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Australia thinks they are going to force google & facebook to pay $$$ to their news organizations.



Actually the Australian white papers on the proposal use the term digital platforms but most suggest it is aimed at google and facebook. How will google and facebook probably react in the long run?

Note that you can not copyright an idea or fact or news. You can only copyright the presentation of that idea, that fact, or that news.


Men Shorts

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Talk Stocks and also karma voice vs. grace voice


In your inner debates which voice do you listen to more: the Karma Voice that causes bad decisions or the Grace Voice which helps you down the right path? In cartoons they like to present the devil on the shoulder vs. the angel on the shoulder, but those inner debates we have aren’t just cartoon material.

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This year from hell, I decided to trade stocks part1 & part2


In this video I talk about my camera and then mostly talk about trading stocks.  There is a second video that follows this one which I will upload 7/13/2020.  With my sucky dsl it takes over an hour to upload a five minute video.


In this I talk about how day traders are not totally wrong about not wanting to hold stocks too long. Still, swing traders have to look at it differently. Sometimes holding the stocks works out for us because they are good stocks with real investors coming into that stock. But many times swing traders, playing the day trader game, end up paying too much for a stock that is going to drop hard. If we think the stock has potential, we swing traders are better off to wait until the day traders have left it and then buy it on the cheap. But not always. Regardless, watching the stocks the day traders are trading is informative.


Swing Trade Stocks

Murder She Wrote


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This and That – 11-12-2020


Tip Goals have been reached and new content will be posted.  Because of the massive online censorship that has been happening, future content will be placed behind a wall that will require registration.  Registration is free.  You do not have to give a real email address.  Just something like  You do not have to give a real name.

Although after every update wordpress changes back to tell people that they have to verify, they do not.  You may sign in right after you register.  There is no verification so don’t bother looking for such an email.



Hearthville Serial – Episode 13 will be posted if goal is reached.


Yeah, I’ve started back tweeting.  Shut up. LOL But not as regular as I once did.



Both of Georgia’s scalawag Republican Senators voted with the majority to change the names for Georgia’s Fort Benning and Fort Gordon, as well as eight other facilities across the country.   Ironically, these troubled times–in which there is a movement to change the name of Fort Benning–makes Henry L. Benning seem almost psychic.

He said:

 By the time the North shall have attained the power, the black race will be in a large majority, [note, just 12% of the population] and then we will have black governors, black legislatures, black juries, black everything. Is it to be supposed that the white race will stand for that? It is not a supposable case…. War will break out everywhere like hidden fire from the earth, and it is probable that the white race, being superior in every respect, may push the other back…. We will be overpowered and our men will be compelled to wander like vagabonds all over the earth; and as for our women, the horrors of their state we cannot contemplate in imagination. That is the fate which abolition will bring upon the white race…. We will be completely exterminated, and the land will be left in the possession of the blacks, and then it will go back to a wilderness and become another Africa…. Suppose they elevated Charles Sumner to the presidency? Suppose they elevated Fred Douglass, your escaped slave, to the presidency? What would be your position in such an event? I say give me pestilence and famine sooner than that.

Yeah, he was something of a drama queen.    To be clear I am not racist–so long as you allow me to look at people the same and don’t demand I consider race at all–and I am not saying my ancestors walked on water, but neither did the ancestors of the people who are constantly demonizing us Southerners.  I mean, for all the faults of Henry L. Benning does anyone seriously think Kelly Loeffler or David Perdue  are fit to judge him or erase him from history.  He was what he was.  He said what he thought.  He was a man of his time.  Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue don’t really give a flying fuck about the people of Georgia, black or white.  To them, most of us are just a bunch of peasants beneath their feet.

Henry L. Benning sacrificed his political future and social position in the military by opposing conscription, the military draft.  You can be sure Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue pretty much do what the Lobbyist want and do whatever will advance their personal fortunes.  They are scalawags.

John Brown Gordon was a complicated man. In 1866, Gordon made substantial contributions in the form of money and materials to help build churches and schools for blacks in Brunswick, Georgia and advised them to:

“educate themselves and their children, to be industrious, save money and purchase houses, and thus make themselves respectable as property holders, and intelligent people. With submission to the laws, industry and economy, with union among yourselves, and courtesy and confidence toward the whites, you will reach these ends, and constitute an important element in the community.”

On the other hand, it is believed that he ran the 1871 version of the KKK to fight the black federal troops who were mistreating white southerners.  It is thought that he did not much believe in racial equality but at the same time he did not want anyone, black or white, mistreated.  In an 1866 speech he said, “If you are disposed to live in peace with the white people, they extend to you the hand of friendship” but “if you attempt to inaugurate a war of races you will be exterminated. The Saxon race was never created by Almightly God to be ruled by the African.”

