either. God knows that I am not so good as to be worthy of God’s blessings and I will never pretend that I am.”
“It is the worst evil of which I speak and not the joyful frolicking of witch, man, or beast. To defeating the worst evil, all things are possible though never easy.”
Linda stared at the Legman and considered that he was also Billy. Linda thought about her friend Amberline Darko and how she had become Jackie. She wished she could talk to Amberline through Jackie the same as she was now talking to the Legman through Billy. Amberline Darko and Frank Bingo had brought the reincarnation of a god into this world. But which god? Linda had read that the lesser gods tended to be more in line with Lucifer than the greater God but then there the Legman was worried that Doug might be separated from God and denied the salvation of heaven.
The Legman said, “Even if you are figuring out who I am–I can see the wheels in your head turning– it is important for Billy to not know who I am and who he is for once Billy knows then we become one.”
“And why would that be a bad thing?”
“I am powerful right now. I can come out when I need to come out to protect Billy. But if Billy were to totally take over then I might not have the power to protect myself.”
“Why? Why would you think that is a danger?”
“I’ve lived lives where I never learned to use my power. There is a chance Billy can’t focus to learn what he needs to know to make the magic work.”
“What if Billy becomes powerful without having to summon forward his knowledge, your knowledge, of when he was you?”
“Well, that will change everything. If he learns to use the power then we will merge in that way and then he will know what I know. That is a different process from me becoming one with Billy and my forgetting everything.” The Legman didn’t tell Linda how the space alien witches play with people’s memories and where the true danger to Billy and himself might come if they drop their guard.
The Legman then vanished back into Billy and Billy stared at Linda. “What just happened?”
Linda said, “The Legman was here in your body. He is afraid that if we heal Doug then we might mark him in a way that will close the gates of heaven to Doug. It is a danger. The more powerful the witch is then the greater the danger is that a spell the witch uses on someone will mark them; the subject of the spell. I suspect there was quite a bit that the Legman was not telling me. I sense there is lurking a danger beyond what he me. He only spoke in terms of good and evil without telling me what that true danger is but I feel that there is a more concrete danger than just the abstract concepts of good verses evil.”
“So the Legman could heal Doug but he will not. I don’t understand. God is a loving God. I can’t believe that he would reject Doug just because the Legman healed Doug. I can’t believe that is a real danger.”
Linda realized the naivety of Billy and guessed the Legman might have thought the same of herself. Linda said, “I understand what you are saying but we would be foolish to ignore what the Legman told me.”
“So we should do nothing? It does not feel right that we should not do everything possible to help Doug.”
“I know. If a mortal cured him or a lesser witch such as me cured him, I am sure it would mean nothing. It would hardly mark him. I would not think it would close the gates of heaven to him. But I don’t have the knowledge or the power.”
Billy asked, “What if Kane Bishop saved him?”
“No. Kane is too powerful and evil.”
Billy nodded. “Yeah, I don’t even know why I mentioned Kane other than I am grasping at straws.”
Linda said, “As bad as I hate to do it I am going to have to contact the elders. I need their advice and maybe the name of someone who I can contact. I’ve got to get my nerve up to talk to the elders.”
- ****
- Back at her home, with great trepidation, Linda Webster crawled into her attic. She walked around stacks of boxes and to a bookcase. She pulled a silver lever that was designed in the shape of a shoe and the red bookcase opened to a secret room in her attic. The room had been designed by her for her mother.
Linda’s mother had been a powerful witch and from that Linda had been brought into her mother’s Coven: The SteelOwl Coven. Linda, herself, wasn’t a shapeshifter. Her own powers were very limited and she could die the same way as any other mortal. Her mother had been killed in a sword fight with the witch vampire Alicia Silver. Alicia had cut off the head of Linda’s mother, Myrtle Claven, in a fight as Myrtle had tried to save her son from the corrupting influences of Alicia.
Linda stared at her mother’s room. The room was designed by Linda but the magical part of the room had to be done by her half-brother since it was to be a surprise for their mother. At that time she and her brother were more close than they are now. Linda’s brother was able to use his magic to make a room that in actual space was just 12 foot by 12 foot to be 120 foot by 120 foot. Linda remembered he was very proud that he had been able to make the spell work and that the spell stuck.
The magical room contained a white canopy bed, a white dresser and mirror, a red chest of drawers, a black couch, and her mother’s favorite magical rocking chair made of fossilized black wood from another world and a simply sewn, human made, red cushion for the seat and the back. Her mother would never explain to her which world. Linda touched the rocking chair with her finger to cause it to rock. She imagined her mother sitting in the chair as it rocked. Linda smiled as she considered how much she missed her mother.
This was the first time that Linda had managed to enter the room since her mother’s death. The Crystal Ball which was used to contact the elders was in the Center of a white table in the room just as her mother had left it the last time she had consulted with the elders through the Crystal Ball. Linda looked at her mother’s Library that lined shelves in the room. It was not nearly the library that Amberline Darko owned but Linda considered that if the Elders would allow it then the library might be of benefit to Billy. Amberline’s Library would better serve Billy but she did not know where that Library was hidden.
