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Are Dems Going Into Full Fiction Mode?

Headline Example:

Today in regret: MAGA diehards learn their votes have consequences

It is strictly an opinion piece presented as news with nothing to back up the opinion or the fiction of the Democrats.

Another Example:

This week’s elections finally gave good news for Dems

In the article:

On Tuesday, Iowa Democrats notched an upset victory in a state Senate district that Donald Trump won by more than 20 points, and Minnesota Democrats retook their Senate majority in the statehouse. Meanwhile, in Washington, congressional Democrats who had been on defense since Trump swept back into office denounced Trump’s sweeping freeze on federal assistance — adopting a unified message for the first time since Trump took office.

“Adopting a unified message for the first time.” That is all the Democrats do is behave like a damn twitter echo chamber, repeating the same crap over and over again. That is not new. That is same old, same old. And pointing to some crap in Minnesota that means nothing accept that the corrupt party machine is alive and well in Minnesota and Iowa.

The spending freeze was always intended to be temporary and mostly just Trump trolling and making clear what might happen if the Democrats and renegade Republicans do not fall in line to deal with the US debt problem. But of course, unfortunately, the average Democrat is too stupid to understand that.

I could go on down the list of the articles on Democrat Yahoo News or Google news but you get the point. You know the point. The Democrats hate America and want to bankrupt America to the point where there can be no freeze on spending because it will not be needed. America will be bankrupt, defaulting on all debt, no money to borrow. inflation over a 100% and with Democrats begging Americans to please vote on their way down while jumping off buildings.


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Is Twitter Going Down For the Count

There is little doubt that after taking over Twitter that Elon Musk made mistakes.  Linda Yaccarino, who Musk made the CEO of Twitter was probably his biggest mistake.   Musk needed someone  who would push to restore Twitter to its early days, instead of listening to the hate speech bullcrap from the elite media, the advertisers, Ms. Yaccarino.  Although she and Musk pretended to support  Twitter as a free speech platform the blue checkmark fiasco made sure that never happened.

“You have to pay for free speech.”  “I need to make money on twitter, but you can only make money if you accept your role as my sharecropper and fork over your money.”

Twitter’s echo chamber became worst.  The user’s average impression level became worse as it became clear that part of the Musk/Yaccarino agenda was that users could say what they want but that didn’t mean anyone could actually view the tweets.  The fake trending topics became worse as most tweets that didn’t fit the agenda became suppressed.

One lie twitter uses when it wants to hurt an account is it makes the false accusation that someone is attempting to manipulate the platform and spam.  A different account that I set up for sensitive content got that claim against it even though the account has few follows/followers and I almost never post from it.  It had not been hacked.

Although I began posting real sensitive content on my sayata account, that was because most of my non-sensitive content was marked as sensitive such as pictures of cars.  Without posting some #nsfw content on twitter I would get no traffic at all.

In the early days twitter would get me traffic.  My tweets would get hundred of views.  No, I was never John Mayer, but twitter halfway worked for me.  Then Jack Dorsey allowed private groups to mine the twitter data and flag and suppress whoever they wanted and my twitter problems began.

After the election Twitter hit Laura Loomer and other MAGA Republicans. who had foolishly paid for the blue check mark, with a slap in the face as they got demonetized and censored.  If Musk is trying to build a growing audience for twitter, he sure has done a lot of things to chase users away.  (I just looked at Laura Loomer’s twitter account and she does have the blue check mark.)

A Laura Loomer Tweet:

When the dissident right started talking about how free speech was back on twitter, many of us were looking around and shaking our head. We knew they were being used and at some point they would be back in the same boat as the rest of us, who NEVER, saw free speech return to twitter.

The worst wave of censorship that hit the internet across youtube, twitter, etc. was in 2018 under Donald Trump and as we now know, the government was directing the censorship.  Later, the joke that Donald Trump turned the Supreme Court into, upheld the government’s illegal behavior.

Article about how Musk is close to admitting defeat on Twitter

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Copyright board delivers blow to AI Generated Content over photo protections

Courts and the copyright board had already ruled that you can not copyright art, photos, and books created with AI.  You can only copyright the parts of a work that were created by you, the human so the ruling was not shocking.  The U.S. Copyright Office Review Board rejected a request by artist Jason M. Allen for copyright protection for his image “Theatre D’opera Spatial,” which was generated the AI system Midjourney, in a ruling issued earlier this month.

