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Of Microchips and Euthanasia

When reading an article on the Swedish startup hub Epicenter implanting microchips in employees I couldn’t help but think about the movie “Logan’s Run,” where people are only allowed to live to the age 21. I thought the age was 35 but apparently the age in the movie is 21. (I wonder if the change in age is part of a Mandela Effect.) Regardless, the age in the movie doesn’t matter. That isn’t the point. The point is, what if the microchip people allow to be implanted in their body has some kind of kill switch such as to send blood pressure extra high to finish the person off if their microchip registers future health cost increasing for that person.

That thought might sound extra paranoid but can you put anything past the rich trying to reduce the cost of their slaves, I mean employees.

In the article some employee says “I like being able to open a door by just waving my hand.” Isn’t that the very definition of lazy? Maybe that person deserves to have a kill switch implanted. Just kidding. Not serious. I don’t wish harm on anyone.

About microchips being implanted:
Employees getting implanted with microchips

Legality of euthanasia in various countries and states within the United States