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Free Speech Is Not Interference in Anything

One thing to always try to remember when reading the propaganda pieces of the oligarch run media (through advertisements and ownership) is that free speech is a constitutional right in the United States. Free speech is important: it does not matter whether you are NPR or Google or the New York Times or CNN or FOX or some lowly Citizens Journalist/Blogger sitting in your underwear and writing your heart out with your soul felt thoughts. Free speech is important: it doesn’t even matter if you are Russian, Chinese, a janitor or Prince Harry or Donald Trump using the internet. Free Speech is the most important of rights that is only constrained by common sense laws such as you don’t use fighting words, you don’t scream fire in a crowded theater, you don’t proposition an undercover officer for sex, you don’t harass someone, you don’t lie about someone, you don’t try to con people, you don’t try to blackmail people, and so on.

But if you know the truth you have the right to speak that truth even if that truth was potentially obtained illegally. You have the right to theorize. You have the right to ponder ideas even if other people think those ideas are stupid. It does not matter if you think the earth is flat or that vaccinations violate some religious thought or do more harm than good or are the primary reason that you are no longer feeling horny. You have the right to express your thoughts and make your case. It does not matter whether you are as brilliant as Einstein or as dumb as a stump, you have the right to free speech.

You have the right to express your dislikes. It does not matter whether your hates are founded in logic or are just your stupid attempt to make yourself feel better about yourself by putting other people down. You don’t have the right to lie but you have the right to dislike whoever you choose to dislike just like you have the right to express your love for whoever or whatever you love so long as you are not attempting to incite criminal acts. Hate is a normal and natural emotion. Every trial in the US is based to some degree on the government’s own institutionalized hatred of criminals. People have the right to misuse the word hate and conflate it with bullying or worse, but just understand when the oligarch run media does something such as redefining the word hate, there almost always is an agenda behind their propaganda. Usually that agenda is the agenda of power and control. They would like for you to believe that they have the right to hate you through identity politics but you don’t have the right to hate them and their identity politics. They would like for you to believe that, but you have the right to hate them and everyone who serves them. Just be careful and do not follow their lead and confuse the word hate with the word hurt. You don’t have the right to hurt them any more than they have the right to hurt you by getting you fired for your beliefs. You don’t have the right to vandalize their memorials any more than they have the right to vandalize your memorials or tear down your statues.

Right now there are all kinds of attempts by the oligarch run media to limit online free speech. The argument is made that the social media companies are private companies and have the right to do whatever they want. The oligarchs would like for us to ignore that the pressure for censorship is coming from the political parties, the government, the oligarch run media, the oligarch run banks and so on. The internet is not private any more than the roads you drive on. It is public. Facebook is using public resources. Twitter is using public resources. Google is using public resources. And so on. These public resources do not just originate from the infrastructure built both publicly and privately but with the money you spend to access the internet. Verizon does not own the internet. AT&T does not own the internet. The US government does not own the internet. Red China does not own the internet. The United Nations does not own the internet. Russia does not own the internet. And so on.

YOU, the collective you, OWN THE INTERNET!!! It operates with your money and your time. It can not function/exist without you.

And make no mistake about it, the oligarchs want to steal the internet from you. They want to steal your voice from you. They want you to be silenced while they attempt to brainwash you with a bunch of bullshit propaganda. They have the right to spew that propaganda but by God you have the right to try to explain to people that it is bullshit propaganda.

Support the indie writers, musicians, artists, and movie producers. Support citizen journalists. Support small business. Support video creators.

Support free speech and tell those who oppose free speech that you are not their slave and you are not their puppet. Within reason and the bounds of the law, you will say and think what you want to say and think. That is your right!!!

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Asking Illegals If They Are A Citizen on the Census

The Supreme Court seemed willing Tuesday to let the Trump administration add a question about citizenship to the 2020 census form that goes to every U.S. household, despite claims from populous states that it would actually make the count less accurate. To whether illegals will not send the census form back or lie on it or be honest is an open question. The information is protected from law enforcement / not shared with law enforcement and so there is no reason for illegals to lie but it is understandable that it is in their nature to not trust government.

The Supreme Court will decide the case by late June.

In 2010 Census Workers went to around 48 million homes either because the census form was not returned or as a follow up to the form. As I learned the hard way one year, it is best to fill the form out and send it back. Yes. It. Is.

Be aware there are scam artists who pretend to be census workers so always make sure you are dealing with someone who actually is a census worker.

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Apple Yanks QAnon-Themed App From App Store After Deep State & Elite Media behave like sniveling, spoiled, children trying to rule the internet, Still on Play Store Though

This piece is opinion.  If you have a different opinion.  That is cool.

Apple has reportedly pulled QDrops–an app which sent alerts about what conspiracy idea QAnon is talking about–from its App Store after an anti-Trump conspiracy site called NBC did a troll quest to destroy–also known as when a sniveling 14 year old girl gets all pissy–inquiry.