Allen told Reuters earlier this month that the review board’s latest decision was expected, but also expressed confidence that he “will win in the end.”

“If this stands, it is going to create more problems than it solves,” Allen said. “This is going to create new and creative problems for the copyright office in ways we can’t even speculate yet.”

When you publish a book Amazon using KDP, you now have to tell if AI was used to generate graphics and text and how much of it was generated using AI.  People have wondered about these questions added.  They have speculated on why Amazon is doing this.  They have suggested it is because of the Karens out there complaining about AI.  But it probably has to do with the fact you can’t copyright AI work.

Now while you can not copyright an AI work, the copyright office has made clear you can copyright the part that you, a human, created.  Still, people have to wonder the degree that if they use AI, and have to admit to it, to what degree it will bring their copyright into question.

Now all of this has to do with the copyright office.  And reminder: You have never been able to copyright an idea or a trope.  You can only copyright the presentation of that idea and that presentation has to be original enough to be copyrighted.  Also, simply registering a copyright, while evidence in court, does not prevent copyright disputes that ultimately may have to be settled in court, and not by some internet company attempting to play judge and jury.

On the issue of patents:

The USPTO and Federal Circuit’s opinions imply that inventions made by human beings with the assistance of AI are eligible for patent protection. However, there is uncertainty and much debate as to how much AI assistance is too much for patentability.  So the patent office is taking a little bit different stand than the copyright office.

Hearing Wrap Up: Federal Government Use of Artificial Intelligence Poses Promise, Peril

You might notice that this so called hearing has mostly been a whitewash to give big tech and the government cover.  And the regular media is fully participating in that whitewash.  AI is being used in the operation of drones and other weapons.  It is already being used to kill people around the world.  When Elon Musk warns, though he is also whitewashing the issue, that AI could destroy humanity he is just chasing a squirrel up a tree.  AI has already been used by governments to murder people and and it not just some theory that AI is threat to humanity, it is a threat.

AI has already been used by the US with the help of drones to murder 12,000 people, including 400 children.  China has been busy as beavers using AI to terrorize its own citizens.  And the Biden administration with his fake liberal cabinet is now in race with China to do the same here in the US.  Do you seriously think the monster, the threat to humanity that is AI, was not used in destroying the lives of the January 6’rs.

Now all that said, I love using AI to generate graphics, but to pretend that AI in specific, and computer technology in general is not a threat to humanity is retarded.  If our US Congress continues to whitewash this issue or care more about deep fake videos than little children being murdered, they are also a God Damn Threat to humanity.  Hell, Congress may now all be a bunch of AI generated robots.  We wouldn’t know the difference and the fucked up pieces of shit who run the media would not tell us.


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Amazon will invest up to $4 billion into OpenAI rival Anthropic

Amazon announced that it will invest up to $4 billion into Anthropic — the AI startup best known for its Claude chatbot and founded by siblings Dario and Daniela Amodei who used to work for OpenAI.

This deal is on the cheap in comparison to the reported $13 billion that Microsoft has so far invested into OpenAI, the biggest name in generative AI technology right now, but that partnership has been going strong since since 2019. Regardless, the deal shows that Amazon is trying to participate in the AI games.  When publishing an eBook in KDP you now have to tell Amazon if you used AI to generate graphics or text and you have to tell them what AI tools that you used.

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One definition of AI is:
The ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment. I would sort of add that it is basically a bot program with the ability to program itself or learn.

What is human intelligence? Mental quality that consists of the abilities to learn from experience, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate one’s environment.

To what degree can a computer program mimic human intelligence? That is an open question.

But back to the news item…

Anthropic’s Claude and Claude 2 large language model–based chatbots are similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard in that they can translate text, write code, and answer various questions, but Anthropic says its model is safer and more reliable because it’s guided by a set of principles.  Well, you know, reading that pisses me off.  I was doing images on Bing’s chatbot/AI and for some reason it threatened to ban me.  When I want to do sexy pictures I go to an AI that allows that.  I don’t do that on Bing and I was not breaking any rules.  But hell, I think if the AI had been on a helicopter with me, and I had farted, it would have thrown me out of the helicopter.  Asshole.