Linda felt butterflies in her stomach as she walked over to the table and sat down at the Crystal Ball. She whispered to herself, “I am so scared that I will accidentally anger them. If they turn me into some creature like a rabbit or a frog or a turtle I am going to be so pissed.”
The person addressing the Elders would never see or know who were the Elders—unless they had figured out an identity. The power of the Elders’ rulings was established by a concurrence within the Crystal Ball. The person addressing the elders might receive 15 different messages on how they might handle a situation if that is what the Crystal Ball computes. On the other hand the Elders might be forced into debate and reach a majority ruling on a matter and then the person would be left no choice but to do what they are told by the Crystal Ball to do. How the concurrence of whether the person would receive advice or an order depended on how the Elders were first addressed and how the Elders first responded to the address. Any order issued might go beyond the person addressing the Elders to all those who might be able to help execute the order.
The Master Crystal Ball was created by Amberline Darko’s ancestor, Merlyn Darko, and it spawned the Crytal Balls that were given to members accepted into the Coven. There was a question among some on how the Crystal Ball deciphered the concurrence but non went too far with their questioning as the Crystal Ball seemed to know when there were doubts.
So Linda stared at the Crystal Ball. For the first time in her life, Linda prepared to consult with the Elders. Her mother had consulted for her on occasion but she had never had the nerve to consult directly. She ran her hands over the Crystal Ball to turn it on.
Linda said, “I come for advice on two matters. I am afraid that a mortal by the name of Doug White might die and I want him to be saved.”
The Crystal Ball responded, “And the second matter.”
“As you might know Billy Bingo is a powerful witch, and perhaps even a lesser god. As Billy Bingo he does not know magic. However when his personality from a past life emerges, the Legman emerges, then that personality is a very powerful witch or god. I want to know if it is acceptable on whether I should allow Billy Bingo access to my mother’s books to begin to learn magic and if I might help him to the degree I am capable.”
The Crystal Ball answered. “We see that the Legman warned you that if he saves Doug then that might close the gates of heaven so that Doug might never be able to pass beyond those gates. We see that whether witch or god, the Legman is capable of good. We must warn you though that at times the Legman is very fickle and can be both brilliant and clumsy in thought. He has the power to remove any minor marks that a witch might put on Doug that would prevent Doug from entering heaven.”
A conflicting voice came from the Crystal Ball. “But the Legman is doubtful he can remove his own mark. His concern is real. And there is something I can’t see but a dark space; a hidden thought, a secret truth. Can any of you see beyond the dark space?”
There was no answer to the question.
A different voice came from the Crystal Ball. “I submit that the Legman might not be able to remove any marks that originate from the Legman curing Doug, but he would be able to remove any marks left by Billy.”
A different conflicting voice came from the Crystal Ball. “We do not want to test this theory for fear of failure. It is true that we might want to watch the Legman remove any marks left by Billy, but then what if he can’t. We are talking about not just the life of Doug White but the soul of Doug White. I say that we should have a lesser witch do what she can. A lesser witch would not cause the kind of marks of a more powerful witch and even one of us might be able to remove any marks that might be left.”
A voice came from the Crystal Ball. “But a lesser witch might not be able to save the life of Doug. If we are to try to save Doug should we not be sure that the witch is powerful enough so that there is no doubt that his life will be saved.”
A voice came from the Crystal Ball. “I doubt that Doug White stands much of a chance of going to heaven anyway.”
“Everything I see tells me that he is a good man.”
“He was having sex in an alleyway. Good man? I don’t think so.”
“God does not judge a person on their sex life. Look how pure the aura of Doug is. He is a good man.”
“We see a lot of good men walking in the Shadows of Death, living in their own imaginations, trapped in the purgatories they created for themselves. I say let Billy cast the spell to save Doug. All say Yea or Nay.”
“Yea say all so it is decided. Linda, allow Billy access to your mom’s library and teach Billy the spell to save Doug.”
Linda asked, “And what if the Legman prevents Billy from doing it?”
“Then what will be will be. We will grant no other witches permission to save Doug except Billy and perhaps you if you help him which is acceptable.”
* * *
Janet Silverton and her Aunt Tess Favor entered the waiting room area on the floor where Doug White struggled more and more to hold on to his life force. He was not ready to surrender his body to death. Still, he did not know how he could win his battle to live again. At times, moments, he dreamed in the world of imagination. At other times he astral projected to walk in the shadows of death and even beyond the shadows into the light to spy upon the living. Then there were times he could smell the hospital room and taste the aroma of bad hospital food and he could hear the voices in the room and even hear the footsteps on the floor tile. It was those times he most struggled to gasp for air on his own and to open his eyes and be back among the living so that all else seemed but a dream. He struggled. He ventured in thought that he was about to feel the thrill of victory and wake to again be with his family.
Tess walked over to talk with her friend Dr. Hassle while Janet walked over to talk to Benjamin White who was seated and working a crossword puzzle. Benjamin looked up to see Janet and put the puzzle down.
Janet asked, “How is Doug doing?”
“Not good. Dr. Hassle has told us the next few days may be critical.” Benjamin struggled to control his emotion.
“Can I see him?”
“Why? You do not know him.” Benjamin wasn’t sure why he wanted his words to sound so cold toward Janet.
“Doug came to the club because of me.”
