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Governor Brian Kemp Sells Georgia’s Soul at Davos

Georgia’s Governor Brian Kemp goes to Davos, Switzerland to bring more foreign business to Georgia to destroy our land and our environment and to create greater traffic jams even while the people of Georgia are treated as second class citizens in our own state.  You would be hard pressed to find government handouts to local, home grown businesses anywhere near the level of subsidies and tax deals that are given to out of state and foreign businesses to locate in Georgia.  Instead, you will find local businesses having to pay for the windfalls being given to the carpetbaggers who come to Georgia to abuse the locals and destroy our environment.

After Brian Kemp’s trip to the WEF in Davos, Switzerland, one of the first things Kemp did when coming back to Georgia was to use his cowboy boots to walk all over the people of Georgia.  He quickly had the state legislature to update–make worse–its unconstitutional hate crime law that violates the 14th amendment:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

True justice must be blind and should be applied without regard to wealth, power, or other status.  That is what is meant by equal protection of the laws.

A crime is a crime is a crime.  A crime against one person is NOT supposed to be considered a greater crime because of who that person is than if it is committed against another person.  Whether a person steals a diamond ring for money or because the person hates the person for whatever reason is irrelevant, and to suggest that it is relevant biases the jury and perhaps even increases the odds that an innocent person will be convicted of a crime they did not commit.  Maybe the person is being framed.  Or maybe the accused has a history of hate while the person who actually has stolen the ring is considered an upstanding citizen.   The motives behind hate crime laws have always been nefarious that serve no purpose because a trial is supposed to be about the crime itself and not about who the people involved in the crime–victim or perpetrator–are.  And if our court system was not corrupt as hell, such laws would have already been ruled unconstitutional.  Not so ironically hate crime laws are the result of the hate in hearts of the people who promote such laws.  They are passed by people who would murder their detractors if they could, but they use the corrupt legal system instead while the ignorant and the blasphemous cheer.  It is sad that we live in a world where it is hard for people to know who the good guys are and who the bad bad guys are.

But back to Brian Kemp, who is one of the worst Governors the state of Georgia has ever had–unless of course you are thrilled with the state of Georgia being transformed from a once beautiful state into an ugly asphalt desert.  Or maybe you like how the Kemp run government treats its own long time citizens, its historical families, like crap while treating the new comers like Gods.  Once back from Davos, Switzerland and Brian Kemp’s sucking up to his WEF masters he had our state legislature to pass a law to define antisemitism.  I am sure the Atheist, Marxist, Oligarchs, Criminals at Davos, Switzerland, masquerading as Jews, giggled like school girls at how well their marionette performed for them upon his return to Georgia to pass the needless and hateful and illegal definition of antisemitism, in  clear violation of the first amendment of the constitution so as to make even more egregious Georgia’s original hate crime law that violates the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.  Yeah, I don’t care how our corrupt and broken court system rules, the constitution is what the constitution is and the constitution is very clear on this matter unless you are judge with a secret bank account.

It should be noted that most Jews are of European descent and their early ancestors are not the same Jews mentioned in the bible. Only around 20% of true Jewish people can actually track their ancestors back to the Middle East.  It also should be noted that Judaism is not one religion but like all Abrahamic Religions has splintered into different sects with somewhat different beliefs.   The people attempting to use Judaism to advance other agendas are desperate to define what a Jew is and to hide their agendas behind the religion of the good and God loving Jews.  For example, a person can not be both an Atheist and a Jew no matter how they pretend to be so.  This attempt to make the ethos of fakers and liars a protected class of people–Atheist, Marxist, Oligarchs, Criminals– as Brian Kemp has done with his insane definition of antisemitism is a clear illegal use of the law.  And to corrupt the concept of Judaism with such evils–to illegally try to have the state to create a religion as a blasphemy against a true religion; Judaism–is the most evil of evils.  There is no such thing as antisemitism.

It is a made up word that originated in the compound word antisemitismus (lit. ’antisemitism’) that was first used in print in Germany in 1879.

