Hearthville Serial: Book 7
Episode 14
Any Truth, Proper Grammar, or Correct Spelling is totally coincidental if not accidental.
All characters are fiction. This story is fiction. This story makes no claims about any real person.
By Charles Peters
Copyright 2021
All Rights Reserved
Chapters / Episodes
Victor drove his white van back behind the red van.
Steed called his father. “Dad, we have got a situation. Victor and I are following a red van with men who we believe were conducting a bio terror attack against Preacher Pat Pialo’s church.”
Arthur said, “I was listening to Morris on the radio. I have a call into Alice Malokey which is the only friend I have on the Witches Council to see what she can tell me.”
“Victor and I are going to need backup. Can you provide it?”
“Not without Alice’s permission.”
“Do you think the Witches Council may be behind this covid shit?”
“I would like to say no but the truth is that I don’t know. When the temperatures rose in Australia and Antarctica the population control people were given permissions by the Council but I don’t know what those permissions were. I was told told they were only given permission to put birth control chemicals in certain foods but I don’t know.”
“Dad, where do you stand?”
“We are turning earth into an asphalt desert. That has got to stop but I certainly do not support bio terror.”
“Do Victor and I need Alice’s permission to apprehend the men in the red van?”
“For now, just follow. Okay. Do not move in to try to make a citizen’s arrest. I have a call back from Alice’s assistant Madison Grant. Let me see what she has to say. Then I will call you back.”
“Okay. Bye.”
“Victor, did you hear all of that?”
“I heard but if they think I am going to give the Witches Council permission to kill off all the humans where they can take over earth, they are seriously fucked in the head. Somehow I have got to get to Amelia and wake her up before the damn space aliens take complete control of earth.”
“I did not hear dad say anything about the Space Aliens trying to take complete control of earth.”
“You didn’t hear the part about needing their fucking permission to take down the bio terrorists?”
Donny said, “Victor, you are the real Victor and not the game Victor, right?”
“What do you have to say Donny?”
“If you go against the Witches Council they may have a way to cage you. You are not invincible.”
“I sent Belial to hell, didn’t I?”
“You sent him into the arms of Satan but maybe Satan wanted him in his arms. Do you know how you did it?”
“Kind of. Sort of. There are theories.”
“Well. Let me tell you something. I know someone who knows how to put you into a sleeper’s cage. They were one of the witches who summoned you during a seance and woke you from that cage. And I am fairly sure they can put you back into that cage.”
“So you know who I am?”
“I think I have figured out who you are. Do you know who you are? As my higher self, I know. But more importantly I know I can’t allow the Space Alien Witches and their Hewews to win.”
Steed asked, “Hewews?”
Victor said, “It is not important who they are.”
Victor stared at Steed as he let the Van drive itself. “I notice you haven’t asked who I am.”
Steed said, “As far as I am concerned, you are Victor. And that is all I need to know.”
Victor nodded. “I see what Victor saw in you all those years ago.”
“He saw Jossette’s loser cousin who desperately needed a friend.”
“No. He saw more than that. I see more than that.”
Donny asked, “Do you know where Jossette is?”
“I do. But I will not tell my lower self and I will not tell you.”
“Victor and I are real worried about her.”
“There is no reason to worry.”
Steed was not sure what to say. Then he cleared his throat. “My mom sees Jossette. I am not sure whether what she sees is Jossette’s ghost or something from her imagination.”
Victor said, “A little of both.”
Steed pointed up in the air. “I see two helicopters.”
Victor said, “But I am not seeing any spaceships yet.”
Suddenly the red van vanished.
Victor screamed, “Son of a bitch.”
Steed’s phone began to ring. He answered his father’s call.
Arthur said, “Alice has the two perps in custody.”
Steed said, “We saw the van vanish. There were two helicopters following and I would guess filming.”
Arthur said, “They had the cameras on you. They never saw the red van.”
Victor said, “I want to see the perps. I want to talk to the perps.”