If you read between the lines of both Benning and Gordon, there was more there than bluster against the black man.  There is no doubt there was that bluster. But more than that, there was a fear.  There was an honest fear.  And now in these troubled times as politicians surrender the rebel flag, confederate statues and even the statues of celebrated founders and patriots, and now even the names on military bases, there is that same fear.  And to deny that fear is to deny reality.  And God help us all, no matter how much many of us would like for everyone to get along and live in peace, that fear of race wars was and is justified.  Demanding white men behave as bitches to appease to the false sensitivities of a few black men and surrendering to their demands, in the long run, will not bring peace.

Most black and white people do not want a race war.  Do not misunderstand.  But shallow halfwits like Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue just keep egging it on.  There is only so much white men will take before the modern Benning and Gordon will rise up and not so as to avoid the race wars but to fight the wars in the streets with great zeal and vigor.

The bottom line: Stop poking the hornets nest.  First time, nothing may happen.  Second time, nothing may happen. But eventually, your ass is going to get stung.



Link: Bokhari: GOP Lawmakers Shouldn’t Let Amazon Off the Hook for Censorship

I love amazon.  I continue to promote amazon.  I make a little bit of money with Amazon.  But yes, there are problems there.

In a separate issue, 40% of Amazon sellers are based in Red China.  Other sellers source a large percent of their products from China.  In addition a large amount of items Amazon, itself, sales are sourced from China.  No matter how wealthy Jeff Bezos is, the question has to be asked, “Does Jeff Bezos still run Amazon or does the Chinese Communist Party run Amazon?”  The censorship issues suggest the latter.  #opinion


So I go on twitter to see what some of my favorite people are tweeting and to make sure my account has not been messed with.  For a little bit I almost wanted to tweet again.  Then I remembered no one has been reading my tweets anyway.  I’ve got to figure out someway to get traffic.  I don’t know.


Briggs and Stratton, BGG, went bankrupt and their stock dropped to 20 cents.  (I own 20 shares.) Yeah, their leadership has been awful and what they did to their retired workers was beyond fucked up.  But, this morning, one of the leading gappers was a company that  also went bankrupt.  The bankruptcy judge made a favorable ruling on something or the other and the stock jumped up to above $5.00. When I saw that my head exploded.  Like, what the hell.  The company is still bankrupt.  But not all bankruptcies are equal and the way BGG did it was totally shitty.


Well, I’ve got to get up from here and go to the grocery store.  I hate shopping but I like eating.



I got the php version /sql error corrected that the site was kicking after the update.  At this point I will continue using the m directory.  In getting this straightened out I installed wordpress in a different directory to see if it would work and it did work.  So once I was sure of that I was pretty confident of where the screw up was happening.  And knock on wood, with the updated php  this time it is no longer kicking the error.   Drupal was also kicking an error so that was kind of weird.  But the clean wordpress installation did not kick an error.

Previously this server allowed directories to use different php versions.  If that tool still exists I can’t find it.  So I had to use a different tool and the php.ini was still in the directory and it should not have been.  Also the .htaccess that set the php version had to be manually edited but I was already doing that. Basically the php.ini was for the wrong version of php if that makes sense.  The drupal error would not have anything to do with that so I don’t know about that error.


July 23, 2020
So twitter supposedly has a bunch of new users and their stock price is way up.  I would guess most of the new users are bots from China and US political parties and Celebs trying to replace their fake users so they don’t look pitiful.  But I don’t know.  To me Twitter is like myspace.  It is over. At this point I am only maintaining my account there as a place holder and to check some of my favorite people out & to make sure the account is secure.  I will never tweet there again.  I will never contribute my brilliance there again. 🙂


As I said earlier I am having problems with wordpress & I see the writing on the wall with this installation.  I intalled drupal yesterday.  I’ve used it in the past.  It worked but it also gave a database error.   I just think it is best if I get away from the cms systems. So in the coming weeks this area will become protected.

Be sure to set as the entry point to the site in the future, rather  than the m directory. related news that is being posted here is also being posted on the front page.

Much Thanks,







I did my last tweet today.  1 impression.  That was enough.  In the past I’ve taken breaks and always went back to it but that is not going to happen this time.  The account has been decimated with either people quitting twitter or being kicked off twitter.  Either all of my “followers” that remain have me muted or the level that twitter has me shadow banner has increased or a combination of the two.   In the last few weeks I’ve had my account in protected mode so that I would get an idea of how many real followers I have and the bottom line is I don’t really have any.  Sad but true.  Reality sucks.  That is life.

As far as the next episode of Heathville, I do not know.


Forced registration is now turned off.

Just want to let people know that I am working on the next episode of the Hearthville Serial.

7/6 (Ignore)
Registration is now required to view this area of It is free.

Some content may require saytokens. I will be adding more links which go to products on amazon. That is a way to add saytokens to your account. No purchase is necessary.

When you select to go to account information, it goes to the store and provides you your account information related to the store. This is mostly a content site and so that is probably a little off putting for some users. I do not know how to change it.

Much thanks for putting up with me as I make these changes.