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Front Page 12-6-2020 FrontPage

Articles Added:

Does the Electric Car Industry Explain Our Broken Economy


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I’ve added the next episode, Episode 14, of Hearthville Serial.  To download from store you will need to register.  It is quick and simple.  You do not have to use a real email address.  The download cost 1 SayToken.  You receive 5 SayTokens each day that you visit when registered and signed in.  You can also earn SayTokens by clicking certain links.  Note that  all you have to do is create a user name, give a fake email address, create a password and you will be set.  Do make a note and remember your user name and password.


Been looking at kboards.  It appears a lot of writers who previously had some sales to good sales are now struggling.  They have theories.  They always have theories.  I did not see where anyone suggested how hated Jeff Bezos and Big Tech is right now is causing part of their problems.  Someone did suggest how the once popular Social Media sites are being avoided by many people and so those ads have become next to worthless.

There was also a thread about audible, which I’ve never used and have no idea about, where people have been having trouble getting their books approved.  There was some suggestion about people scamming the system and so Amazon had to increase the manual reviews before publishing.  Then someone scratched their head and asked why that would apply to established writers they know are not scamming the system.  Obviously, the problem has to do with Amazon’s increase in political and Covid related censorship.  But hey, let us not mention that in the thread.

Yes.  I still promote Amazon.  I shop at Amazon.  And I will continue to do so until that is no longer an option, or I have had enough with their BS.

But Jeff Bezos and Big Tech hating the American and British people is becoming a fucking problem.  And you may have noticed the more successful writers on Amazon, when you see them in social media, are pretty much all leftist dickheads.  Of course there are exceptions–more in non-fiction–but it has to make you wonder if Amazon’s system uses an indie writer’s “social credit score” to at least partially determine how they are treated in organic search & also boughts & other ways that can either help or kill a writer’s potential for success.

Now, please do not read what I am suggesting and think, “Wow, all have to do is become a leftist dickhead–improve my social credit score–to become a writing success.”  The last thing this planet needs is more leftist dickheads.

In some ways I am liberal, but mostly I lean libertarian.  Regardless, I was born Southern and I will die Southern and that causes me to be hated by both the ignorant left and the ignorant right.  I am okay with that.  There are worse things than being hated.   And I will always stand up for the South!!!


Erotic Domination of Planet Earth: Man In The Painting

I have begun adding chapters that can be sampled online.


Please note that I have turned registration off.

Chuck @ sayata

What social media platforms am I on?

None really. I have not gone on Facebook in well over a year.  I’ve been posting on twitter but my sticky tweet is “bye.”  I put that up November 6.  I’ve tweeted since then but after the election, I went on a blocking tirade.  In addition a lot of people I followed on twitter have been suspended or have abandoned the platform.  The behavior of Jack Dorsey has been unforgivable.   That is the bottom line.

But what about the Indie Platforms such as Parler, Gab, and such?  I have not joined them.  The social media platform to me is over.  Twitter started out promoting free speech and we’ve seen what it turned into.  Patreon started out one thing and became something else.

I don’t say I will never join an alternative social media platform but I need to spend more time working on my websites.

I’ve thought about joining bitchute but I don’t know.

12-6-2020 Unscramble the words:

  1.  dddea
  2. ddowlona
  3.  eenb
  4. yreoht
  5. iitvs
  6. maevrl
  7. edtesggus

12-9-2020 – answers

1. added
2. download
3. been
4. theory
5. visit
6. marvel
7. suggested

11-15-2020 Unscramble the words:

  1. lvei
  2. depensusd
  3. tawh
  4. smfortalp
  5. mecabe



  1. live, evil, or veil are correct.  There may be others but all I see.
  2. suspended is correct
  3. what is correct
  4. platforms is correct
  5. became is correct