Arthur said, “Alice made clear that they are her prisoners. No one can see them without the Witches Council’s permission.”
Victor turned the van around. He headed back to the church.
Leroy Bare drove up in a 1972 tricked out Ford, Torino Super Cobra with oversized tires and changes that pushed the top speed from 106 to 250 miles per hour. There were cars in the area that Leroy could not beat drag racing, but there were not many such cars.
Leroy passed Victor and then did a quick turn around to drive up beside Victor. Leroy had his windows down. Victor rolled his window down.
Leroy screamed, “Where the fuck are you going? Are you just going to let the bio terrorists get away?”
Victor screamed back, “We have word that Alice Malokey has them in her custody. I don’t know if custody is the right word because I don’t know if the Witches Council is behind this covid shit.”
Leroy screamed, “My mom has been screaming at me every time she reads some mindless shit on the covid crap that Sabian Blackrock is behind it.”
“He is a prisoner on Malokey or he better damn well be. Son of bitch was planning to have Amelia and myself caged.”
Leroy screamed, “I had not heard that. So what are we going to do. My mom says she will beat my butt with hot irons if I don’t help you.”
Victor smiled. “Let us get back to the church and see what is going on there.”
Leroy sped on pass the van and pulled in front of it. Victor took the van off auto pilot and rode Leroy’s ass.
Steed asked, “Do you trust Leroy Bare?”
“As much as I trust you.”
Steed laughed. “Yeah. I understand that. I did not like what I heard my father saying either.”
Donny said, “I hate to be a worry wart but we have got to be careful. If the space alien witches are behind this covid shit, they are no longer playing by the rules.”
Victor shook his head. “Fuck. Man. They have never played by the rules even as they demand that we do. You know that.”
“I know, but they have always tried to keep their conspiracies against humans in the shadows. They have never been so blatant with their evil.”
Steed said, “They think they have successfully used social and legacy media to turn the American people into mindless Zombies who will not question anything.”
Victor said, “Yeah, facebook has that Stepford Housewife shit going down pretty good. I’ve told mom and Judy to stay the hell off that Space Alien fuck and if I catch either one of them watching CNN I will dynamite the television.”
Steed laughed. “Judy told me. She was angry as hell at you. She said she doesn’t care if you cut off her allowance and disinherit her, you are not her boss.”
Victor asked Steed, “So how has it been working with you not taking money from your father?”
“Yeah, I stopped being retarded. I like money. I like being rich. I don’t like playing poor. I got tired of that freaking shit, man. I am back my father’s lap dog, if you haven’t noticed. Of course it is not just the money, I love my father.”
Donny laughed. “I don’t blame you for wanting the money. Just wait until you become more skilled at being a witch. You are going to love it. Well, if you don’t end up caged over a flaming fire.”
Suddenly, Madison Grant appeared in the back of the van. She could neither see nor hear the ghost Donny Maxtone. Steed saw Madison as she appeared.
“Madison, so why are you here?”
Victor glanced back to look at her. “So Alice Malokey has the two perps in her custody?”
“Yes, but look. When you get back to the church you are going to discover something that is going to make you very angry. Please do not lose your cool. Please do not go crazy.”
Donny put his hand on Victor’s shoulder. Madison could not hear Donny. “Victor, put Steed in the driver’s seat and use magic to get to the church. If someone has died we’ve got to make sure that their soul is not caged.”
Victor asked, “Who has died?”
Madison said, “Peacher Pat.”
“Son of a bitch.”
“He had a heart attack. We are sure it had nothing to do with the two men in the church.”
“Lying bitch.” Victor screamed, “Steed, you drive.” Victor did magic to put Steed in the driver’s seat of the van as Victor transported himself and Donny to the church. He appeared near a tree and walked up to Judy. Victor asked, “What is going on?”
“I don’t know. I heard someone say they found a body in the church.”
“Preacher Pat?”
Judy frowned in horror at Victor’s words. “Please don’t say that. No.”