The origin of “antisemitic” terminologies is found in the responses of Moritz Steinschneider to the views of Ernest Renan. As Alex Bein writes: “The compound anti-Semitism appears to have been used first by Steinschneider, who challenged Renan on account of his ‘anti-Semitic prejudices’ [i.e., his derogation of the “Semites” as a race].” Avner Falk similarly writes: “The German word antisemitisch was first used in 1860 by the Austrian Jewish scholar Moritz Steinschneider (1816–1907) in the phrase antisemitische Vorurteile (antisemitic prejudices). Steinschneider used this phrase to characterise the French philosopher Ernest Renan’s ideas about how ‘Semitic races’ were inferior to ‘Aryan races'”.

It should be noted that there is no such thing as a Semitic Race or an Aryan Race, unless you believe that race is defined by whatever language a person primarily speaks.  The debate on which race is superior was always a psyops and a fakery; a trope to stir the masses up; used by the ruling class to manipulate the common man by using his  common, natural, human, innate biases against him.  Biases that in themselves are as harmless as rooting for different football teams.  Yes, even a football game can lead to violence but the point stands.

Now back to Brian Kemp and the gall of his oligarch cronies.  Back to these self-appointed want to be rulers of planet earth,  who want to use an old trope so as beat down the common man, once again.  In absolute arrogance, these evil, evil, evil people actually want to illegally codify a meaningless and nonsensical word so as to vilify anyone who would stand in opposition to the Atheist, Marxist, Oligarchs, Criminals and others who might dare to pretend to be Jewish in a truly diabolical game.  The game is  to use the  word, Semitic (which is about language and not religion or race) as a false religion presented as an antithesis to such presented as the word  antisemitic, and then use the nonexistent religion/race as a weapon to jail and murder their opposition–including Jews who stand in opposition to them.  Brian Kemp and his oligarch masters are truly evil as they blaspheme God and defame both real Jews and Christians with their false religion.

The definition, which is only referred to in the bill, describes antisemitism as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”


Supporters of the unconstitutional law, on top of the unconstitutional hate crime law, say that it will only be used against someone if they break a law.  But you know that is not true.  It will be used when people say the wrong thing online.  It will be used when banks debank someone.  It will be used in frivolous lawsuits.  It will be used to suggest that hate against a non-existent race is somehow worse than hate against Christians and over time reinforce the movement to make Christians second class citizens to  Atheist, Marxist, Oligarchs, Criminals and others who blasphemy by pretending to be Jewish and God’s so called chosen people.

The phrase, “Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism,” clearly make this an anti-free-speech bill.  This atrocious and awful act of hate against the loving people of Georgia, who don’t deserve even the suggestion that such a bill is needed–that is if you believe the purpose of the bill as an anti-hate bill– came about all because Governor Brian Kemp went to Davos, Switzerland to pimp the beautiful people of Georgia to a bunch of evil sons of bitches who we should not want any where near our state.  They are evil.  The passage of this bill was evil. Governor Brian Kemp is evil.

As our state legislature was preparing this unconstitutional legislation, some protesters chanting “Free Free Palestine!” were dragged from the committee room by police, prompting one arrest. That came after some Jewish residents of Georgia, being given the red carpet treatment and probably lollipops–and who do not realize how they are being used–testified they had experienced a surge of bias incidents.

As I close this, let us not forget the First Amendment of the constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Beyond the 14th Amendment, the 1st Amendment is especially there to protect the American people from religious persecution.  This law, in violation of the constitution, was not written to protect Jews from religious persecution.  It is understood that all religions should be protected from persecution.  No religious group should face persecution!!!  This law was written to help the fakers, those who pretend to be Jewish, to persecute other religions as well as non-compliant Jews, and to stifle free speech.  What has been done is an abomination against God and Country and a celebration of the criminals who would persecute all who stand in their way.




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The Current State of Publishing and Making Money from eBooks

This article was written with the help of AI/Search.

