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Need For Speed

Editorial Reviews

Buckle up with Tobey Marshall (Aaron Paul, BREAKING BAD) as he sets out on a mission of revenge against wealthy and arrogant Dino Brewster (Dominic Cooper), who framed him for a crime he didn’t commit. Tobey pushes his limits to the max in a high-octane race across America, hitting the road with the world’s most exotic supercars — delivering real speed, real danger and real action. Adapted from the top-selling video game franchise — and complete with never-before-seen bonus features — NEED FOR SPEED is the ultimate thrill ride.

Most reviews are good.  At the time of posting ranks around 7,000 in movies.

  • Actors ‏ : ‎ Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Imogen Poots, Ramon Rodriguez, Michael Keaton

Movie was made back in 2014 based on a video game.

To see the DVD price click here.  At time of posting it was $10.00

If you have prime you can stream for free.

Continue reading Need For Speed

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Google Propaganda This 10-25-2021

The top of google news this Monday, 10-25-2021 is:

I rarely use facebook.  And there are times–many, many, many times–I don’t much like Zuckerberg.  But the coordinated attack on Zuckerberg  and Facebook is disturbing.  The Washington Post article begins with talking about how Vietnam forced Facebook to censor political dissent or risk losing $1 billion.  I am kind of shocked that the Vietnamese market earns Facebook a billion dollars.  But regardless, what makes the article so evil is not that they oppose censorship in Vietnam–they don’t–but their issue is that Facebook does not do a better job of censorship all over the world.  The article focuses on that bullshit, staged, deep state whistle blower. [opinion] and her her claims that Facebook is doing harm to young people.

But that claim is mostly garbage.  Young people have always had to deal with self-image and doubting ones self.  That issue stays with a person until they mature enough to realize most people are assholes, most people aren’t perfect, shit happens, and get the hell over it.   Most people aren’t beautiful.  Most people aren’t smart.  Most people are not funny.  Most people are not good in sports. Most people are average at most things and less than average regarding many things.  We all make mistakes and say stupid shit at times. But none of that shit matters.  What matters is that you don’t dwell on shit and you enjoy life moment to moment.  There is no reason to define yourself, much less allow some asshole to define you.

Is Facebook built on the insecurity of humanity in general?  No.  It is built on the desire of people to connect, play games, share pictures, hook up for time away from the computer, and have conversations.  That elite media and google want to control those conversations and prevent people from talking about the stupidity of google and the Washington Post and others is disturbing.

They pretend that all time cliche, “Won’t someone think about the children.”  When in truth google does not give a flying freak about young people.  I tell  you what really hurts a young person.   When the accounts of their social activity are snooped on by schools, employers ( current or future) or some asshole like at twitter labels their post this or that in an insulting way.  What hurts not just young people but everyone is when the elite even go so far as to take payment processing away from someone because they are involved in some kind of wrong think.

These propaganda articles talk about hate speech.  Here is a freaking clue.  I have the God given right to hate anyone I damned well please or to like anyone I damned well please.  I don’t have the right to physically hurt anyone.  But here is the fucking upside down insanity of what the elite are doing.  They call other people haters for wrong speak but then they actually do set out to harm people by kicking them off platforms, denying them payment processing, calling them names, giving them social credit scores, and ultimately driving them to suicide or perhaps even driving other people to murder them which is what the leaders of lynch mobs do.  Too often the elite are no better than the old wild west lynch mobs of old days and that is in fact very disturbing.

Some young person trying to earn street cred by using the n word does not really hurt anyone.  But shaming, blacklisting, and trying to push that young person to suicide goes beyond the point of hurtful to just plain fucking evil.

That we have so much media run by upside down crazy, evil people is by far more disturbing than any lack of censorship at Facebook.

The absolute crap that google puts at the top of their news pages is by far more disturbing than any lack of censorship at Facebook.



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Important Announcement


There was a critical error on caused by a plugin. I changed the name of the plugin  folder and got the site back working on the backend.  The frontend seemed to be working during the critical error. I am not sure if there was an update of wordpress that started the error or what.  The plugin had not been updated in 2 months.  There was no change in php.  I am not sure what triggered the problem, but to be clear I do NOT blame the writer of the plugin.