Jack Minx walked up. Judy stared at him. She wasn’t sure what to say. She wanted to question Victor but she was afraid of how Victor might answer in front of Jack.
Victor put his arm around Jack’s shoulder. “There is no easy way to tell you this but they have murdered Preacher Pat. They are going to call it a heart attack. They are going to say it has nothing to do with the bio terror attack. Just stand strong and know that a mortal death is not the end. Our soul survives. I’ve got to go to the other side to make sure no one is able to cage Preacher Pat’s soul and I will get his soul somewhere, where I know he will be safe. Jack, please hold it together.”
Jack said, “Victor, you are talking crazy.”
Victor nodded. “I know it sounds that way.”
Victor allowed Judy and Jack to see him vanish.
Jack eyes grew wide. His mouth fell open. “Judy, did Victor just disappear into thin air.”
“I don’t fully understand things. I don’t. But yeah he just let us see him vanish into thin air.”
“How could he just vanish?”
“I don’t know but he said he is going to save the soul of Preacher Pat from being caged.”
Victor Duddley and Donny Maxton, invisible to all, entered into the church by passing through the wooden doors and yellow tape as though the doors were not even there. Victor said, “I think he has left his body.”
Donny said, “I feel sure of it. It think he is this way.”
Victor nodded. “He is most likely in his office inside the church. He probably went there not knowing the church had been under attack.”
Victor and Donny walked with their feet not touching the floor. And there was music coming from somewhere.
“That music may mean a cage is being set,” Donny said.
Victor said, “I need an army.”
“Iapetus has an army but it is his army to command.”
Victor and Donny walked through the wooden doors to the Preacher’s office. Their feet lowered to the floor as they walked up to Preacher Pat who was searching his desk.
Preacher Pat looked at Victor. “I can’t find my sermon. I need to find my sermon.”
Victor pulled Preacher Pat into his arms and hugged him. “I am sorry. I am so sorry. My first thought should have been to protect you and not going after the terrorists.”
Preacher Pat stared at Victor. “Terrorists? What are you talking about?”
Victor looked down at the desk. He looked at a folder that was open. There was a picture of his mother Ellen in the folder. He noticed on the folder was written in bold letters, “Adoption File For Pat Pialo.”
Victor asked, “You were adopted?”
Preacher Pat looked at the folder. “I don’t know where that came from. I had a detective who was looking for my real mother but he had not given me that folder. I don’t know how the folder ended up on my desk.”
Donny said, “Victor, never mind that now. That music is getting louder which means the cage is getting stronger. We need to get Preacher Pat to where he will be under the protection of Iapetus.”
Victor said, “That folder does not matter now. I need to get you somewhere safe.”
Preacher Pat looked at the picture and papers in the folder. “A picture of your mom.”
Preacher Pat read, “
Mother: Ellen (last name unknown)
Father: Arthur Ramsey.”
Preacher Pat looked at Victor. “You are my half brother? Steed is my other half brother?”
Victor said, “I guess. Maybe. I don’t even know if that file is real. But I’ve got to get you somewhere safe.”
“Safe from what?”
“Listen to me. You have been murdered. Now someone may be about to cage your soul. We have got to get you somewhere safe where you can’t be caged.”
“I can’t be dead. That is crazy.”
Suddenly Madison Grant appeared in the office.
Victor asked, “Are you the one trying to cage him?”
“Don’t talk crazy. We need to get him to my space ship.”
“Can I trust you?”
Donny stated, “Of course you can not trust her.”
Suddenly Victor and Preacher Pat were on the spaceship of Madison Grant. Victor looked around. “Where is Donny? We can’t leave him down there.”
Madison said, “I didn’t even know he was with you.”
Donny appeared next to Victor. Now Madison could see him. “You know you have a bounty on your head.”
“So are you going to cage me and turn me in to the Witches Council?”
“Don’t be stupid. I am going to get you and Preacher Pat to the outlands and to the Second Realm of Iapetus.”
Preacher Pat rubbed his head. “I don’t understand. Is this a dream? I thought I was awake.”