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Insidiously evil Fascist masquerading as researchers want to turn people into skinny skeletons to increase heating cost


The idea that governments should tax food for social engineering reasons in the name of stopping global warming is pretty evil.  Especially while the rich fly around on their planes, heat their mansions, and fly rockets up into outer space so as to satisfy their inner child.

From article:

A group of researchers in Oxford University, England have suggested that imposing a massive tax on carbon intensive foods – specifically protein rich foods like meat and dairy – could help combat climate change.

Basically the oligarchs want to use global warming to tax the poor, to pay down the debts they have created by stealing from governments around the world, while they continue to enjoy their rich life styles.

End of Opinion


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Issue of Racism

Racism defined:

The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

And then there is…

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on wanting to believe that one’s own race is superior.

But people seldom separate those two definitions.  The truth is that a person can fit the first definition but not fall into the second definition.  A person can be racist but not hate people of the other race.  A person can be a racist and still want to be kind and helpful and do justice for people of other races.

On twitter some ignorant people did some tweets that referred to Abe Lincoln as not a racist.  He was a racist within the first definition.  That does not mean he did not want to help people of other races.

So what is my point?

Do you enter a foot race with the intention of losing it? Probably not.

When you play football do you want to be the worst player out there? I kind of doubt it.

Would you enter an Ugly Contest so people might tell you that you are the most ugly person on the stage?  I don’t think so.

We all have a desire to be superior.  If everyone was happy with being ignorant and inferior, society would never move forward.  We would still be living in the cave age. There are times I think that might be a good thing but that is a counter argument to my point.

So what is my point.  On some level everyone is a racist within the first definition. So that is not really an insult.  But if you are mean to people of other races, if you put people down and never try to lift them up, you might not consider yourself a racist but you are a bad person.  Often the root of the second definition of racism is not really the feeling of superiority but rather it comes from having a very intense inferiority complex.  People who put people down and are mean do so often because they don’t feel good about themselves.

So if you encounter someone who is behaving badly toward other people, should the proper response be to call them a racist.  No.  You ignore the bad and you try to lift them up.  Always try to lift people up.  Don’t put them down.


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California wants to ban encrypted phones


Because the law is too similar to a law that the peeping toms in New York are trying to pass, it is clear that some group is behind the attempt to get such laws passed.  On the Federal level Obama opposes the banning of encrypted phones, which is a good thing.

On the other hand FBI Director James Comey told senators that “the use of encryption is part of terrorist tradecraft now,” while New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton warns that the authorities have “gone blind.”

Please, think a second.  Has law enforcement become too incompetent to place court approved eavesdropping equipment on suspects.  The only reason to oppose encrypted phones is that criminals in government want to make the average user more vulnerable to terrorists and other criminals.  The notion that police can’t do their job when phones are capable of encryption is a false narrative.  It is a foolish narrative.  POLICE CAN PLANT APPS & EAVESDROPPING BUGS on phones or through other devices/systems even if a phone uses encryption.

Tech companies support encryption not because of some nefarious motive.  They support encryption to protect their customers from criminals. It is not 100% protection because criminals can potentially use the same methods as police for their spying, but it does offer some protection.  And one has to hope when criminals outside of government use some of the police methods for spying, they will be caught.

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Samsung Phones in Apple Patent Case Banned


Samsung Phones in Apple Patent Case Banned

The misuse of patent law by the oligarchs is one of the major things that is screwing up the world economy.  The oligarch propagandist are always like, “Education, education, education is the way to help the lowly worker.”  But then education in regards to information that is patented, “Oh no, you can’t use that.”

Patent law needs to be changed.  On the one hand inventors need to be rewarded for their works to encourage research and development.  On the other hand though, the patents should not be allowed to be used to maintain monopolies in the marketplace.

Basically when a new product uses patents held by other companies there should be a formula on how the profits from that product is distributed.

I would suggest that 25% of the price of every product go into a patent fund.  Then the number of standing, active, patents used in that product should be counted including patents owned by the producer of that product.  Then that 25% should be divided equally between all the owners of the patents, per patent, in that product.

This should save the over all economy money in stopping all the bullshit patent lawsuits.

It should bring down the price of products by companies like Apple that abuse the patent system. [opinion]

It should bring down the price of meds but at the same time not stop research and development.

It should help small garage / ma pa businesses grow by protecting against lawsuits and government raids orchestrated by the oligarchs such as against flea markets.

Note that businesses would still be allowed to protect their brands on patented merchandise.  Businesses that produce a similar product using patents owned by the other company would have a different branded product but to benefit of consumer could say “similar to ????.”

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China Violate International Law by Displaying Prisoner for Propaganda


Peter Jesper Dahlin works for a group called China Action.  The group provides legal help and education to people being abused by China’s legal system.

China considers the group illegal because of undeclared money transfers from overseas and claims the group spreads misinformation to people.

What people should consider most alarming about the behavior is that the Chinese behavior seems to be the growing behavior of oligarch globalist around the planet who want to smash anyone trying to help the little guy.