“Set of principles.”  What does that mean? Censorship? Turning logic upside down like Social Media has been doing by calling hate love, and calling debate hate.  Hate is not calling someone a poopyhead when they are pissing you off.  Hate is  that someone throwing you out of a helicopter when you are pissing them off.  Hate is actually hurting someone by doing harm to them such as kicking them off of social media, giving them a low social credit score, telling them they can no longer make money on youtube, getting them fired from their job and doing actual harm to someone.  Make no mistake, the haters are not the people who use the n word.  The haters are the people who want to kill you and your family because you use the n word.  Now understand, these upside down crazy people who don’t even understand the concept of true hate are the ones programming AI.   Hate is Burger King trying to force a dick in your mouth, to muzzle you, because it took some woman ten years to wipe the smile off her face to accuse you of some drunken sex shit that neither of you probably even remember clearly–except the smile of course.

There is a reason that Harlan Ellison, James Cameron, Gale Anne Hurd, or whoever you want to give most of the credit for the Terminator Movie with, came up with the idea of Skynet. A lot of times when you are writing,, you go into what I call a channeling state where you start picking up on ideas from the metaphysical world whether it is from an angel, a demon, a ghost, or maybe just the computer program that our souls are trapped in. Regardless, the words you are writing have a great deal more meaning than the words that might come out of your conscious brain. And the idea that AI might be dangerous predates when people could so clearly see how insane the people running parts of the computer industry, the social media and not so social media, are.

In the movie, what was Skynet? Skynet was a fictional artificial neural network-based conscious group mind and artificial general superintelligence system that served as the antagonistic force of the Terminator franchise.

In the real world what is skynet? SKYNET is a program by the U.S. National Security Agency that performs machine learning analysis on communications data to extract information about possible terror suspects.  Skynet has murdered (in more loosely defined terms) using operated drones in violation of the space treaty, 12,000 people (including 400 children) that we know about it.  There is no estimate to the amount of economic damage it has done to people who have used the N word or broken some other unsocial social media rule.  We know that some people, who have been banned from making money online or otherwise have been given a gun to put in their mouth,  is because of SKYNET directly or indirectly coaxing UnSocial Social Media to do its evil.

To what degree is Microsoft, Google, and now Amazon helping the government with its SKYNET operations to destroy lives and perhaps even murder people?

  Was the movie Terminator, just a movie?

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My take on Russell Brand

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A lot of people online are saying that youtube should not have demonetized Russell Brand before he was ever convicted of anything.  Now, obviously youtube can do whatever they want and free speech is not dependent on them.  But my point is that even if a person is sitting in jail, they should  NOT be denied their right to free speech. (this is the second time I had to insert the word NOT there, weird!!!)

William Sydney Porter, better known by his pseudonym O. Henry, wrote many of his best known pieces from behind bars. Even if Russell Brand were guilty, that does NOT mean society should be deprived of his genius.  And the idea, to think he should be destroyed is not an American idea.  Now mind you, Russell Brand is not American.  He is British and lives in the UK.   And it was some ass wipe from the UK that wrote to Rumble and TikTok urging them to demonetize Russell Brand.

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AI Question: Is there any study that actually proves flu vaccines that don’t prevent flu make the flu less severe

Total BS Propaganda, Big Pharma Answer Follows:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60% among the overall population during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are well-matched to those used to make flu vaccines. While vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary, recent studies show that flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60% among the overall population during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are well-matched to those used to make flu vaccines. In general, current flu vaccines tend to work better against influenza B and influenza A (H1N1) viruses and offer less protection against influenza A (H3N2) viruses1.

Even when the vaccine doesn’t completely prevent the flu, it may lessen the severity of your illness. It also may lower the risk of serious complications and serious illness needing hospital stays2.

No actual study is cited.

Then on google they stick to the propaganda.

From one article:

Since the flu vaccine’s first civilian use in 1945, flu vaccines have consisted of dead (or inactive) strains of influenza A and influenza B viruses. Because these flu strains are dead, it’s impossible for the shot to give you the flu. The nasal spray flu vaccine (like FluMist) is made with the weakened virus, but it also cannot give you the flu.

1. No virus is alive.  So suggesting that vaccines consist of dead or inactive strains is retarded.

2. Definition of a virus: a small piece of genetic information (DNA or RNA) inside of a protective shell (capsid). Some viruses also have an envelope. Viruses can’t reproduce without a host.

3. Virus composition is about 64% protein, 21–25% dsDNA and 5–10% lipid. The virus contains at least 50 structural proteins, ranging in size from 10–200 kDa. Four proteins, including the major capsid protein (Vp54), are located on the virion surface.