Unfortunately I had used the plugin quite a bit.  It was what generated the tables I was using for a listing of the stories and the tip menu and such.   You will see the code for the plugin in place of the table.

My sites on a different host were pretty much wiped out (nothing to do with the plugin or the issues here) and I am having to rebuild.  To be clear I do not blame that host for the issues.  Some were using flat pages w/out any cms.  They are on a different host from and

I don’t really know if I have been under attack or the problems have been coincidence.

Previous Update below:

First … will continue as normal but with more content being added soon.  I have been sidetracked with some things.

Second and the main reason for this announcement…

I have sold

I have owned the domain since 1999 so it is kind of sad for me.  I had not wanted to sell it but the money on the table became too much for me to walk away from.  The sale was made to a mystery buyer with a broker/agent handling the sale.

I had been planning to update the georgia lottery apps before things happened that were on and had been working on the apps.  I had owned before all this came up.  The georgia lottery apps will now be located there and with a current data set.


3rd… I am still writing on the Hearthville Serial.  I will be posting new episodes soon to

Much thanks,


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Front Page 6-10-2021


My phone alarm clock went off at 4:00 this morning.  I needed to get up.  I had something I needed to do.  I cut it off and went back to sleep.  I got up at 6:30.  Oh well…………

I don’t know what I dreamed last night.  But I woke up in a really bad mood.

… be back later to write more. Breakfast timers just went off and I am hungry.

I back.

I eat a egg in a biscuit. Bacon.  Hash brown. & a Tomato.  & a Dr Pepper.  Shut up.  I like my soft drinks.


Yesterday I was writing on a computer program.  & I could not get a routine to work.  I  bet I spent three hours on it.  Chasing my tail without accomplishing anything.  The result was wrong.  It kept being wrong.  What the hell.  It was driving me crazy.  It should work.

So finally I walked away from it.  I went out to feed my horses and goats.  Came back in.  Watched a little of a movie on DVD, “The Mechanic.”  It is not about working on cars.  It is about hitmen if you have not seen it.  It is a good movie.  The guy is lied to and convinced to take a job to kill his mentor.  Then the mentor’s son enters the picture and he takes him under his wing and well I don’t want to give the plot away.

So while I was watching the movie I went and got my computer to start back working on the program.  And it dawned on me to try moving the routine.  I moved it to the function that calls the function that I had been putting the routine  in.  I moved the routine to after the other function returned its result and low and behold the routine started giving the right results.  A head slap moment.  I still do not fully understand why it would not give the right results where I was putting it.  But then the order of those for loops and if thens can get confusing to me and obviously I had become confused.  It was getting caught in a loop where it did not belong.  I guess.  So obviously I had put the routine in the wrong function.

Anyways … till later.







Still kicking about.

I can not believe this year is already approaching half over.

My dad wore a T-Shirt yesterday that come out of the black hole.  It was an older one.  It was strange how it just appeared at the top of the basket.  But anyway, it read, “Never put off ’til tomorrow what you can do next week.”  That totally fits with me.

That night before I had a weird dream.  I was at a water park.  Those type of shirts are what we used to wear when camping or at an amusement or water park or such.  But anyway, in my dream there was a long escalator at the entrance to the water park and it was broken.  So I had to climb the stairs.  Don’t you hate when you get tired in a dream. Like damn.  Climb.  Climb. Climb. And after I got up the escalator,  the park was a mess.  Then in the dream I was doing paperwork for them to buy new pumps and motors and such and a guy was looking over my shoulder.  He told me, “This is going to cost a fortune.”

But I gave him the paperwork.  And I don’t remember what came next in the dream.  But at some point someone came up to me and they wanted me to pay them for something.  So I got my billfold out.  There was a lot of money in it but it seemed to be the wrong currency.  Then I pulled out this sack and I started paying them with beaver pelts.  And I was looking at the beaver pelts and one of them was suddenly alive and he looked up at me and said, “Are you freaking crazy.”

So, that was my dream.









Sorry that I am being slow to add new content.

Note that old content on this page is deleted when new content is added here as most of what I  post here is only relevant to a short window of time.

What have I been doing?

