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Bulletins & Notes (bulletins have been moved. see menu)



Not currently posting to twitter account, sayata, but just keeping a check on it. The impression level is normally less than 200.  Usually a lot less.  And the click response to any links is mostly 0.  Even knowing that it is nearly worthless for me to tweet, it was still addictive, and it is time to end that.

My book sales have fallen to zero.  I am not driving any traffic.

Also note that AT&T provides me very slow DSL (which they could improve by simply putting on the correct pole to reduce distance but they refuse) and the level of graphics now on twitter’s timeline causes loading to hang & it is a hassle.




Promotional Book Material & Stories have been removed from this area for now.

Nothing was selling & no money = bad idea.

No hard feelings on my part and hope you don’t either.  Just is what it is.

I probably will start doing quotes and excerpts and promoting that way.


Previous Bulletins that are still noteworthy.

Note that if you are reading mobile, please be sure to click the menu button to see the side menu. A lot of content is set up in pages with the pages linked through the menu. When using most computer browsers you will see the side menu. With mobile, you generally have to click the menu bar.



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California wants to ban encrypted phones


Because the law is too similar to a law that the peeping toms in New York are trying to pass, it is clear that some group is behind the attempt to get such laws passed.  On the Federal level Obama opposes the banning of encrypted phones, which is a good thing.

On the other hand FBI Director James Comey told senators that “the use of encryption is part of terrorist tradecraft now,” while New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton warns that the authorities have “gone blind.”

Please, think a second.  Has law enforcement become too incompetent to place court approved eavesdropping equipment on suspects.  The only reason to oppose encrypted phones is that criminals in government want to make the average user more vulnerable to terrorists and other criminals.  The notion that police can’t do their job when phones are capable of encryption is a false narrative.  It is a foolish narrative.  POLICE CAN PLANT APPS & EAVESDROPPING BUGS on phones or through other devices/systems even if a phone uses encryption.

Tech companies support encryption not because of some nefarious motive.  They support encryption to protect their customers from criminals. It is not 100% protection because criminals can potentially use the same methods as police for their spying, but it does offer some protection.  And one has to hope when criminals outside of government use some of the police methods for spying, they will be caught.

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The new Las Vegas parking fee shows what happens when competition disappears


I really don’t have much of an argument against their contention.  I am totally against monopoly powers in the marketplace.  There is no doubt mergers hurt the over all economy.

I will just say when it comes to entertainment & leisure money, people always have a choice. In this industry, even when a company thinks they have a blank check to treat customers anyway which they choose, customers can and often do say no. “I will go somewhere and do something else.”

In leisure, a company can be booming one day and boarding up the windows the next day.  Bad decisions can kill a company that quickly.  And a city built on tourism can fade into a fad people have forgotten just as quickly.


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Samsung Phones in Apple Patent Case Banned


Samsung Phones in Apple Patent Case Banned

The misuse of patent law by the oligarchs is one of the major things that is screwing up the world economy.  The oligarch propagandist are always like, “Education, education, education is the way to help the lowly worker.”  But then education in regards to information that is patented, “Oh no, you can’t use that.”

Patent law needs to be changed.  On the one hand inventors need to be rewarded for their works to encourage research and development.  On the other hand though, the patents should not be allowed to be used to maintain monopolies in the marketplace.

Basically when a new product uses patents held by other companies there should be a formula on how the profits from that product is distributed.

I would suggest that 25% of the price of every product go into a patent fund.  Then the number of standing, active, patents used in that product should be counted including patents owned by the producer of that product.  Then that 25% should be divided equally between all the owners of the patents, per patent, in that product.

This should save the over all economy money in stopping all the bullshit patent lawsuits.

It should bring down the price of products by companies like Apple that abuse the patent system. [opinion]

It should bring down the price of meds but at the same time not stop research and development.

It should help small garage / ma pa businesses grow by protecting against lawsuits and government raids orchestrated by the oligarchs such as against flea markets.

Note that businesses would still be allowed to protect their brands on patented merchandise.  Businesses that produce a similar product using patents owned by the other company would have a different branded product but to benefit of consumer could say “similar to ????.”

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China Violate International Law by Displaying Prisoner for Propaganda


Peter Jesper Dahlin works for a group called China Action.  The group provides legal help and education to people being abused by China’s legal system.

China considers the group illegal because of undeclared money transfers from overseas and claims the group spreads misinformation to people.

What people should consider most alarming about the behavior is that the Chinese behavior seems to be the growing behavior of oligarch globalist around the planet who want to smash anyone trying to help the little guy.

Obama was totally accepting of Iran breaking similar international law in regards to our sailors who were taken as a result of a higher up in US giving stand down orders to said sailors to allow them to be taken by a small group of thugs under orders from Iran’s oligarchs and then used for propaganda.

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Vatican Supreme Court To Consider Allowing President to be Dictator

This opinion piece is in response to article:


Why do I refer to this Supreme Court as the Vatican Supreme Court?

Because in the name “diversity,” Vatican Operatives from Reagan forward have stacked the Supreme Court with 6 Roman Catholics and 3 Jews.  This Supreme Court has followed the long established will of the Vatican to destroy the United States as a free Constitutional Republic with elected leaders.  Its rulings largely ignore the Constitution and the will of our founding fathers.