Obama was totally accepting of Iran breaking similar international law in regards to our sailors who were taken as a result of a higher up in US giving stand down orders to said sailors to allow them to be taken by a small group of thugs under orders from Iran’s oligarchs and then used for propaganda.

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Vatican Supreme Court To Consider Allowing President to be Dictator

This opinion piece is in response to article:


Why do I refer to this Supreme Court as the Vatican Supreme Court?

Because in the name “diversity,” Vatican Operatives from Reagan forward have stacked the Supreme Court with 6 Roman Catholics and 3 Jews.  This Supreme Court has followed the long established will of the Vatican to destroy the United States as a free Constitutional Republic with elected leaders.  Its rulings largely ignore the Constitution and the will of our founding fathers.

About the case:

The lower courts have already ruled that Obama can not ignore the will of Congress and dictate Immigration Law through executive action.

The appeals court clearly ruled that Obama’s executive action exceeded Mr. Obama’s statutory authority.  That the Vatican Supreme Court would consider disagreeing with that is as scary as the Vatican Supreme Court ruling that the power to take money from the citizens of the United States is an unlimited power, as they insanely and corruptly ruled to keep Obamacare legal when it is clearly not legal as written.

So when Vatican Operatives in the elite media suggest that the Supreme Court taking the case is a good thing, bull!  The only thing the Supreme Court should have said is that we stand behind the lower court and agree that Obama exceeded his executive authority.

The Vatican is clear that they want to flood Europe and the United States with cheap labor to serve the feudal lords that the Vatican anoints with their control of not just the corrupt Vatican Bank but also with their operatives planted in the Central Banks around the world that control the flow of money and in some cases who gets access to that money.

Hopefully, I will be proven wrong and the Supreme Court does not want to make the position of President the same as a position of Dictator.  Hopefully the Supreme Court will prove they are not as controlled by the Vatican as I think they are.  But I am not holding my breath.


This is opinion.  If you have a different opinion cool. Please note Vatican Operative is not code for Catholic.  Many Catholics are as disturbed by what the Vatican is doing to the United States as the rest of us.  Some, perhaps many, Vatican Operatives are not Catholic or do not present themselves as such.

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Fox Propaganda Against Russia

The headline reads:

Russian troops reportedly join Syria fight, ‘prop up’ Assad

This implies that Assad has been at risk of being over thrown by the terrorist that Obama and Congress have been funding in Syria.  That is doubtful.


From article:

The Obama administration’s hopes for Syrian President Bashar Assad to step aside and make way for a democratic government in Damascus are being dashed once again


Syria had parliamentary elections in 2012. Russia is planning to help Syria carry out new, early, parliamentary elections despite the crisis largely created by the Obama administration when it either intentionally or accidentally created ISIS while giving monetary support to terrorist within Syria.  The notion that Assad rules in a vacuum without support within Syria is disingenuous.

For the people of the Syria and the larger Middle East it would be better to broaden the government of Syria and to put a constitution in place that restricts who ever is ruling Syria so as to protect all of the people of Syria.  CONSTITUTIONS that establish Republics where people are protected by courts and by a check and balance in power are important.  Establishing order through local governments is important.  Simply replacing ruling factions with other ruling factions without a strong constitution and court system to protect people, accomplishes nothing.  That members of our media and our government do not seem to understand that is beyond troubling.  It is actually kind of scary.


From article:

The State Department has warned that Russia’s latest involvement in Syria could “further escalate the conflict” and “risk confrontation with the anti-ISIL Coalition operating in Syria.”

There is little evidence that the terrorist that the Obama Administration has been supporting in Syria are doing much of anything to destroy ISIS.   Rather part of the Obama aid is falling into the hands of ISIS (accidentally or intentionally.)  Even some of the air support that Obama has launched “against” ISIS has helped ISIS by killing the opposition in front of the ISIS march.

There is evidence that Russia is doing quite a bit to defeat ISIS so as to bring stability to Syria and the larger area.


To be clear, as a proud American, writing these kind of editorial responses to propaganda does NOT make me happy.  I would rather write that the US is bringing stability to the Middle East and saving the people from monsters on the march.  That would make me much more happy.  But that is not what my research shows.



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Ramble About Amazon’s Problem With KENCP

As some people trying to make money as writers and publishing on Amazon probably know Amazon has changed the Kindle Select Program. It has changed where now writers are paid based on the number of pages people read in their books enrolled where their books may be borrowed in Kindle Unlimited or Prime.  For this page count Amazon has come up with some mysterious way to count the number of pages in a book.  They call this mysterious page count KENCP.

KENCP does not seem to be based on character count and picture count.  For different e-books of similar character count, the KENCP may vary widely.  Also the page count begins where they consider the Start Reading Location.  For my books that were enrolled, that was never set.  And they say when they set that start location the page count may change.  I figured if they couldn’t set the start location the odds are there is no way they would even try to correctly count the pages read.  That opinion may be overly harsh and perhaps for many writers it is not borne out.  I hope it is not borne out but when you see the errors I and other people saw, it is logical to doubt the entire system–especially when you are not one of Amazon’s darlings who gets special attention.

