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Front Page 6-10-2021


My phone alarm clock went off at 4:00 this morning.  I needed to get up.  I had something I needed to do.  I cut it off and went back to sleep.  I got up at 6:30.  Oh well…………

I don’t know what I dreamed last night.  But I woke up in a really bad mood.

… be back later to write more. Breakfast timers just went off and I am hungry.

I back.

I eat a egg in a biscuit. Bacon.  Hash brown. & a Tomato.  & a Dr Pepper.  Shut up.  I like my soft drinks.


Yesterday I was writing on a computer program.  & I could not get a routine to work.  I  bet I spent three hours on it.  Chasing my tail without accomplishing anything.  The result was wrong.  It kept being wrong.  What the hell.  It was driving me crazy.  It should work.

So finally I walked away from it.  I went out to feed my horses and goats.  Came back in.  Watched a little of a movie on DVD, “The Mechanic.”  It is not about working on cars.  It is about hitmen if you have not seen it.  It is a good movie.  The guy is lied to and convinced to take a job to kill his mentor.  Then the mentor’s son enters the picture and he takes him under his wing and well I don’t want to give the plot away.

So while I was watching the movie I went and got my computer to start back working on the program.  And it dawned on me to try moving the routine.  I moved it to the function that calls the function that I had been putting the routine  in.  I moved the routine to after the other function returned its result and low and behold the routine started giving the right results.  A head slap moment.  I still do not fully understand why it would not give the right results where I was putting it.  But then the order of those for loops and if thens can get confusing to me and obviously I had become confused.  It was getting caught in a loop where it did not belong.  I guess.  So obviously I had put the routine in the wrong function.

Anyways … till later.







Still kicking about.

I can not believe this year is already approaching half over.

My dad wore a T-Shirt yesterday that come out of the black hole.  It was an older one.  It was strange how it just appeared at the top of the basket.  But anyway, it read, “Never put off ’til tomorrow what you can do next week.”  That totally fits with me.

That night before I had a weird dream.  I was at a water park.  Those type of shirts are what we used to wear when camping or at an amusement or water park or such.  But anyway, in my dream there was a long escalator at the entrance to the water park and it was broken.  So I had to climb the stairs.  Don’t you hate when you get tired in a dream. Like damn.  Climb.  Climb. Climb. And after I got up the escalator,  the park was a mess.  Then in the dream I was doing paperwork for them to buy new pumps and motors and such and a guy was looking over my shoulder.  He told me, “This is going to cost a fortune.”

But I gave him the paperwork.  And I don’t remember what came next in the dream.  But at some point someone came up to me and they wanted me to pay them for something.  So I got my billfold out.  There was a lot of money in it but it seemed to be the wrong currency.  Then I pulled out this sack and I started paying them with beaver pelts.  And I was looking at the beaver pelts and one of them was suddenly alive and he looked up at me and said, “Are you freaking crazy.”

So, that was my dream.









Sorry that I am being slow to add new content.

Note that old content on this page is deleted when new content is added here as most of what I  post here is only relevant to a short window of time.

What have I been doing?

Working with my animals.  I had some issues that was taking a good bit of my time.  Two of my horses needed some extra TLC.  Knock on wood, they are doing good now.

I have been redoing the Georgia Fantasy 5 program  but have not posted it yet over on  I had some problems getting back into  the javascript programming mode.  So what I have been doing has been taking longer than it should.  I am starting the data fresh.  I am leaving what I have as legacy but the new app will start with more recent data.  I am no longer adding new data to the legacy apps.

I have been working on a new serial.  I can’t decide on whether to use it for Vella or post it here.  I wish I had more confidence that Vella would work for me but I have my doubts.  Some of my doubts have to do with  my history with KDP Amazon.  I have trouble getting past when they deleted my keywords out for no freaking reason.  And I can’t ignore Amazon’s history of censorship.  I love Amazon.  I buy from Amazon.  I promote Amazon, but the KDP part has hurt me. I will fully admit that I am not the greatest writer in the world, but in comparison to other writers there is no doubt I should have done better there.  Part of my failure there may be fully on me, but part of it has to do with KDP itself.  Rightly or wrongly, that is the way I feel.

I may be wrong.  I often am.  But given the behavior of KDP employees I don’t really see Vella being a success.  I wanted to but then I stopped to think.  Why would it be a success?  I don’t know.  It could be huge success but I have my doubts.  I am not sure what the writer profiles are going to be but from what I can tell they will be very limited.  Amazon is so afraid of free speech they are not going to allow the writers to have discussion boards or chat.  They can’t link out to build their brand on their website or even their regular author page.  Amazon expects people to drive traffic to them but not pull any traffic from them.  And part of the revenue is not only going to be shared with Amazon but Apple.  Amazon implies that they will help writers get in-house traffic and that may be true of their little darlings but for the rest of us, I kind of doubt that.   So my success or failure on Vella would pretty much depend on the traffic I drive and right now I am not doing a very good job of driving traffic.  I am not advertising. And if I have to start advertising I would be better off promoting e-Books with a 70% cut.

All that said.  Vella is going to be a new toy and I am more than tempted to want to play with it.