4. When making a vaccine how are viruses made “inactive?”

Inactivation of the virus is done with heat. Occasionally, inactivation is done with chemicals such as formalin. When the vaccine under production is fractional, meaning it is protein or polysaccharide-based, the vaccine undergoes further purification so that only the subunits of interest remain.

Note: The capsid surrounds the virus and is composed of a finite number of protein subunits known as capsomeres, which usually associate with, or are found close to, the virion nucleic acid.

5. All viruses depend on cells for reproduction and metabolic processes. By themselves, viruses do not encode for all of the enzymes necessary for viral replication. But within a host cell, a virus can commandeer cellular machinery to produce more viral particles. Bacteriophages replicate only in the cytoplasm, since prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or organelles. In eukaryotic cells, most DNA viruses can replicate inside the nucleus, with an exception observed in the large DNA viruses, such as the poxviruses, that can replicate in the cytoplasm. RNA viruses that infect animal cells often replicate in the cytoplasm.

6. A relatively small dose of administered virus or bacteria replicates in the body and creates enough of the organism to stimulate an immune response. To be clear, most vaccines replicate the same as a virus, through the host.  It is a combination of the small dose and the altering of the virus with heat or a chemical that may prevent the virus from making a person as sick as getting the virus in the wild, but in fact the vaccine can create a “sick” response whether it is a huge bump at the spot of injection to a fever with the body itself trying to fight off the infection to a full blown infection as the replication continues more than expected.

To whether a vaccine can lessen the severity of a case of the flu, you have go back to the fact that most people only get mild cases of the flu regardless of a vaccine or not so any study that suggest that a vaccine has anything to do with a case of the flu being mild is in itself highly suspect.  There is no way to establish a proper control group to prove point.  Most cases of the flu last only a few days to maybe two weeks in a worse case scenario.  Of course not all so called flu’s (flu strains) are the same where some are more severe than others.  And the reason the flu vaccine is less than 40% effective in some years is because often the flu shot is not developed with the correct strain since no one knows for sure what strain is going to be spreading.  If the shot is based on the wrong strain, it is NOT going to reduce your symptoms.

And remember most doctors do NOT test for the flu but rather diagnose based on symptoms and maybe in some cases ruling other things out.

Should you get the flu shot?  That is entirely up to you.

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Twitter Ad Revenue For Users, Like Elon Musk himself, Is Mostly BS

Elon Musk said that content creators on X, formerly known as Twitter, have to be premium subscribers to be eligible for its new ads revenue-sharing program.

“The ad money will otherwise be kept by X if you are not an X Premium (Blue) subscriber,” Musk said in a post.

To be eligible for the program, creators also need to be at least 18 years old, have a minimum of 500 followers, and have 15 million or more “organic impressions” on posts within the last three months.

Some users who may qualify for ad revenue, by stated terms, still do not get ad revenue because their accounts may piss advertisers off.

For the average user, to get 5 million impressions, you pretty much would need to not only subscribe to twitter blue but also advertise on twitter. It is kind of like the amazon racket of having to advertise on amazon to sell your eBooks.

I am currently on a twitter break.

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Make The Electoral College Real

Article II of the Constitution

  • Clause 2 Electors
  • Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

    • Clause 3 Electoral College Count
    • The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President.

From John Adams to John Taylor, 17 December 1814

In your fifth page You Say “Mr. Adams calls our Attention to hundreds of wise and virtuous Patricians, mangled and bleeding Victims of popular Fury.” and gravely counts up several Victims of democratic Rage as proofs that Democracy is more pernicious than Monarchy or Aristocracy.” Is this fair, sir? Do you deny any one of my Facts? I do not say that Democracy has been more pernicious, on the whole, and in the long run, than Monarchy or Aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as Aristocracy or Monarchy. But while it lasts it is more bloody than either. I beseech you, Sir to recollect, the time when my three Volumes of “Defence” were written and printed, in 1786, 1787 and 1788. The History of the University, had not then furnis[, Start insertion,h, End,]ed me with a document I have Since Seen; an Alphabetical Dictionary of the Names and Qualities of Persons “mangled and bleeding Victims of democratic rage and popular fury” in France during the Despotism of Democracy in that Country, which Napoleon ought to be immortalised for calling “Ideology.”