Most of my books had already fallen out of Kindle Select with only one new book left and one that I published under a pen name left.  My new books that were going to be part of a serial did not sell a single copy so I have moved them to draft mode until I can figure out what to do with them.  So I now only have one book, that is under a pen name, that is part of Kindle Unlimited.  They figure it at 121 KENCP and with no start count established.  It has only sold a few books along and I don’t think it was ever borrowed.  So it is believable that no Kindle Unlimited pages have been read in it.  I am not really worried about it one way or another as far as uncounted pages and money.

Since I have never “gone wide” as some say, meaning to sell my books at different locations (I did try one book at KOBO at one point and made a dollar there)  I really would like to put all my books in Kindle Select for Kindle Unlimited and Prime and also start back doing the free days, but at this point I don’t really trust the system.  Paranoid.  Yeah, probably, but the suspicions are not totally baseless from what various people are saying on one forum I frequent.  And from my own limited experience.

I figure I will consider putting my books back in Kindle Select after August 15 or 20th with the pay out for July.  With that event I will see what the general reaction is.  If the reaction is too bad I may reconsider and have second thoughts about putting my books back in Kindle Select.  Regardless, even if there is a positive consensus I may still change my mind and decide it is not worth the hassle with my existing books.  I may still consider it with new books.

Probably to stand a chance of getting a correct page count and start position I will have to re-upload with a change in formatting before I enroll in Kindle Select.  Yeah, I am not so paranoid as to think the problem is all on the side of Amazon. At some point I forgot about the code to start a new page before a new Chapter and also the code to set the start location.  So if that is part of the problem that is my fault.

But still, that Amazon didn’t use simple code to count characters and pictures and set the page count that way does raise some questions.  Why?  Why did they create a system they had to have known was going to be heavily flawed and cause headaches for themselves and for the writers?

In one of the forums someone has suggested page count bias may exist for genres.  They suggested that romance and erotic books are getting lower page counts.  Interesting thought though I don’t know if anyone has proven or disproven that notion.

So, anyway….

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The UnSocial Internet

Disclaimer:  Any truth, proper grammar, or correct spelling is entirely coincidental

With facebook and twitter and some other social unsocial sites the elite media likes to refer to this phenom as the Social Internet or Social Networks.  Even before this phenom, the elite media hypnotized America to think not just that Google is a place for search but that Google is synonymous with search.   They did this by repeating the word Google a zillion times a day on the different cable stations and talking about how great it is.  Never mind that the search engines that came first were just as good or even better.  I know, opinion, but that is my opinion.

Google did a lot of bad things as they took over the internet but one of the things they did was that they empowered haters and spammers to rank websites through linking.  Why did they do that?  Did they do it because it created such great search results?  No.  They did it because they wanted their ads and paid search to be superior to their organic search.  After all, other great search engines that came before it were perfectly good at search, but they couldn’t make money.

Since a lot of webmasters thought they could game the system and were part of the system they helped the elite media create the myth that google’s organic search was superior.  Rather than joining with those of us who said google was stupid they joined with the elite media singing the chorus of how great google is.  In a way google was a social / unsocial system but spread across the known internet.  This was different from AOL that was trying to be both an ISP and a walled social unsocial garden.  AOL wasn’t so much doing that because of any agenda.  It was just part of the AOL evolution from being an ISP / and information service like the then GEnie and Compuserve and some others.  AOL was also a search engine but it operated its search almost like an after thought.

Now here comes Facebook that is  now trying to evolve from a Walled Garden Social Unsocial site to also being a connection to the broader internet.  It is following the google example by allowing its link farm to be valued by the unwashed masses of manipulators, haters and pretend lovers.   At the same time it does its own manipulations to try to encourage advertisers to pay them money.  There again they want to cripple the organic part of their system to the benefit of their paid ads.

I’ve never liked Facebook.  That is probably because it reminded me too much of how Google began.  When I hear the elite media repeating something a zillion times my reaction generally is “yeah, you aren’t going to hypnotize me, you f’ers.”

So anyway, now here is my downfall.  I actually did like twitter as a microblog.  I didn’t so much like the social unsocial part of it but I liked that I could put simple thoughts out there and with some linking.  I always saw the follow/followers/unfollowers/muters/blockers and other a-hole manipulators as problematic but still the microblog part of it is somewhat addictive.  And with the social unsocial part of it, I actually have connected with people I like.

But now for me it has become as worthless as google, facebook, etc.. The haters run twitter.  And now twitter has added a formula to censor tweets based on the behavior of not just haters but hatebots.  My main account is now being heavily censored so the time I spend on twitter is pointless, but even knowing what I know it is still addictive.

It is kind of ironic that the internet became a place for those of us who aren’t really very social in life and then the so called Social Networks took the internet over to our dismay and revulsion.  Now it is all about money and the so called popular people who many of us have spent a lot of our lives ignoring at best and disliking at worst.  It is the power of the elite media to now even rule the internet.  For many of us it is a sad state of affairs.  But you are unlikely to ever hear those in the elite media discuss that part of the internet story.