“But it was not you who took him out into the alley.” Benjamin stood up.
Janet took Benjamin’s hand. “Are you angry with me because I disagreed with you on revenge?”
Benjamin turned what she said around. He asked, “Are you angry with me?”
Benjamin knew he had felt angry but he also knew that he needed to get over it. Benjamin considered that his anger did not even make much sense. “
Janet saw how tired Benjamin looked as she rubbed and patted his hand. For a moment Benjamin thought the hand gesture was about to turn into a hug. He pulled his hand away from Janet. He felt himself wanting to be comforted by her, but he didn’t like that feeling or at least that is what he told himself.
Janet said, “No. Sometimes I argue against shit that I, myself am feeling. I don’t know why. I sometimes sound like I am more confident or set on an issue than I really am.”
Benjamin took Janet’s hand and he led Janet to his brother’s hospital room. Together they entered the room and stepping apart they each stared at Doug. Janet saw at once how much Doug’s body had deteriorated. To Janet there seemed something odd about it. Janet walked over to Doug and touched his forehead. She took his hand. It felt lifeless but still he was alive. “He is fighting so hard to get back to you all.”
Billy Bingo walked into the hospital room. Billy walked over and touched Janet’s hand touching Doug’s hand. Billy said, “I think you and Doug will make a good couple. When he wakes up the two of you will fall deeply in love. Do you hear that Doug? Your neighbor Janet is here. She cares. She wants you to get better. Do you hear that Doug? You have a chance with Janet. You just have to find the strength to fight off what ever is stopping you from waking up.”
Doug thought, “Billy, if I could wake up then I sure as hell would.”
Billy wished that Doug might recover without his using magic. Billy wished there was a way that Doug could find the strength all on his own to find his way back to the land of the living. Linda had brought Billy her mother’s book on healing people. She had told him what the Elder’s had said but she had also told him what the Legman had said. What if he did something that prevented Doug from ever entering heaven? That was a horrible thought. Billy remembered his own church going days when he was small and he heard the bible stories written for children about heaven. There was a time that Billy thought even he might go to heaven some day but now Billy knew that his kind didn’t go to heaven. Still, that did not mean that he did not want Doug to be able to go to that peaceful, joyful, utopia in the sky which was how Billy thought of heaven.
Billy considered lesser spells that would give Doug a boost so that he could help himself. They were less likely to leave a mark that would prevent Doug from going to heaven. They would not bring Doug out of the coma but if the spell worked it would give Billy time to study up and work a more powerful spell with more care.
Janet removed her hand from Doug and Billy moved his hand to begin to massage Doug. He rubbed his earlobes.
Janet stared at Billy. “What on earth are you doing?”
Billy laughed. “I am trying to wake him up.”
Doug thought. “I would rather Janet be the one playing with my earlobes. Actually I would rather Janet be playing with something else of mine.”
Billy guessed he would need to try to work the spell in private.
Apple Yanks QAnon-Themed App From App Store After Deep State & Elite Media behave like sniveling, spoiled, children trying to rule the internet, Still on Play Store Though
This piece is opinion. If you have a different opinion. That is cool.
Apple has reportedly pulled QDrops–an app which sent alerts about what conspiracy idea QAnon is talking about–from its App Store after an anti-Trump conspiracy site called NBC did a troll quest to destroy–also known as when a sniveling 14 year old girl gets all pissy–inquiry.
If you use google search you will see where the usual suspects are doing their own conspiracy theories and doing quite a bit of name calling against Q. To be honest I am hardly an expert on Q but what I do know is that the elite media is out to take control of the internet and push those of us off the internet who do not act as an echo chamber for their anti-Trump pro-globalists foolishness.
Comcast which owns NBCuniversal would do well to worry less about Q and more about the sniveling 14 year old girls (many of whom who are old men) who never grew up and who are destroying their own company.
RFK: His Words for Our Times Kindle Edition
The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government Kindle Edition
Three Days in January: Dwight Eisenhower’s Final Mission Kindle Edition
American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road Kindle Edition
My Rolex Style Diamond Ring
Twitter Again
Update: Yeah, I just did another tweet. LOL
I know I have done similar posts in the past where I’ve said I am finished with twitter and then wasn’t. The truth is that twitter is addictive where you see something you either like or don’t like and then there you are putting it on twitter.
I have done that as well have done political tweets and of course used it to promote this website.
As many of you may know twitter has suspended a large number of accounts. The elite media propaganda is that they were fake accounts or bot accounts. Of course many of us know people that twitter murdered (in a figurative sense) off its platform who were very much real and very much hurt by twitter’s psychopathic, murderous behavior.
I have been on twitter since 2009.
7/14/2018 I did two tweets promoting sayata that received a grand total of 6 impressions with 4 on the first one and 2 on the next one. My tweets generally don’t get a huge number of impressions but start at around 12 to 18 and then build to between 100 to 200 impressions with an occasional jump to a few thousand. On those two tweets, there was no building number from a low count. It remained at a low count.