The reason our USA Founding Fathers establish the electoral college was because they feared mob rule and they understood the dangers of direct elections. Then you had Alexander Hamilton who set the seeds to turn America into an Aristocracy/Oligarchy. The fight back against the Oligarchy has historically lent itself to political populism and the people having more of a say in our government, and while the Oligarchy has generally waved the white flag to surrender to some of the mobs ideas when they become too raucous, generally the Oligarchy has managed to control the mob without most of the mob knowing it.   This has often been to the detriment of the United States. That white flag has more times than not been disingenuous and just a ploy to achieve its actual goals to maintain the power of the oligarchy, keep its crony clubs unfettered by making class mobility more difficult and limited, and to destroy any new powers in the economy that might be or might become their competition.

We saw this with the destruction of the Southern Textile families who supported politicians the richer, and often Northern, Oligarchy didn’t like. In more recent times we saw the Oligarchy at work when the goto search engine was destroyed, then the old yahoo was destroyed, and all search power was given to google and to a lesser degree Microsoft. We saw it when the old myspace was destroyed and the power was given to Facebook. With that transfer of wealth and power, that gave the oligarchy more power to spy on opponents and to pick winners and losers in the larger economy and perhaps even to some degree in the micro economy. Does google refuse to put your business on the map where people can find you or do they have you a block over? When you search for a given business is their competition more likely to pop up than the business for which you were in search?

The bankruptcy of J.C. Penney may at least partly be blamed on google and google pretending J.C. Penney were demoted in search because they had broken some seo rule. I am not a huge fan of COX Inc. but how often do you see any of their news organization on the google news page? Now, I guess it is possible that COX Inc. is retarded in leadership and does not want their news listed on the google news page but I kind of doubt that.

So anyway, the Oligarchy is thriving under our current system of electing their idiots to power so they have no desire to change the system. Some even want to make the electoral college even more irrelevant.  But, the American people need to demand that the electoral college be relevant.

How can it be made relevant?  Well, one thing is to look at how it was originally designed.

The First Design
In the first design of the Electoral College (described in Article II,
Section 1 of the Constitution):

Each State was allocated a number of Electors equal to the number of its
U.S. Senators (always 2) plus the number of its U.S. Representatives (which
may change each decade according to the size of each State’s population as
determined in the decennial census). This arrangement built upon an
earlier compromise in the design of the Congress itself and thus satisfied
both large and small States.

The manner of choosing the Electors was left to the individual State
legislatures, thereby pacifying States suspicious of a central national

Members of Congress and employees of the federal government were
specifically prohibited from serving as an Elector in order to maintain
the balance between the legislative and executive branches of the federal

Each State’s Electors were required to meet in their respective States
rather than all together in one great meeting. This arrangement, it was
thought, would prevent bribery, corruption, secret dealing, and foreign

In order to prevent Electors from voting only for a “favorite son” of their
own State, each Elector was required to cast two votes for president, at
least one of which had to be for someone outside their home State. The
idea, presumably, was that the winner would likely be everyone’s second favorite choice.

And the casting of two votes is important.

The electoral votes were to be sealed and transmitted from each of the
States to the President of the Senate who would then open them before
both houses of the Congress and read the results.

The person with the most electoral votes, provided that it was an absolute
majority (at least one over half of the total), became president. Whoever
obtained the next greatest number of electoral votes became vice
president — an office which they seem to have invented for the occasion
since it had not been mentioned previously in the Constitutional

In the event that no one obtained an absolute majority in the Electoral
College or in the event of a tie vote, the U.S. House of Representatives, as
the chamber closest to the people, would choose the president from
among the top five contenders. They would do this (as a further
concession to the small States) by allowing each State to cast only one vote with an absolute majority of the States being required to elect a
president. The vice presidency would go to whatever remaining
contender had the greatest number of electoral votes. If that, too, was
tied, the U.S. Senate would break the tie by deciding between the two.

That system might not have been perfect but it is better than what we have now where we are not even sure whether our elections are honest or not.  But the bottom line is that some major change is needed in how we choose a President because we can’t afford to keep allowing the Oligarchy (some of whom are not even American) to make the Presidency of the US a bought office mostly run by them.

So, to get our Republic back what changes are needed.

1. The size of the House of Representatives needs to be increased from 435 to 43,500.

2. The electors should again cast 2 votes for President.  One vote should be based on the people’s vote as is pretty much done now.  The 2nd vote should be for who they think will best serve the interest of the American people.  The 2nd vote should be different from the first vote.

