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TMZ does hit piece against Kid Rock

Their headline is:

Kid Rock Goes on Drunken Rant About Oprah … And I Ain’t Racist!!!

The video is hardly a drunken rant though he was holding a drink in his hand and he probably was a little buzzed. The person who provided TMZ repeatedly put the sound bye in the video, “He is so racist.” That repetition is a hypnotic trick that the media loves to use. It is in fact one thing that helped create the Mega Monster that is Oprah Winfrey. Every local channel in America would do massive promotions before showing her show and created a level of repetition that no other show in America has ever enjoyed. I obviously can’t speak to all markets where her show was syndicated, but in the Atlanta Market what WSB TV did was weird. Given the mediocrity of her show and yet its massive popularity I would strongly suspect what WSB was doing was typical all across America.

The elite media went in to overdrive to create Oprah Winfrey.

That same media is doing its best to hypnotize people to dislike celebrities such as Kid Rock who support President Trump. They can build you up and when they want, they can do a pretty good job of ripping you down.

When you are watching anything that repeats, repeats, repeats turn it the fuck off. They are messing with your mind.

I tend to like TMZ and generally have not noticed their use of hypnotism so much in the past–or just haven’t been paying attention–but it was there in that piece.

And for full disclosure I do not like Oprah Winfrey and so that does bias my opinion.
I do not like when hypnotism is being used to create celebrities who are going to be used for other planned propaganda and agendas.

TMZ is syndicated by Warner Media that is now owned by AT&T.
Its creator and person still in control of creative content is Harvey Levin who has a net worth of around $15 million.

Oprah Winfrey was distributed by King World.

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PG&E Fails to Have Law Holding It Liable for Billions in Wildfire Damages Thrown Out

California’s largest utility, Pacific Gas & Electric, was hosed by the courts in an effort to save its ass from liabilities in the wildfires that happened in 2017 and 2018. Most of the elite media always like to insert the phrase, “wildfires linked to PG&E’s faulty electrical power grid” but that is so freakishly misleading. Winds knock down a power line, well according to elite media, that is a failure of the power grid. Someone shoots down a power line, well, that is a failure of the power grid. Godzilla wrecks a system, well, that is a failure of the power grid.

The actual court ruling has nothing to do with the “failure of the power grid.” Rather it has to do with the law.

“The California Constitution provides that private property may be taken or damaged for a public use as long as just compensation is paid to the owner,” Montali wrote in the ruling. “This section does not mention liable parties, cost recovery, or socialization of costs. In short, the California Constitution imposes strict liability in favor of the owner of property that has been taken or damaged through a public use or purpose and does not concern itself with the rights or liabilities of (who) or what did the damage.”

PG&E failed to show a utility had “ever been denied cost recovery under this principle when they have been found prudent,” Montali added.

Pacific Gas & Electric is being held responsible for fires due to faulty equipment that many feel should have had better safety mechanisms in place. The Camp Fire in Paradise, California that burned 153 thousand acres had two separate ignition points and those ignition points suggests PG&E equipment may have caused the fires.

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Hong Kong Stock’s Volatile Market Continues

Yet another Hong Kong stock lost most of its value in a sudden one-day drop. Some are concerned that the $5.2 trillion market has become a breeding ground for wild volatility. Then again, some are looking at the volatility as an opportunity to make fast profits.

Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems by Didier Sornette (Princeton Science Library) … If signed in you are awarded 2 SayTokens for clicking link (Note that I get commission for anything you put in shopping cart and purchase shortly after clicking this link. Thanks.)

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China First Capital Group, an investment company that focuses on financial and education services, plunged as much as 78% on Wednesday before trading was suspended. Virscend Education Co., which is partly owned by First Capital, also lost as much as 78% before the buyers jumped in and reduced its decline to around 33% lower. The moves wiped out a combined $1.2 billion in shareholder value.

ArtGo Holdings, a Chinese marble miner, saw its stock crash 98% in Hong Kong trading after MSCI decided not to add it to its any indexes. That plunge wiped out more than $5 billion in market cap for the company.
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