When that kind of thing happens–low tweet impression count–that pretty much means someone or a group of someones or a group of bots or twitter “employees” themselves have extolled a great deal of hate on me and my twitter account. So anyway, although twitter may suspend my account for no reason–I have done nothing wrong and I have always kept it real on twitter–I am not going to delete my account. At the same time though, until and unless I change my mind, my tweeting days that go back to 2009 are over. My intention is to no longer tweet. [update: but it did not stick]
And no, I will not link to this post on twitter. 🙂
If you use twitter that is cool. Just know that if you want to know when something new is posted here don’t expect to see it on twitter. [update: I will start back mixing random tweets with mentions of content I have added to]
Worldwide PC Market Again Growing
Penthouse, 3rd Bankruptcy and Now New Owners
WGCZ, owner of xvideos and xxnx now owns Penthouse. Kelly Holland was the previous owner before WGCZ.
Back Issue Penthouse Magazines
Chuck’s Erotic Stories: Monsters And Other Scary Lovers
Columbus, Ohio Police Drop Charges in Stormy Daniels’ Arrest
RIP Tab Hunter, Rory Calhoun, Henry Willson, and Confidential
Tab Hunter (born Arthur Andrew Kelm; July 11, 1931 – July 8, 2018)
Rory Calhoun (August 8, 1922 – April 28, 1999; born Francis Timothy McCown)
Henry Leroy Willson (July 31, 1911 – November 2, 1978)
Confidential was a magazine published quarterly from December 1952 to August 1953 and then bi-monthly until it ceased publication in 1978. It was founded by Robert Harrison and is considered a pioneer in scandal, gossip and exposé journalism.
Tab Hunter Confidential: The Making of a Movie Star
The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson: The Pretty Boys and Dirty Deals of Henry Willson
Chapter 9 – Billy Bingo: When The Legman Comes
Stan followed the EMS vehicle carrying Doug White to Hotville Lakes Memorial Hospital. Sitting outside the hospital he used his computer to hack into the Hospital Database to find which room Doug was in. The hospital records also showed that Doug was under security watch. “Well, it doesn’t look like I will be able to protect Samantha from whatever Doug tells the police when he recovers. The question is, will she roll over on me when she is arrested.” Stan laughed, “Of course she will.” Then he thought a second. “But she did put her ass on the line for me.” Doug called Samantha. “Honey, they have Doug White at the Hotville Lakes Memorial Hospital under security watch. There isn’t a lot I can do.”
Samantha said, “We have a nurse who owes us around $5,000. I have the her records that you should be able to use to hack into the hospital copy of her records. Can you use your hacking skills to get her old job back at the hospital?”
eBooks of Charles Peters, me, on Amazon.
Note: The Erotic Domination of Earth Books I’ve written for Amazon connects back into the Billy Bingo universe. Another series will be added that will not be in the erotic category will also connect back into the Billy Bingo universe.
“I remember her and know who you are talking about. Changing the computer files so the system shows that she still works there should not be a problem, but now getting her to kill Doug, that might be a problem.”
“We’ve already had her arrested once. She knows what you can do. I don’t think getting her to kill Doug will take much effort if we offer her a bonus above writing off her debt to us.”
“Email to me her records so can find the right decrypt key and I will hack into their system and make her an employee of the Hospital. Then after you make the call to her I will visit her in person.”
Samantha said, “I will meet you in Hotville so we can better coordinate and maybe do some fucking.”
“Okay. I will send you my room information.”
* * *
Billy Bingo and Janet Silverton drove to Hotville in Janet’s car. Using police information, Detective Face arranged for them to have a room at the same Hotel where Stan Wakes had registered. Their room was side by side to Stan Wakes room and with a connecting door. When they reached the SunSide Hotel, Stan was not there. They entered his room and installed listening equipment and spy cams and quickly returned to their room.
Billy and Janet were eating hamburgers and watching Stan’s room on a computer monitor when Samantha Wilder entered the room. They were not very shocked to see her enter Stan’s room. She moaned and groaned and plopped down on the bed. She fumbled in her pocket for her phone as she spoke to herself, “I am so fucking tired.” She called Stan, “I am here in Hotville. I hated that damn drive. Are you ready to approach Majara Ray about killing Doug White?”
Stan Wakes said, “We really should not be having these kind of conversations on the phone. Someone could be listening.”
Samantha laughed. “Well, if the police are watching and listening, we are fucked. Anyway, I am using a disposable phone.”
Stan said, “Good. My check on this phone showed it clear so we should be okay. I am at the college and the last I checked Majara Ray was in her office with a student. The schedule shows she should be finished seeing students in around ten minutes. Wait around 11 minutes and then call her. I will be ready to approach her as soon as you make the call to talk to her.”
Janet and Billy could hear Stan as well as Samantha. Using his computer, Billy quickly pulled up the location of Majara Ray’s office at the college. Billy said, “I should be able to get there from here in five to ten minutes.” Billy rushed out the door with listening and recording equipment, hoping to get whatever Stan Wakes might say to Majara Ray recorded.
* * *
Billy Bingo reached the college and quickly entered a storage room next to Majara Ray’s office and attached equipment to the wall to be able to listen inside of the office.
Majara Ray was seated at her desk while she graded papers in her office at the Hotville College when she got what she considered a strange call from the Hotville Lakes Memorial Hospital. The computer RoboCall from the hospital was informing her that she would be on duty tomorrow from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Majara’s sister, Elvira Davis, came into her office just as she was hanging up the peculiar call. Majara said to her sister, “That was weird.”