3. The electors and not the President should decide who the VP should be and who the AG should be.

I realize what I am suggesting will never happen but it is just a thought. LOL

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In The News 9-28-2022

Bank of England will buy UK bonds at ‘whatever scale’ necessary to halt crash

London CNN Business —

The Bank of England said Wednesday it would buy UK government debt “on whatever scale is necessary” in an emergency intervention to halt a bond market crash that it warned could threaten financial stability.

Investors have been dumping the pound and UK bonds since the government of new Prime Minister Liz Truss on Friday unveiled a huge package of tax cuts and increased borrowing aimed at getting the economy moving and protecting households and businesses from sky-high energy bills this winter.


Storm Ian strengthens to Category 4 hurricane as millions urged to evacuate Florida Gulf Coast

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis warned that people in Collier, Lee, Charlotte and Sarasota counties were no longer safe to evacuate and urged people to get off the roads and stay inside.

“You need to get to higher ground, you need to get to structures that are safe,” DeSantis said, adding that widespread power outages would leave millions without electricity once the storm strikes.

U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Deanne Criswell said she worried that too few Florida residents were taking the threat seriously. [opinion: Apparently women in the Biden administration are too stupid to know that evacuation requires gasoline and in many areas around Tampa, even yesterday, it was nearly impossible to buy gas. Or maybe evil Connecticut Yankees like Biden want Southerners stranded on the side of the road as a huge storm approaches.]

The 30 Deadliest U.S. Mainland Hurricanes

Rank Name/Area Year Category Deaths
1. Great Galveston Hurricane (TX) 1900 4 8,000
2. Lake Okeechobee (FL) 1928 4 2,500
3. Katrina (LA/MS/FL/GA/AL) 2005 3 1,200
4. Cheniere Caminanda (LA) 1893 4 1,100-1,400
5. Sea Islands (SC/GA) 1893 3 1,000-2,000
6. GA/SC 1881 2 700
7. Audrey (Southwest LA/North TX) 1957 4 416
8. Great Labor Day Hurricane (FL Keys) 1935 5 408
9. Last Island (LA) 1856 4 400
10. Miami Hurricane (FL/MS/AL) 1926 4 372
11. Grand Isle (LA) 1909 4 350
12. FL Keys/South TX 1919 4 287**
13. New Orleans (LA) 1915 4 275
14. Galveston (TX) 1915 4 275
15. Camille (MS/LA) 1969 5 256
16. New England 1938 3* 256
17. Diane (Northeast U.S.) 1955 1 184
18. GA/SC/NC 1898 4 179
19. TX 1875 3 176
20. Southeast FL 1906 2 164
21. Indianola (TX) 1886 4 150
22. MS/AL/FL 1906 3 134
23. FL/GA/SC 1896 3 130
24. Agnes (Northeast U.S.) 1972 1 122
25. Hazel (SC/NC) 1954 4* 95
26. Betsy (Southeast FL/Southeast LA) 1965 3 75
27. Great Atlantic Hurricane 1944 3* 64***
28. Carol (Northeast U.S.) 1954 3* 60
29. Floyd (NC) 1999 4 56
30. NC 1883 2 53

* – Moving more than 30 miles an hour

** – Over 500 of these lost on ships at sea; 600-900 estimated deaths

*** – Some 344 of these lost on ships at sea

New malware can steal your credit card details — and it’s spreading fast

Initially spotted in August 2022 by Cyfirma, the malware, hidden away within game cracks, has a lot of power. It can steal data found within Chromium and Gecko-based browsers, including passwords, cookies, form autofill information, and credit card data. Moreover, it targets cryptocurrency users by attempting to steal data from their wallets as long as they’re installed as a browser extension.

If you want to make sure you’re not at risk, right now, all you have to do is not download any illegal files (such as cracked games or bots for games). However, it’s a good idea to stay vigilant and also make sure you’re using one of the best antivirus software, keeping it updated, and scanning each file you download. If you own cryptocurrency, consider moving your funds to a fully-offline cold wallet as opposed to a desktop wallet.

Self-proclaimed ‘incel’ charged with pepper spraying women in hate attacks in Costa Mesa

Young is charged with four counts of assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury, four counts of illegal use of tear gas, all felonies, and four misdemeanor counts of violation of civil rights. He also faces sentencing enhancements for hate crime and personal use of a deadly weapon.

Young faces up to 13 years in prison if convicted at trial. He has a prior misdemeanor hate crime conviction in Nevada, according to prosecutors.