Working with my animals.  I had some issues that was taking a good bit of my time.  Two of my horses needed some extra TLC.  Knock on wood, they are doing good now.

I have been redoing the Georgia Fantasy 5 program  but have not posted it yet over on  I had some problems getting back into  the javascript programming mode.  So what I have been doing has been taking longer than it should.  I am starting the data fresh.  I am leaving what I have as legacy but the new app will start with more recent data.  I am no longer adding new data to the legacy apps.

I have been working on a new serial.  I can’t decide on whether to use it for Vella or post it here.  I wish I had more confidence that Vella would work for me but I have my doubts.  Some of my doubts have to do with  my history with KDP Amazon.  I have trouble getting past when they deleted my keywords out for no freaking reason.  And I can’t ignore Amazon’s history of censorship.  I love Amazon.  I buy from Amazon.  I promote Amazon, but the KDP part has hurt me. I will fully admit that I am not the greatest writer in the world, but in comparison to other writers there is no doubt I should have done better there.  Part of my failure there may be fully on me, but part of it has to do with KDP itself.  Rightly or wrongly, that is the way I feel.

I may be wrong.  I often am.  But given the behavior of KDP employees I don’t really see Vella being a success.  I wanted to but then I stopped to think.  Why would it be a success?  I don’t know.  It could be huge success but I have my doubts.  I am not sure what the writer profiles are going to be but from what I can tell they will be very limited.  Amazon is so afraid of free speech they are not going to allow the writers to have discussion boards or chat.  They can’t link out to build their brand on their website or even their regular author page.  Amazon expects people to drive traffic to them but not pull any traffic from them.  And part of the revenue is not only going to be shared with Amazon but Apple.  Amazon implies that they will help writers get in-house traffic and that may be true of their little darlings but for the rest of us, I kind of doubt that.   So my success or failure on Vella would pretty much depend on the traffic I drive and right now I am not doing a very good job of driving traffic.  I am not advertising. And if I have to start advertising I would be better off promoting e-Books with a 70% cut.

All that said.  Vella is going to be a new toy and I am more than tempted to want to play with it.






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Movie: Abilene Town

Randolph Scott plays the Marshall Dan Mitchell who tries to keep things peaceful in town. Edgar Buchanan plays the sheriff Bravo Trimble who rather gambles than shoots. Lloyd Bridges can be seen as Henry Dreiser.  And sure there are also some pretty ladies involved.

In this town one side of the dirt, dusty road are Saloons. And on the other side of the road are shops. In the beginning the town is dependent on the cowboys driving their trail herds to the railroad stockyards. Then there comes the settlers: the “tame” people. And the Saloon keepers become concerned that the shop keeps will see where they can make more money from the settlers than from the cowboys who are a rough lot when they hit the saloons.

It might be compared to what is happening to the internet right now. We cowboys (content creators) are being chased off while the shop keepers, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon think they no longer need us. They just want the “tame” people on their sites who will think what the shopkeeper’s “preacher” tells them to think and who to elect to office.

Of course in the movie the homesteaders are the “good” people and the cowboys are the villains. Never mind that  the trail that was on public land and should NOT have been fenced off. The movie was made in 1946. 8 years later in 1954 martial law would come to Russell County, Alabama to “clean” Phenix City up from the brothels and the Saloons and the Gambling Houses.  The intent of the propaganda in the movie was to encourage people to “clean up” the many such towns  across the United States.

The movie is a good, fun movie and with some pretty legs to view. But even while showing the fun part of the town, the propaganda line is clear that the fun part of the town must come to an end. In the end, the “tame” always win.

Ann Dvorak and Rhonda Fleming are reason enough to want to watch this movie. Giving Randolph Scott not one but two such leading ladies was genius in itself.


Keywords: Romance, Western, Ann Dvorak, Lloyd Bridges, Edgar Buchanan, Randolph Scott

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Front Page – 4-8-2021


Nothing much really to say.

I am still kicking.

A new month is on the way and I am closing out this page.




I’ve thrown up my hands in trying to write the Hearthville Serial in normal chapter form.  The style I was going for just sucks too bad. Boring!!  I think part of it is that I’ve got where I totally hate past tense even though I know that is what people expect.