According to a report by **WordsRated**, the Big Five publishing houses (Penguin Random House, Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, and Simon & Schuster) are responsible for publishing between **10% and 20%** of all new titles in a year published through conventional publishers ¹. When we include self-published books, the share of Big Five in global publishing becomes much smaller but still equates to around **2.5%** ¹.

The Big Five publishers generate over **$12 billion per year** from book sales revenue as of 2021 ¹.

According to a report by **WordsRated**, self-published books account for **30-34%** of all ebooks sold, with **300 million** self-published books sold each year. The total revenue generated by self-published books is estimated to be **$1.25 billion** per year¹. Amazon pays **$520 million** in royalties to self-published authors annually¹.

It’s worth noting that the average self-published book sells for **$4.16**, and the average self-published author earns **$1,000** per year from their books¹. However, these figures are just estimates, and the actual revenue generated by self-published eBooks can vary widely depending on various factors such as the genre, quality of writing, marketing efforts, and more.

According to a report by Amazon, over 1,000 indie authors earned more than $100,000 through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing during the year to the end of May 2020 and ‘thousands more independent authors earned more than $50,000.’

According to a recent article by Toner Buzz ¹, printed books outsell eBooks by a ratio of 4 to 1. In the United States, printed book sales amounted to **788.7 million units** in 2022, while eBook sales experienced a **3.7% growth** in January 2023 compared to January 2022, resulting in **$85 million** of generated revenue ¹.

However, eBooks are significantly cheaper than print books, and they make up **36%** of sales in terms of the total number of books sold on Amazon ⁴.

A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center on book consumption and book formats revealed that 68% of younger readers (18 to 29-year-olds) in the United States prefer print books. However, eBook sales in the US are gradually increasing ¹³.

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Source: Conversation with Bing, 10/16/2023
(1) Printed Books vs eBooks Statistics, Trends and Facts [2023].
(2) Amazon Book Sales Statistics – WordsRated.
(3) E-book Sales Decline as Physical Bookstores Reopen – The NPD Group.
(4) 23 Gripping Book Industry Statistics [2023]: How Many Books Were ….
(5) Ebooks Sales Statistics 2023 – WordsRated.


Source: Conversation with Bing, 10/16/2023
(1) Self-published Books & Authors Sales Statistics [2023] – WordsRated.
(2) How to make money from eBooks – Save the Student.
(3) How to Make Money Selling Ebooks In 5 Steps – Kotobee Blog.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 10/16/2023
(1) The Big Five Publishers Statistics – WordsRated.
(2) Book Publishing Companies Statistics – WordsRated.
(3) What Big 5 Financial Reports Reveal About Traditional Publishing.

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Elon Musk recruits quadriplegia subjects for brain-computer interface

Elon Musk, the Tesla, X and SpaceX owner, 52, set up Neuralink to connect human brains to computers and to test the technology on people with paralysis.  A robot will help implant a BCI (brain-computer interface), which will let them control a computer cursor, or type, using thoughts alone.

Neuralink’s study will see a robot surgically place 64 flexible threads – which are thinner than a human hair ¬– on to a part of the brain that controlled “movement intention”.  The wires will allow Neuralink’s experimental implant, powered by a battery that can be charged wirelessly, to record and transmit brain signals wirelessly to an app that decodes how the person intends to move.

The company says people may qualify for the trial if they have quadriplegia due to injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Elon’s company faces rivals including Blackrock Neurotech, which implanted its first of many BCIs in 2004.

Two separate recent studies in the US saw implants used to monitor brain activity when a person tried to speak, which could then be decoded to help them communicate.

Dr Adrien Rapeaux, a research associate in the Neural Interfaces Lab at Imperial College London, told the BBC: “Neuralink no doubt has an advantage in terms of implantation”, as their procedure was robotically assisted.

But Dr Rapeaux – who is also a co-founder of a neural implant start-up Mintneuro – said it wasn’t clear how their method for converting brain signals into useful actions would do better than that used by the likes of Blackrock Neurotech.