Prosecutors said Young is a self-proclaimed “incel,” a member of an online community of men who call themselves involuntary celibates and express rage against women.

“No one should have to live in fear that they could be indiscriminately attacked and then publicly humiliated on the Internet because of their gender,” Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer said. “This behavior is disgusting and the celebration of this behavior by like-minded individuals is completely unacceptable. These charges send a very strong message to that entire community that we will not tolerate violence against women in any form.”

Opinion: Obviously, I am not defending what this guy did. No!!! But this shows how stupid it is for the government to label anything a hate crime and prosecute it as a hate crime. The prosecutor in this case is in his self guilty, from a moral perspective if not a legal perspective, of a crime. He hates incels and has grossly overcharged the case. And a reminder, the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution is being gutted by both the left and the right. From hate crime laws, to reversing Roe v. Wade, to trying to force employers to force their employees to get an untested vaccine, the Fourteenth Amendment to our Constitution is being gutted.

And let me repeat, I am not defending what this guy did. But the elite and social media treating men, especially white men like second class citizen, is part of what has fed this movement of self-avowed celibate men. And contrary to what the idiot prosecutor says, overcharging this case does not send a message to discourage this man’s unacceptable behavior but simply makes the point of why these young men are so fucking angry against those they perceive as their enemy. It doesn’t help the situation but makes the situation worse, which I suspect is actual agenda of the prosecutor so he can lock even more young white men up … and have all the Karens to himself. LOL

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Google Propaganda This 10-25-2021

The top of google news this Monday, 10-25-2021 is:

I rarely use facebook.  And there are times–many, many, many times–I don’t much like Zuckerberg.  But the coordinated attack on Zuckerberg  and Facebook is disturbing.  The Washington Post article begins with talking about how Vietnam forced Facebook to censor political dissent or risk losing $1 billion.  I am kind of shocked that the Vietnamese market earns Facebook a billion dollars.  But regardless, what makes the article so evil is not that they oppose censorship in Vietnam–they don’t–but their issue is that Facebook does not do a better job of censorship all over the world.  The article focuses on that bullshit, staged, deep state whistle blower. [opinion] and her her claims that Facebook is doing harm to young people.

But that claim is mostly garbage.  Young people have always had to deal with self-image and doubting ones self.  That issue stays with a person until they mature enough to realize most people are assholes, most people aren’t perfect, shit happens, and get the hell over it.   Most people aren’t beautiful.  Most people aren’t smart.  Most people are not funny.  Most people are not good in sports. Most people are average at most things and less than average regarding many things.  We all make mistakes and say stupid shit at times. But none of that shit matters.  What matters is that you don’t dwell on shit and you enjoy life moment to moment.  There is no reason to define yourself, much less allow some asshole to define you.

Is Facebook built on the insecurity of humanity in general?  No.  It is built on the desire of people to connect, play games, share pictures, hook up for time away from the computer, and have conversations.  That elite media and google want to control those conversations and prevent people from talking about the stupidity of google and the Washington Post and others is disturbing.

They pretend that all time cliche, “Won’t someone think about the children.”  When in truth google does not give a flying freak about young people.  I tell  you what really hurts a young person.   When the accounts of their social activity are snooped on by schools, employers ( current or future) or some asshole like at twitter labels their post this or that in an insulting way.  What hurts not just young people but everyone is when the elite even go so far as to take payment processing away from someone because they are involved in some kind of wrong think.

These propaganda articles talk about hate speech.  Here is a freaking clue.  I have the God given right to hate anyone I damned well please or to like anyone I damned well please.  I don’t have the right to physically hurt anyone.  But here is the fucking upside down insanity of what the elite are doing.  They call other people haters for wrong speak but then they actually do set out to harm people by kicking them off platforms, denying them payment processing, calling them names, giving them social credit scores, and ultimately driving them to suicide or perhaps even driving other people to murder them which is what the leaders of lynch mobs do.  Too often the elite are no better than the old wild west lynch mobs of old days and that is in fact very disturbing.

Some young person trying to earn street cred by using the n word does not really hurt anyone.  But shaming, blacklisting, and trying to push that young person to suicide goes beyond the point of hurtful to just plain fucking evil.

That we have so much media run by upside down crazy, evil people is by far more disturbing than any lack of censorship at Facebook.

The absolute crap that google puts at the top of their news pages is by far more disturbing than any lack of censorship at Facebook.