Elvira picked up an apple from a basket of Apples on Majara’s desk. Elvira sat down and asked, “What?”
“Hotville Lakes Memorial Hospital seems to think that I still work for them. You know I stopped working there some four years ago when they refused to give me a raise.”
Elvira laughed. “Maybe they decided to give you that raise after all.” Then she added, “Probably some computer problem.”
Majara rolled her eyes. “Always something. I guess I better call them to let them know that I got the robocall and that they’ve got some kind of problem.” Majara was just about to make the call when her phone rang. Majara looked at the I.D. and saw the call was from Samantha Wilder. Samantha intentionally was using her regular phone that would show an I.D.. “Oh fucking hell. Now I am getting a call from that damned fucking bitch loan shark.” Majara answered the call, “Hello, dear. I’ve almost got your money.”
Samantha laughed. “Yeah. You’ve got that lie down pat. Now here is the deal. A friend of mine is about to enter your office and tell you exactly what you are going to need to do.” Samantha hung up.
Majara looked at her sister. “Fucking hell. That loan shark bitch is sending someone to my office.”
Elivira nodded. “So do you want to kick their ass or do you want me to have the pleasure?”
Stan Wakes entered the office. He looked at Majara and then looked at Elvira. “Which one of you owes Samantha Wilder $5,000?”
Elvira stood up. She looked Stan Wakes up and down. She reached out and shook his hand. The handshake was not so much a gesture of friendship as to get his fingerprint registered on her thimble ring. Her phone then sent a text to her with a report on the obtained fingerprint. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and glanced at the results and then put her phone back away. Elvira asked, “So Stan, how many people have you killed?”
Stan bragged, “Enough.”
Elvira pulled Stan into her arms. She kissed him on the lips. “Did they all deserve to die?” Her voice had a strange flirtatious tone.
Stan shrugged. “So you two know that Samantha wants you to kill Doug White who is a patient at the hospital.”
Elvira looked at the horror on her sister Majara’s face and then she eyed the irritating smirk on Stan’s smug face. Elvira said, “No, we didn’t know that.” Seductively Elvira ran her hands up Stan’s neck. Then before Stan knew what was happening Elvira put a grip on his cervix. She had every intention of breaking his neck but then he moved. He smiled. The seeming massage, was something he liked.
“Oh yeah, baby, that feels good.”
Elvira shrugged and continued to massage his neck. She gave her sister an I am not too sure what I am going to do look.
Majara said, “Well, I am not going to kill anyone. Samantha will get her money but I am not going to kill anyone.”
Stan said, “You don’t have any choice. I think Samantha has already proven to you that we can cause you to be arrested. We can destroy you.”
Elvira laughed. “Oh, a tough man. So tough.”
“Yeah, I am tough.”
At that point, with very little thought, Elvira snapped Stan’s neck and he fell dead to the floor. “Not really so tough.” Elvira pulled her phone from her pants pocket. She called headquarters. “I need a clean up at the college. Dead Perp is Stan Wakes who I just ran a trace on. The low life was threatening my sister.” Elvira closed her phone and smiled at her sister. “My license to kill sure does come in handy sometimes.”
Majara asked, “Won’t your boss, the higher ups, be angry since he wasn’t one of your assignments?”
“No. He had broken enough laws and put enough people in danger so that someone had put him on the government’s Pink List.”
“Pink List?”
“People that the government considers dangerous and consider of no great consequence if they are killed.”
Majara asked, “How long will it take for them to get here to dispose of the body?”
“They have a team on campus so we need to go on and get out of here.” About the same time Elvira spoke, fire alarms started going off and an evacuation notice came on the office intercom system.
Billy exited the storage closet at the same time Majara and Elivra exited Majara’s office. Elvira stared at Billy as he exited the storage closet and Billy stared at her. Elvira walked closer to Billy. She whispered, “Do you know what happened? Did you hear through the wall?”
Billy smiled. “Yeah, but not a problem.”
Elvira started to take Billy’s hand to get a finger print but he wouldn’t let her take his hand. He laughed at her. “I do not want a CIA handshake.” Billy wasn’t so much thinking about her trying to get his fingerprint as her trying to inject some kind of poison or virus into him. Billy realized that he was immortal but he didn’t like getting sick. From thinking about the consequences of a potential CIA handshake—as Billy termed Elvira’s gesture—Billy’s thoughts turned to Samantha Wilder. Samantha was still a threat and so Billy asked the very beautiful killer of Stan Wakes, “So what about Stan’s accomplice, Samantha Wilder?”
Elvira wasn’t sure what to say to this stranger who seemed to know too much already. With a coy expression, Elvira asked, “Do you know where she is?”
“SunSide Hotel in Stan Wakes’ room. Room 104.”
Billy intrigued Elvira though of late she had sworn off men. “So what is your interest in this?”
“Trying to keep Doug White and his family safe.”
Elvira asked, “Can I have a name?”
“Billy Bingo. And what is your name?”
“Elvira. Elvira Davis.”
As the three of them exited the doors among what was now a line of people Billy said, “Elvira, it was nice to meet you.” Billy and Elvira walked separate ways but Billy guessed they would meet again.