If you use google search you will see where the usual suspects are doing their own conspiracy theories and doing quite a bit of name calling against Q.  To be honest I am hardly an expert on Q but what I do know is that the elite media is out to take control of the internet and push those of us off the internet who do not act as an echo chamber for their anti-Trump pro-globalists foolishness.

Comcast which owns NBCuniversal would do well to worry less about Q and more about the sniveling 14 year old girls (many of whom who are old men) who never grew up and who are destroying their own company.

RFK: His Words for Our Times Kindle Edition

The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government Kindle Edition

Three Days in January: Dwight Eisenhower’s Final Mission Kindle Edition

American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road Kindle Edition


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Trump administration reviewing extreme vetting policies


Trump officials told the newspaper they are evaluating whether to require foreign nationals who visit the U.S. to divulge cell phone contacts and passwords for social networking websites.

Not everyone has an internet profile. Some people hate the internet. So the government can’t just assume because a person does not have an internet footprint means they are lying. On the other hand, the bad guys will use phones that reveal nothing. They might even dummy their phones so as to put innocent people on their phone/internet list and then if they do anything, those people might end up on a watch list who do not belong there.

In a way it is good that Trump wants to ask for the information rather than just use bio-metrics and some clandestine way to come up with the information. But either way the information is not likely to be full proof in revealing anything. People can use radios for communication. The more sophisticated hack through satellites to relay information. The less sophisticated may use carrier pigeons or smoke signals or just pass notes in a crowded bar.

Is the potential evolution of our cellphone number becoming our identity a good or bad thing? I don’t know.

I started out loving technology and I was usually ahead of the game in understanding various tech. Sayata actually started out to be a tech company and I may still go back to writing programs. But there is a part of me that totally hates tech right now. And these kind of conversations that attempt to rationalize the total invasion of privacy does not make me grow any fonder of technology.

I grew up in a world where the United States was defined as the good guy and the USSR was defined as the bad guy. And now seeing the USA doing things that we were taught are WRONG when the USSR was doing similar just makes me feel sad.

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Former President Vicente Fox Insulting Latino Citizens of USA

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox complained that Mexico buys billions of dollars of items from the United States that create 10 million American jobs, but Trump supporters still “don’t respect us.”

Fact: The United States ran a $58 million deficit with Mexico in 2015.  In 2016 our deficit with Mexico is already $14 million, poised to be even greater that what it was last year as last year was even greater than what it was in 2014.  Mexico is our third largest trading partner with trade being $531 billion or so.

Fact: Just by 2010 NAFTA had displaced 682,900 jobs.  It is difficult to get a hard number, but a large part of US exports to Mexico actually come back to the United States as finished products.  Those exports are NOT consumed by the Mexican people.

America’s exports to Mexico amounted to
$236.4 billion or 15.7% of overall exports.

1. Machinery: $42.1 billion
2. Electronic equipment: $41.1 billion
3. Vehicles: $22.4 billion
4. Oil: $18.6 billion
5. Plastics: $16.5 billion
6. Medical, technical equipment: $6.7 billion
7. Iron or steel products: $5.2 billion
8. Organic chemicals: $4.8 billion
9. Aircraft, spacecraft: $4.3 billion
10. Iron and steel: $4.1 billion

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox, talking like an ignorant bigot,  said of Trump voters, “They are lazy, uneducated, TV watching drunks.”  It is not clear to whether he was talking about Anglo Americans or Latino Americans who came to the US legally and who oppose their neighborhoods being turned into shit squalor by illegals.  Regardless, he insulted US Americans while meeting with Vatican Operative Nancy Pelosi to discuss how the Vatican might convince proud Latino Citizens of the US to betray their love for the US and support the treasonous criminal, Hillary Clinton, who he nonsensically compared to Margaret Thatcher.

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T. Boone Pickens calls for bipartisan panel to screen candidates for president

Please do not misunderstand when I talk about Vatican Operatives.  It is not a code word for Catholic.  Many social Catholics have as many issues with the Vatican as I do.  And some Vatican Operatives are not Catholic.

I have no idea what religion T. Boone Pickens is.  I have no idea whether he is a Vatican Operative or  has a Vatican Operative whispering in his ear. But T. Boone Pickens suggestion that a bipartisan panel should determine who can run for president is truly a Vatican wet dream.


The idea that the Vatican could put together a group of people like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Sonia Sotomayor, and Clarence Thomas to decide who can and can’t run for President would help the Vatican finish its take over of the United States.  Understand the Vatican, which has entrenched their operatives in power within the United States, do not really believe in Democracy.  They hate many of the constitutional protections afforded the American people such as free speech and freedom of religion.  Many social Catholics end up leaving the Catholic Church once in the United States, as they find other churches that better reflect their interest and beliefs.  Vatican Operatives across the globe are doing their best to slip in new laws against “heresy” and giving churches greater power to strong arm their members.