About the case:

The lower courts have already ruled that Obama can not ignore the will of Congress and dictate Immigration Law through executive action.

The appeals court clearly ruled that Obama’s executive action exceeded Mr. Obama’s statutory authority.  That the Vatican Supreme Court would consider disagreeing with that is as scary as the Vatican Supreme Court ruling that the power to take money from the citizens of the United States is an unlimited power, as they insanely and corruptly ruled to keep Obamacare legal when it is clearly not legal as written.

So when Vatican Operatives in the elite media suggest that the Supreme Court taking the case is a good thing, bull!  The only thing the Supreme Court should have said is that we stand behind the lower court and agree that Obama exceeded his executive authority.

The Vatican is clear that they want to flood Europe and the United States with cheap labor to serve the feudal lords that the Vatican anoints with their control of not just the corrupt Vatican Bank but also with their operatives planted in the Central Banks around the world that control the flow of money and in some cases who gets access to that money.

Hopefully, I will be proven wrong and the Supreme Court does not want to make the position of President the same as a position of Dictator.  Hopefully the Supreme Court will prove they are not as controlled by the Vatican as I think they are.  But I am not holding my breath.


This is opinion.  If you have a different opinion cool. Please note Vatican Operative is not code for Catholic.  Many Catholics are as disturbed by what the Vatican is doing to the United States as the rest of us.  Some, perhaps many, Vatican Operatives are not Catholic or do not present themselves as such.

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The Calling – Wherever You Will Go

Camino Palmero

The Calling
Some really cool songs by this band.

American rock band from Los Angeles, California

Last members
Alex Band – lead vocals, rhythm guitar
Sean Kipe – lead guitar, backing vocals
Jake Fehres – bass guitar, backing vocals
Art Pacheco – drums, percussion[18]

Former members
Aaron Kamin – lead guitar, backing vocals
Sean Woolstenhulme – rhythm guitar, backing vocals
Billy Mohler – bass guitar, backing vocals
Nate Wood – drums, percussion, backing vocals
Dino Meneghin – rhythm guitar, backing vocals

Touring musicians
Kaveh Rastegar – bass (2003)
“V” – bass (early 2004)
Justin Derrico – lead guitar (2003-2004)
Daniel Damico – rhythm guitar, backing vocals, keyboard (2003-2004)
Corey Britz – bass guitar, backing vocals, keyboard (2003-2004)
Justin Meyer – drums, percussion (2003-2004)



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T. Boone Pickens calls for bipartisan panel to screen candidates for president

Please do not misunderstand when I talk about Vatican Operatives.  It is not a code word for Catholic.  Many social Catholics have as many issues with the Vatican as I do.  And some Vatican Operatives are not Catholic.

I have no idea what religion T. Boone Pickens is.  I have no idea whether he is a Vatican Operative or  has a Vatican Operative whispering in his ear. But T. Boone Pickens suggestion that a bipartisan panel should determine who can run for president is truly a Vatican wet dream.


The idea that the Vatican could put together a group of people like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Sonia Sotomayor, and Clarence Thomas to decide who can and can’t run for President would help the Vatican finish its take over of the United States.  Understand the Vatican, which has entrenched their operatives in power within the United States, do not really believe in Democracy.  They hate many of the constitutional protections afforded the American people such as free speech and freedom of religion.  Many social Catholics end up leaving the Catholic Church once in the United States, as they find other churches that better reflect their interest and beliefs.  Vatican Operatives across the globe are doing their best to slip in new laws against “heresy” and giving churches greater power to strong arm their members.

The Vatican would like to still be able to maintain the Feudal Lords, their Nobles, and their anointed Kings and Queens in power.  They would love to have full, permanent control of the US Federal Reserve so they could totally decide the winners and losers in the US economy; maybe even in the world economy.

So how stupid does T. Boone Pickens have to be to even suggest that a small group of people should screen who can and can’t run for President?  Perhaps stupid is too strong of a word.  The man is hardly stupid.  But he is misguided.

Understand that both political parties have a delegate system which by a change in party rules could be used to decide the party nominee and not necessarily directly follow the will of the voters.  But those delegates would be elected and there would be no way in hell that some group like the Vatican could use those delegates to appoint who they want as President.  The voters would still have the larger voice  in who runs for President because they elect the delegates and the Vatican can’t appoint the delegates.

The United States has an electoral college.  If the states decide that the voters are being overly influenced by the media and by too much big money in the electoral process they can move away from the “winner take all” delegate system.  The delegates could be given more say in who becomes President.  That isn’t likely to happen because the states want the election to be decided quickly.  They do not want to have to wait weeks while a truly free electoral college decides who is President.  And also pretty much everyone but Vatican Operatives believe in a truly free election to be decided by the will of the people.  Still, if you think voters can’t be trusted to decide who should be President, the electoral college is there for that purpose.  And again, it can’t be controlled by some group like Vatican Operatives.  The delegates are decided by the people.

So when someone suggest something so evil–even if comes from being misguided–as to have a group decide who can and can’t run for President, they seriously need to be told to fuck off.  It needs to be made clear to the Vatican Operatives, “There is no way in fucking hell that you are going to be given that power.”


This article is opinion.  If you have a different opinion that is cool.  And if I have accidentally offended anyone, you can be sure that was not my intent.