I will  post the next episode in script form.


Much thanks for understanding the delay in getting it posted.



I am not getting much done on the Hearthville Serial.  Sorry.



I will be starting Web Book 7 of Hearthville Serial.

In it I will go back to writing past tense and writing the Episodes as Chapters and not in script form.





Zach Fisch, by his own hatred and his trying to destroy the life of a Capitol Police Officer, speaks volumes on who are the bad guys and what group of people is the greatest threat to America. Zach Fisch reveals more about who he is than any book written about his so called people–whether fiction or not. [not linking to the bullshit article.]  Note that anyone could have put the reading material there and naturally the first suspect should be the person who both noticed and made a big deal about it and used it to get someone suspended from their job. #opinion  Regardless, in America. people are supposed to have the right to read any damn thing that they want so even if the material belongs to the guard, who in the hell in their right mind should give a flying fuck.  It is not like the material is illegal .

And by the way, in America, we have the God given right to hate anyone or any group of people that we want.  We just don’t have either the legal or more importantly the moral right to hurt the people we hate.  The behavior of Zach Fisch may not be illegal but it most certainly is immoral–to try to destroy the life of anyone without any real justification or cause.  “I didn’t like what they are reading,” is not justification.


Erased and updated 2-22-2021

Notes …

no one is buying my eBooks on Amazon so that is a problem. LOL

Less White
Less Masculine
they want you less Christian and less American
They want you less Christian and less American.


If you watched the Project Veritas Video on Mark Zuckerberg being a hypocrite regarding whether people are allowed to question the safety of the  codeHoohoohoocode Vaccines you might notice that when he was talking about the altering of DNA he was being honest and talking from his soul, his heart.  Or at least that is the way his body language appeared to me.  But then when he was doing that bullshit interview with Fauci, to me, his body language suggested that he was being forced to do the interview and promote lies.  For the record viruses can alter DNA. 10% of our modern Gnome is the result of mutations caused by Viruses going back centuries.  To what the vaccine does or does not do, I am not going to speak to that.  But Fauci’s sweeping answer to Zuckerberg which would have included all viruses was a fucking a lie.  And from his body language you know it was an intentional lie.

We all fuss about Zuckerberg and these other tech oligarchs and we assume the evil they are doing is by their own volition, but that Zuckerberg shit made me wonder who is he taking orders from.  What facebook is doing now could set it on the path of becoming the next myspace. Google is doing very serious damage to its business right now.  Its search engine on a large number of subjects is now garbage.  Youtube is a skeleton of what is used to be.  Twitter is just a fucking sad joke that has lost many if not most of its conservatives or libertarians and is left with people who are starting trending topics that often are just basically nonsense and retarded.  Have these oligarchs done this crap to their companies by choice??  Are they that stupid.  Or are they so afraid of ???? that they would rather damage their companies than face the anger of ????

I convinced myself to upload a video to bitchute again.  That was the third one that would not process.  I am about convinced that bitchute is a CIA operation which of course I could be totally wrong about.  But why are they using UK servers.  Sure, censorship is happening in mass in the US but the UK is hardly any better.  And of course the CIA is not supposed to operated within the USA itself.   Obviously it breaks the law all the time and in fact does do operations within the US.  Still.  If Bitchute was a CIA operation and set up to spy on Americans it might think it can skirt the law by operating out of Thailand and the UK.

Now you may ask why would US tech be forced to ban people in mass and then turn around and  the CIA set up something like Bitchute. The answer.  Because the CIA needs to hear chatter.  They can not spy on people if everyone is silent.  At the same time they want regular social media to be able to work with elite media to hypnotize people.  They don’t want people on the major platforms posting stuff to break the hypnotism.

You take Adam Green for example and his “Know More News,” a lot of his videos are highly intellectual and with debates from people who are obviously very smart.  At the same time there are things being said on his videos that the FBI and the CIA do not want the American people to think about.  They want the America people to basically think in Crayons like the so called Democrats seem to be doing over on twitter to reinforce the insanity they hear CNN and now FOX spewing.

But like I said, I could be totally wrong about Bitchute.  I am a little pissy because they would not process my videos.  Still, there is something that does not feel right about the platform.   But then on the other hand, some of the people I would never have known existed if it were not for Bitchute.

