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Twitter Tweets With 0 Impressions

These tweets are being suppressed and I was actually defending Elon Musk.  Twitter Democrats were attacking him for not allowing starlink to be used to operate a mass drone attack against Russian forces in the Ukraine.  My contention is that if he had he would have been helping the Biden Administration to violate the 1967 Outer Space Treaty.  But where things got really weird is when I posted the conspiracy theory about a supposed Hillary message and at that point my computer went black and I had to kill my internet connection.

Satellites should not be used to orchestrate drone attacks.  We might not can force nations to again fight their wars with swords, but if we keep on allowing war to become more tech and deadly, it is not just nuclear bombs than can destroy civilization.  In fact, that suggestion was always an overstatement but satellites becoming space weapons could destroy civilization.

Of course the other side of the argument is that China does not recognize the space treaty and is violating its intent with abandon and the US may have no choice but to up the satellite game or face a reckoning with China.  Then again, if there are space aliens who will not allow space to be weaponized, China may already be on its way to destruction and doom and all nations who follow their path may go the same way.


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