According to “bio-conservatives”, the “Neuralink”‘ brain implant suppresses the frontier between natural/artificial, human/machine, living/no-living. Thus, the merger of human intelligence and artificial intelligence sought by Musk would be as much an artificialization of the human as a humanization of the machine.

Elon Musk’s brain chip startup Neuralink has raised $280 million in a funding round led by Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, Google Ventures, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman months after securing approval for its first in-human clinical trial. Musk’s companies had received an estimated $4.9 billion in government support by 2015, and they’ve gotten more since even though he pretends to oppose government subsidies when talking to his fanboys and doing his tit talking to the media.  It is not known at what point Elon Musk will market his Neuralink Technology to the Pentagon, but his history suggest if they are buying, he will be selling.

The company did not reveal the valuation at which the funds were raised. In June, Reuters reported that the company was valued at about $5 billion after privately executed stock trades.

“We’re extremely excited about this next chapter at Neuralink,” the company said in a post on Musk-owned social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.  It is not known how proud he is in the number of monkeys Neuralink has killed in trying to rush experiments to get FDA approval for testing his AI “Frankenstein Monster” designs on human subjects.


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Copyright board delivers blow to AI Generated Content over photo protections

Courts and the copyright board had already ruled that you can not copyright art, photos, and books created with AI.  You can only copyright the parts of a work that were created by you, the human so the ruling was not shocking.  The U.S. Copyright Office Review Board rejected a request by artist Jason M. Allen for copyright protection for his image “Theatre D’opera Spatial,” which was generated the AI system Midjourney, in a ruling issued earlier this month.

Allen told Reuters earlier this month that the review board’s latest decision was expected, but also expressed confidence that he “will win in the end.”

“If this stands, it is going to create more problems than it solves,” Allen said. “This is going to create new and creative problems for the copyright office in ways we can’t even speculate yet.”

When you publish a book Amazon using KDP, you now have to tell if AI was used to generate graphics and text and how much of it was generated using AI.  People have wondered about these questions added.  They have speculated on why Amazon is doing this.  They have suggested it is because of the Karens out there complaining about AI.  But it probably has to do with the fact you can’t copyright AI work.

Now while you can not copyright an AI work, the copyright office has made clear you can copyright the part that you, a human, created.  Still, people have to wonder the degree that if they use AI, and have to admit to it, to what degree it will bring their copyright into question.

Now all of this has to do with the copyright office.  And reminder: You have never been able to copyright an idea or a trope.  You can only copyright the presentation of that idea and that presentation has to be original enough to be copyrighted.  Also, simply registering a copyright, while evidence in court, does not prevent copyright disputes that ultimately may have to be settled in court, and not by some internet company attempting to play judge and jury.

On the issue of patents:

The USPTO and Federal Circuit’s opinions imply that inventions made by human beings with the assistance of AI are eligible for patent protection. However, there is uncertainty and much debate as to how much AI assistance is too much for patentability.  So the patent office is taking a little bit different stand than the copyright office.

Hearing Wrap Up: Federal Government Use of Artificial Intelligence Poses Promise, Peril

You might notice that this so called hearing has mostly been a whitewash to give big tech and the government cover.  And the regular media is fully participating in that whitewash.  AI is being used in the operation of drones and other weapons.  It is already being used to kill people around the world.  When Elon Musk warns, though he is also whitewashing the issue, that AI could destroy humanity he is just chasing a squirrel up a tree.  AI has already been used by governments to murder people and and it not just some theory that AI is threat to humanity, it is a threat.

AI has already been used by the US with the help of drones to murder 12,000 people, including 400 children.  China has been busy as beavers using AI to terrorize its own citizens.  And the Biden administration with his fake liberal cabinet is now in race with China to do the same here in the US.  Do you seriously think the monster, the threat to humanity that is AI, was not used in destroying the lives of the January 6’rs.

Now all that said, I love using AI to generate graphics, but to pretend that AI in specific, and computer technology in general is not a threat to humanity is retarded.  If our US Congress continues to whitewash this issue or care more about deep fake videos than little children being murdered, they are also a God Damn Threat to humanity.  Hell, Congress may now all be a bunch of AI generated robots.  We wouldn’t know the difference and the fucked up pieces of shit who run the media would not tell us.