* * *
Samantha Wilder stared in the mirror. She rubbed her hands over her face. “What kind of person am I that I could have done that to Doug White and now I am plotting his murder?” Her audible voice quivered. “And I so easily suggested we force Majara Ray to kill Doug. It was like I was listening to some other person talk as I was saying my words.” Naked Samantha Wilder fell back on the bed. She rubbed her breasts. She fingered her pussy. “I don’t want to think about it,” she whispered. Still the image of her and Doug in the alley flashed in her mind. As Samantha ran her fingers in and out of her pussy she imagined that it was Doug’s cock in her pussy. Then the image of her pushing Doug against the police car flashed in her mind. “Oh fucking hell. How evil am I?” Tears streamed down her face. “Please let me stop thinking about what I did.”
Samantha Wilder stood from the bed. She retrieved her computer and with her computer she laid back down in bed. She was positioned where Janet could see what she was watching on her computer. Samantha Wilder clicked to a video on her computer. The movie was of Billy Bingo with Rachel Aghar in the laundry room, that Ralph Shath had put online. Samantha Wilder said, “This always helps me to forget.”
Janet was shocked when she saw Billy Bingo on Samantha Wilder’s computer screen.
Samantha moaned, “The way you kissed that girl, ooh I want to feel your lips touching my lips.”
Janet considered when Billy kissed her. She thought to herself, “He is a good kisser.”
Samantha rolled her eyes. “Watching this I can feel your lips on my breasts. I so want your lips on my breasts. You are such a pretty young man. God, I so much want to fuck you.” Samantha licked her lips. “Oh yeah, fuck yeah, now you are naked. God what a huge cock. Stan has such a little cock but your dick is so big. Hell yeah. Now go down on that girl. Fuck yeah.”
Billy walked into the Hotel room. He looked to see what Janet was watching Samantha doing. “Fuck hell. That is me. Shit. Ralph Shath put that on the internet and somehow she found it. Damn.”
Janet blushed bright red as she looked away from the computer monitor. “So what happened at the college. Did you get anything on Stan that we can use against him?”
“Stan is dead.”
“You killed him?”
“No. He fucked with, tried to strong arm, the wrong person. From the conversation I gather that Majara’s sister is a government agent with a license to kill and she used her license to get rid of Stan. Maybe I did wrong, but I told Majara’s sister where she can find Samantha Wilder.” Billy turned back to watching Samantha masturbate while watching him with Rachel. “Did I do wrong in telling her where she can find Samantha?”
“You know that I had rather they had been arrested and tried in a court law, but we have to protect Doug.”
Billy’s phone rang. He answered. “Billy Bingo here.”
“This is Elvira Davis. I can’t get clearance to go after Samantha Wilder. I did some research on you. I am sure that you, the man who took care of Kane Bishop, should be able to handle Samantha Wilder. I don’t really care whether you make her leave the country, have her arrested, or kill her; but just make sure she knows not to kill Doug White or try to hurt my sister again.”
“I understand. Thanks. I assume your discretion.”
“Absolutely. Just as I assume your discretion.” Elvira hung up the phone.
Billy looked at Janet. “It looks like how we handle Samantha is up to us. I guess I need to talk to her and try to get her to turn herself in and cop a plea.” Billy looked from Janet to the computer monitor and watched Samantha masturbate while watching him with Rachel. “I have a feeling that this is going to be very weird.”
Billy opened the door from inside the hotel room to go to the room where Samantha Wilder was masturbating. Samantha saw Billy standing in the kitchen area. Samantha moaned, “You can’t be real. How is it possible that you are here?”
“I know what you did to Doug White?”
Samantha moaned, “No” She sniffled, “No.” She continued to finger her pussy.
“I know you wanted Majara Ray to kill Doug White?”
Samantha cried, “If you came here to torture me, at least use handcuffs, a feather, and maybe a whip. Don’t torture me with words.”
“I didn’t come here to torture you. You must surrender to the police. Make a deal with the police and the District Attorney.”
“No. I want to have sex with you. I want to feel your cock inside me. I want to feel your lips touching my lips, touching my breasts, touching my pussy.”
“You can either go to the police willingly or I will take you by force.”
“If you make love to me, if you provide a sexual memory to keep me warm, hot, in prison, I will go willingly.”
“I can’t have sex with you. Well, I can, but seeing how what you did to Doug I would have to be sort of dumb to do what you want.”
“What? Do you think I try to kill every man that has sex with me. Stan is my lover. I have not tried to kill him.” In thought she considered she actually had tried to kill Stan in that she set Stan and Raovertso against one another. “Regardless, if you want me to turn myself into the police then you must have sex with me.”
Billy looked up at one of the cameras that he and Janet had hidden in the room. He then looked at Samantha. She was attractive enough but what she had done to Doug was vile, contemptible. Billy considered that Samantha’s word probably did not mean anything. Billy also considered that he had entered the room without much of a plan. How was he going to subdue Samantha and take her into the police? He couldn’t see threatening her with a gun as he had no intention of actually shooting her if she refused to go peacefully. Billy said, “I will have to think about it. I will have to think about having sex with you.” Billy turned and walked back though the door to the room where Janet was waiting. He closed the door.