The Vatican would like to still be able to maintain the Feudal Lords, their Nobles, and their anointed Kings and Queens in power.  They would love to have full, permanent control of the US Federal Reserve so they could totally decide the winners and losers in the US economy; maybe even in the world economy.

So how stupid does T. Boone Pickens have to be to even suggest that a small group of people should screen who can and can’t run for President?  Perhaps stupid is too strong of a word.  The man is hardly stupid.  But he is misguided.

Understand that both political parties have a delegate system which by a change in party rules could be used to decide the party nominee and not necessarily directly follow the will of the voters.  But those delegates would be elected and there would be no way in hell that some group like the Vatican could use those delegates to appoint who they want as President.  The voters would still have the larger voice  in who runs for President because they elect the delegates and the Vatican can’t appoint the delegates.

The United States has an electoral college.  If the states decide that the voters are being overly influenced by the media and by too much big money in the electoral process they can move away from the “winner take all” delegate system.  The delegates could be given more say in who becomes President.  That isn’t likely to happen because the states want the election to be decided quickly.  They do not want to have to wait weeks while a truly free electoral college decides who is President.  And also pretty much everyone but Vatican Operatives believe in a truly free election to be decided by the will of the people.  Still, if you think voters can’t be trusted to decide who should be President, the electoral college is there for that purpose.  And again, it can’t be controlled by some group like Vatican Operatives.  The delegates are decided by the people.

So when someone suggest something so evil–even if comes from being misguided–as to have a group decide who can and can’t run for President, they seriously need to be told to fuck off.  It needs to be made clear to the Vatican Operatives, “There is no way in fucking hell that you are going to be given that power.”


This article is opinion.  If you have a different opinion that is cool.  And if I have accidentally offended anyone, you can be sure that was not my intent.








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Russian media mogul found dead in upscale D.C. hotel

Russian media mogul found dead in upscale D.C. hotel

Mikhail Lesin, a former aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin who helped found the English-language news service Russia Today (RT), was found dead in an upscale Washington hotel room, police and Russian officials said. He was 57.

Although there was no evidence of foul play–reported as a heart attack– homicide detectives were investigating Lesin’s death, police said Saturday. Beverly Fields, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner’s office, said the cause and manner of death remained undetermined on Saturday.

Lesin served as Russian press minister from 1999 to 2004 and presidential media adviser from 2004 to 2009, RT said. He then became a senior executive at Gazprom-Media, Russia’s largest media holding company.

In 1984, he graduated from the Engineering and Construction Institute.  He worked for five years at Minpromstroya aka The Ministry of Industrial Construction of the USSR.

His daughter Catherine ran RT in the USA for awhile.  Current status??  His son Anton is a Hollywood film producer with credits including Rage (originally Tokarev), Haunt, Sabotage, Fading Gigolo, Fury, Rock the Kasbah, The Family Fang, and Dirty Grandpa.  Anton and Sasha Shapiro (male) operate QED Holdings and are principal financiers of the global media fund, Media Content Capital (McC), and formed Covert Media.





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Fox Propaganda Against Russia

The headline reads:

Russian troops reportedly join Syria fight, ‘prop up’ Assad

This implies that Assad has been at risk of being over thrown by the terrorist that Obama and Congress have been funding in Syria.  That is doubtful.


From article:

The Obama administration’s hopes for Syrian President Bashar Assad to step aside and make way for a democratic government in Damascus are being dashed once again


Syria had parliamentary elections in 2012. Russia is planning to help Syria carry out new, early, parliamentary elections despite the crisis largely created by the Obama administration when it either intentionally or accidentally created ISIS while giving monetary support to terrorist within Syria.  The notion that Assad rules in a vacuum without support within Syria is disingenuous.

For the people of the Syria and the larger Middle East it would be better to broaden the government of Syria and to put a constitution in place that restricts who ever is ruling Syria so as to protect all of the people of Syria.  CONSTITUTIONS that establish Republics where people are protected by courts and by a check and balance in power are important.  Establishing order through local governments is important.  Simply replacing ruling factions with other ruling factions without a strong constitution and court system to protect people, accomplishes nothing.  That members of our media and our government do not seem to understand that is beyond troubling.  It is actually kind of scary.


From article:

The State Department has warned that Russia’s latest involvement in Syria could “further escalate the conflict” and “risk confrontation with the anti-ISIL Coalition operating in Syria.”

There is little evidence that the terrorist that the Obama Administration has been supporting in Syria are doing much of anything to destroy ISIS.   Rather part of the Obama aid is falling into the hands of ISIS (accidentally or intentionally.)  Even some of the air support that Obama has launched “against” ISIS has helped ISIS by killing the opposition in front of the ISIS march.

There is evidence that Russia is doing quite a bit to defeat ISIS so as to bring stability to Syria and the larger area.


To be clear, as a proud American, writing these kind of editorial responses to propaganda does NOT make me happy.  I would rather write that the US is bringing stability to the Middle East and saving the people from monsters on the march.  That would make me much more happy.  But that is not what my research shows.