The problem of online censorship is still growing.  There is more censorship happening at bitchute, both direct and shadow banning.  And that is not just bitchute.  All of the so called alt tech are censoring more.   Also, porn has been under attack …

sign in to read more

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Front Page 12-6-2020 FrontPage

Articles Added:

Does the Electric Car Industry Explain Our Broken Economy


Registration is currently turned on.

Registration is free.

No valid e-mail address is required.  Just use something like


I’ve added the next episode, Episode 14, of Hearthville Serial.  To download from store you will need to register.  It is quick and simple.  You do not have to use a real email address.  The download cost 1 SayToken.  You receive 5 SayTokens each day that you visit when registered and signed in.  You can also earn SayTokens by clicking certain links.  Note that  all you have to do is create a user name, give a fake email address, create a password and you will be set.  Do make a note and remember your user name and password.


Been looking at kboards.  It appears a lot of writers who previously had some sales to good sales are now struggling.  They have theories.  They always have theories.  I did not see where anyone suggested how hated Jeff Bezos and Big Tech is right now is causing part of their problems.  Someone did suggest how the once popular Social Media sites are being avoided by many people and so those ads have become next to worthless.

There was also a thread about audible, which I’ve never used and have no idea about, where people have been having trouble getting their books approved.  There was some suggestion about people scamming the system and so Amazon had to increase the manual reviews before publishing.  Then someone scratched their head and asked why that would apply to established writers they know are not scamming the system.  Obviously, the problem has to do with Amazon’s increase in political and Covid related censorship.  But hey, let us not mention that in the thread.

Yes.  I still promote Amazon.  I shop at Amazon.  And I will continue to do so until that is no longer an option, or I have had enough with their BS.

But Jeff Bezos and Big Tech hating the American and British people is becoming a fucking problem.  And you may have noticed the more successful writers on Amazon, when you see them in social media, are pretty much all leftist dickheads.  Of course there are exceptions–more in non-fiction–but it has to make you wonder if Amazon’s system uses an indie writer’s “social credit score” to at least partially determine how they are treated in organic search & also boughts & other ways that can either help or kill a writer’s potential for success.

Now, please do not read what I am suggesting and think, “Wow, all have to do is become a leftist dickhead–improve my social credit score–to become a writing success.”  The last thing this planet needs is more leftist dickheads.

In some ways I am liberal, but mostly I lean libertarian.  Regardless, I was born Southern and I will die Southern and that causes me to be hated by both the ignorant left and the ignorant right.  I am okay with that.  There are worse things than being hated.   And I will always stand up for the South!!!


Erotic Domination of Planet Earth: Man In The Painting

I have begun adding chapters that can be sampled online.


Please note that I have turned registration off.

Chuck @ sayata

What social media platforms am I on?

None really. I have not gone on Facebook in well over a year.  I’ve been posting on twitter but my sticky tweet is “bye.”  I put that up November 6.  I’ve tweeted since then but after the election, I went on a blocking tirade.  In addition a lot of people I followed on twitter have been suspended or have abandoned the platform.  The behavior of Jack Dorsey has been unforgivable.   That is the bottom line.

But what about the Indie Platforms such as Parler, Gab, and such?  I have not joined them.  The social media platform to me is over.  Twitter started out promoting free speech and we’ve seen what it turned into.  Patreon started out one thing and became something else.

I don’t say I will never join an alternative social media platform but I need to spend more time working on my websites.

I’ve thought about joining bitchute but I don’t know.

12-6-2020 Unscramble the words:

  1.  dddea
  2. ddowlona
  3.  eenb
  4. yreoht
  5. iitvs
  6. maevrl
  7. edtesggus

12-9-2020 – answers

1. added
2. download
3. been
4. theory
5. visit
6. marvel
7. suggested

11-15-2020 Unscramble the words:

  1. lvei
  2. depensusd
  3. tawh
  4. smfortalp
  5. mecabe



  1. live, evil, or veil are correct.  There may be others but all I see.
  2. suspended is correct
  3. what is correct
  4. platforms is correct
  5. became is correct