Janet said, “What the hell was that? You will have to think about having sex with her.”
“I don’t know. I went in there totally unprepared. I have no idea what I was thinking.” Billy walked closer to Janet and whispered. “I need some kind of drug to knock her out where we can drive her to the police without causing a scene that might bite us in the ass. We aren’t police here. We are Private Dicks and operating without any authority.”
“I don’t have anything to sedate her. I will call my Aunt Tess Favor and see if she has anything that we can slip to her without her knowing it.”
Billy said, “Well I guess I will have sex with her while you go see if you can come up with something we can use to knock her out and take her to the police. The longer I am absent from the room the more likely she is going to start plotting her escape.”
* * *
Janet left to visit her Aunt Tess Favor, hoping that her aunt might provide her with something that could be used to knock Samantha out. Billy took a quick shower and then nude he entered the room where Samantha Wilder still lay in bed.
With a wicked smile Samantha Wilder stared at Billy. “I can hardly believe this is real. I am actually going to have sex with a man of my dreams; one of the men of my fantasies. God does answer prayers.”
Billy heard a strange inner whisper. “Don’t worry. The Legman is with you.” Billy’s cock dangled from side to side as he crossed the room toward the red haired beauty who beckoned him with the singular motion of her middle finger bending to-and-fro on one hand while her other hand worked her wet pussy. He considered the superior, dominating, “I am in the bird’s seat,” expression on her face. It was a look that reminded him of Kane Bishop. It was then that Billy wondered if he was dealing with a mortal woman or perhaps something more dangerous, more sinister. Billy heard another inner whisper, “She has a revolver in the night stand next to the bed but don’t worry. Continue on.”
Billy reached the bed and Samantha moved her fingers from her wet pussy and she touched Billy’s cock. Billy felt a shiver at the feel of her fingers. Then Samantha rolled over and turned on the bed doggy style. Samantha’s head moved seductively toward Billy’s crotch and then she rubbed her face against Billy’s cock and balls. She then ran her tongue up from Billy’s cock to Billy’s belly button and then up his stomach and chest and she kissed his nipple. She stared up at his lips. With enthusiasm she rared up on her knees and she embraced Billy into her arms. She planted her warm lips against Billy’s warm lips and she savored their kiss; their long kiss. From kissing Samantha on the lips Billy moved to kiss Samantha on the breasts and they fell back into the bed with Billy on top. Billy rubbed his cock against her as he kissed and licked her breasts and lips in rotation. As Billy’s large cock grew throbbing hard he teased her pussy with its head. Samantha screamed in ecstatic pleasure as Billy began to thrust his cock in and out. She wrapped her legs around Billy as they both became relaxed and euphoric in their rhythmic love making.
Samantha thought having sex with this man was better than she had even imagined with her vibrator in hand. After a time though she began to hear the click of the clock on the wall above the TV. She realized she had been having sex with Billy well over 30 minutes. With most men she would have already upped the tempo to beg for the final pleasure of an orgasm but with Billy she felt no rush to reach the finish line. There was an odd sensational pleasure with each thrust of Billy’s cock and with each kiss of his lips. There was a part of Samantha that wanted their love making to go on forever but she considered it was now time to start plotting her escape. She considered she would not go to jail for any man; no matter how great in the sack he might be.
Samantha whispered to Billy that she wanted to try one more thing before their sex ended. Billy considered he needed to see if Janet was back with something he could slip to Samantha to knock her out. Billy told Samantha that he had some body oil back in his room and that some mutual massaging might be nice. He figured he could later to tell her that he had forgot to pack the body oils. Samantha told Billy that she was thinking more in the line of the getting dressed and moving their love making outside.
Billy said, “What, do you have some car you want to shove me under?”
Samantha laughed and said, “What, do you have some body oils that will knock me out.”
Billy said, “We’ve had sex. Now you must turn yourself over to the police. That was our agreement.” Even as Billy said the words he was thinking of some alternative. He remembered Elvira had placed “leave the country” at the top of her list of how Billy might handle Samantha. What Samantha had done to Doug White was despicable and how she and her accomplice were going to force Majara to kill Doug White was nothing to admire. Evil! Still Billy considered that if she could be tamed, controlled, then she might make a valuable ally. Billy realized that if he ever faced a show down with Kane Bishop then he might need such allies as Samantha Wilder.
Samantha whined in a teasing manner, “Neither one of us have climaxed.”
“When we are finished are you planning on turning yourself over to the police?”
“You know the answer to that. Of course I am not going to turn myself over to the police.” Samantha rolled over pushing Billy beneath her. She began to ride him hard. She knew if she was going to have an orgasm with Billy it would have to happen soon. She did want to experience an orgasm with Billy.
Janet and her Aunt Tess Favor walked into the hotel room that Janet and Billy had rented. They both looked at the computer monitor to see Billy and Samantha having sex.
Tess laughed. “Oh my. I haven’t rode a man like that since my dear Hank died.” Tess pulled the chloroform and an handkerchief from her pocketbook. Tess said, “You put this over her nose and mouth and then in 30 seconds to a minute she should pass out.”