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Amazon will invest up to $4 billion into OpenAI rival Anthropic

Amazon announced that it will invest up to $4 billion into Anthropic — the AI startup best known for its Claude chatbot and founded by siblings Dario and Daniela Amodei who used to work for OpenAI.

This deal is on the cheap in comparison to the reported $13 billion that Microsoft has so far invested into OpenAI, the biggest name in generative AI technology right now, but that partnership has been going strong since since 2019. Regardless, the deal shows that Amazon is trying to participate in the AI games.  When publishing an eBook in KDP you now have to tell Amazon if you used AI to generate graphics or text and you have to tell them what AI tools that you used.

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One definition of AI is:
The ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment. I would sort of add that it is basically a bot program with the ability to program itself or learn.

What is human intelligence? Mental quality that consists of the abilities to learn from experience, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate one’s environment.

To what degree can a computer program mimic human intelligence? That is an open question.

But back to the news item…

Anthropic’s Claude and Claude 2 large language model–based chatbots are similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard in that they can translate text, write code, and answer various questions, but Anthropic says its model is safer and more reliable because it’s guided by a set of principles.  Well, you know, reading that pisses me off.  I was doing images on Bing’s chatbot/AI and for some reason it threatened to ban me.  When I want to do sexy pictures I go to an AI that allows that.  I don’t do that on Bing and I was not breaking any rules.  But hell, I think if the AI had been on a helicopter with me, and I had farted, it would have thrown me out of the helicopter.  Asshole.

“Set of principles.”  What does that mean? Censorship? Turning logic upside down like Social Media has been doing by calling hate love, and calling debate hate.  Hate is not calling someone a poopyhead when they are pissing you off.  Hate is  that someone throwing you out of a helicopter when you are pissing them off.  Hate is actually hurting someone by doing harm to them such as kicking them off of social media, giving them a low social credit score, telling them they can no longer make money on youtube, getting them fired from their job and doing actual harm to someone.  Make no mistake, the haters are not the people who use the n word.  The haters are the people who want to kill you and your family because you use the n word.  Now understand, these upside down crazy people who don’t even understand the concept of true hate are the ones programming AI.   Hate is Burger King trying to force a dick in your mouth, to muzzle you, because it took some woman ten years to wipe the smile off her face to accuse you of some drunken sex shit that neither of you probably even remember clearly–except the smile of course.

There is a reason that Harlan Ellison, James Cameron, Gale Anne Hurd, or whoever you want to give most of the credit for the Terminator Movie with, came up with the idea of Skynet. A lot of times when you are writing,, you go into what I call a channeling state where you start picking up on ideas from the metaphysical world whether it is from an angel, a demon, a ghost, or maybe just the computer program that our souls are trapped in. Regardless, the words you are writing have a great deal more meaning than the words that might come out of your conscious brain. And the idea that AI might be dangerous predates when people could so clearly see how insane the people running parts of the computer industry, the social media and not so social media, are.

In the movie, what was Skynet? Skynet was a fictional artificial neural network-based conscious group mind and artificial general superintelligence system that served as the antagonistic force of the Terminator franchise.

In the real world what is skynet? SKYNET is a program by the U.S. National Security Agency that performs machine learning analysis on communications data to extract information about possible terror suspects.  Skynet has murdered (in more loosely defined terms) using operated drones in violation of the space treaty, 12,000 people (including 400 children) that we know about it.  There is no estimate to the amount of economic damage it has done to people who have used the N word or broken some other unsocial social media rule.  We know that some people, who have been banned from making money online or otherwise have been given a gun to put in their mouth,  is because of SKYNET directly or indirectly coaxing UnSocial Social Media to do its evil.

To what degree is Microsoft, Google, and now Amazon helping the government with its SKYNET operations to destroy lives and perhaps even murder people?

  Was the movie Terminator, just a movie?