Nervously Janet took the chloroform and hanky from her aunt. “I can’t believe what I am about to do.” Janet walked to the door to the adjoining rooms. Cautiously, trying to stay as quiet as possible, she turned the door knob and opened the door. In tip toe fashion she entered the room and began easing toward the bed. Billy saw Janet and thought it was lucky that Samantha was now the one on top. He watched Janet ease closer to the bed. He hoped they would have Samantha Wilder in jail soon but then Samantha screamed and shivered and her eyes rolled in orgasm. Rolling off Billy she saw Janet coming toward them. She she quickly flipped to her side and reached into the drawer of the nightstand. She grabbed her revolver. Billy jumped on her back and took hold of her arm and hand that tightly clutched the revolver. As they wrestled, Billy was shocked at how strong Samantha Wilder was. Still he held back on how he handled Samantha because he didn’t want anyone to ever say he had roughed up a woman. Janet had no idea what to do as she watched Billy and Samantha thrust about on the bed, fighting for control of the weapon.
Tess Favor saw what was happening and she pulled her own revolver from her pocketbook. She quickly raced to the room and pointed her gun at the bed. Tess screamed, “Okay. Enough. Stop before someone gets hurt.”
When Samantha saw Tess pointing a gun at the bed, Samantha stopped fighting Billy and surrendered her revolver to Billy. Billy crawled off the bed. He told Samantha. “This does not have to turn out that badly for you. If you turn yourself over to the police I think a deal can be worked out that will not displease you; but if you fight like a trapped animal, well, just don’t.”
Billy looked at Janet and Tess. “Keep her covered. If she tries to escape, shoot to kill. I will be back in just a few minutes.” Billy handed Janet the revolver he had taken from Samantha. He threw Samantha a piece of clothing from the foot of her bed and told her to get dressed. He then went back to the room that he and Janet occupied. He got his phone and called Detective Face.
Billy said, “Where is the best place for us to meet so that I can hand Samantha Wilder over to you for an official arrest.”
Detective Face asked, “What about Stan Wakes?”
“He made a very dangerous enemy; a government agent with a license to kill. Stan is dead.”
“That is good but it might make it more difficult to prosecute Samantha. That is unless Doug wakes up and can testify against her.”
“I am trying to get Samantha to do a deal so the White family will not have to be put through a trial and questions about what Doug was doing in the alley with Samantha.”
“What kind of deal?”
“I have no idea what can worked out.”
“I would suggest a token 90 days and probation. My guess is that the prosecution would be thrilled with that, that is if you can get the White family to agree that is punishment enough.”
“Before I go back to talk to her I will call Bobby.”
“Okay, I will talk to the lead detective and the prosecutor. Bye.”
“Bye.” Billy then called Bobby White. “How is Doug doing?”
Bobby said, “The doctors are sounding hopeful.”
“That is good. If am upsetting you, please let me know. I will not give you the details but Stan Wakes has been eliminated. He is no longer a threat to Doug. I have Samantha Wilder here but prosecution will not be easy. If I am making you angry here, let me know.”
“Okay. Talk to me.”
“If it is okay with your family I am going to suggest that Samantha Wilder make a deal with the prosecution in exchange for a 90 day sentence and probation. I will keep an eye on her and if she appears to be a threat to your family then I will deal with her. I know that is not much of a punishment given what she did but if it is kept out of the courts then the media will leave your family alone and will not ask questions about what Doug was doing and so on. What do you think?”
Bobby asked, “What if my family wants to seek the maximum penalty possible.”
“Without bringing Stan Wakes into it, it is going to be difficult to prove what happened was not an accident and if the court were to find it was an accident she could walk free.”
“You said Stan Wakes has been eliminated. What does that mean exactly?”
“He has been killed but in a way that it will never be made public. Even if he were still alive it would be hard to prove what Stan and she did.”
“I understand. I am not angry with what you are saying. I will talk to my family right now. They are all here and listening to this conversation the best they can. I will call you right back.”
Billy got dressed while he waited for Bobby White to call him back. He then peeped in on Tess, Janet, and Samantha. The three of them look restless and very unhappy. With his head stuck in the room Billy said, “One more call and we will start getting this resolved.” Billy’s phone started to ring and he stepped back into his room.
Bobby White said, “If you think you can handle Samantha to make sure there will no future problem when she gets out, my family is agreed. Mom said the first step in healing is forgiveness and so I guess we can try that shit.”
“Okay. I will make the call and get things set in motion to get her turned over to the police.” Billy hung up with Bobby and then called Detective Face. “The White family has agreed to what we were talking about.”
“So is the prosecutor. He was going to be a hard ass in part because he doesn’t know what you told me about Stan Wakes. Regardless, he backed down and it has all been agreed. That is if you can bring Samantha White in without her being handcuffed. She has to prove she can be trusted or the deal is off.”
“Okay. You will be at the police station?”
“I will get her there just as soon as I can get her there.”
“Has Samantha Wilder been told that Stan Wakes is dead?”
“No but Bobby and some other people have been told. Still, basically, it needs to be kept a secret.”
eBooks of Charles Peters, me, on Amazon.
Note: The Erotic Domination of Earth Books I’ve written for Amazon connects back into the Billy Bingo universe. Another series will be added that will not be in the erotic category will also connect back into the Billy Bingo universe.