So pewdiepie did a tweet, making a joke about raiding the Vatican. I guess it was a joke playing off the raid of area 51. So I posted the meme below and in the tweet itself I said, “The Pope is demanding pewdiepie be stopped playing Minecraft” or something like that and with a smile after it to let people know I was joking. On Twitter, users now have the ability to hide replies to tweets in the thread. pewdiepie’s people hid my tweet and my response was to delete the tweet and then to block pewdiepie. I then unsubscribed from him on youtube.
In the past, those of us who support free speech rushed to his defense. We did not want him harmed or suppressed.
Now understand, on twitter when a person blocks, mutes, hides someone then that figures into how Twitter judges the account that has been blocked, muted, or a reply hidden. It all figures in how Twitter’s AI decides how many impressions they should give a tweet or if that user should be totally suppressed. And the more important an account is that does the activity, the greater the harm they can do to other accounts. Also realize that twitter shares its data with google/youtube so the harm done on twitter crosses platforms.
Because of politics and my attempted humor, I’ve been hit by more than just a few hate bots both on twitter and youtube. My youtube channel now gets almost no views, not that it was ever that popular anyway.
Now, when the pewdiepie controversy first started many of us old timers realized that pewdiepie is NOT what he seems to be. But it was a free speech issue and that is what we wanted to stand up for. When we looked at the data we realized part of his traffic is bot traffic operated by someone. To whether he is part of or understands or knows about, who knows. You look at that entire group of creators who hang together, their success is totally suspect. Yes, they have fans. Part of their success is totally real. Also, the perception of success in itself can build success because people are birds who like to flock together no matter how shitty the eating in the field is.
So part of their success is real and based on fundamentals and a lot of hard work. But part of their success is total bullshit. With many of them it is hard to say what is the real traffic and what is the bot traffic, but when you see a total shit video with millions of views you have to consider two things:
1, Wow, youtube has a lot of people who are jerking off to crap videos.
2. A sizeable part of those views are bots that youtube either can’t detect or doesn’t want to detect because youtube is making money off those bots.
I am not speaking of pewdiepie but people who use bots in general. The job of those bots is to not just build a channel up but to tear other competing channels down. So anyway, after his people hid my reply tweet and either intentionally or unintentionally aimed to do harm to me, I blocked the son of a bitch. (error corrected, I have no idea why that previously said video)
If you are a fan of pewdiepie, cool. I am not trying to hurt him. I am just explaining the situation of why I blocked him. Anytime I discover anyone is doing shit to hurt me, they get blocked and/or unsubscribed. I don’t care who the fuck they are.
And yes, I do realize that part of my problem has nothing to do with other people but that I simply have a giant L on my forehead and my content may not be as good as it needs to be.
Is it possible that it was twitter that hid the reply tweet and not pewdiepie or his people?
It is possible and I have thought about that. I don’t know. I do know that I do not do that many replies so if twitter has my account marked as someone who does troll replies they are seriously freaked in the head. I would guess in the last year I have done less than 20 replies, probably a lot less.
Also the tweet had received very few impressions. I think around 45 but I can’t remember the exact number. It was low and only 3 people interacted with it. I wouldn’t think there would have been enough activity for twitter to have done anything.
I should note that I didn’t follow pewdiepie on twitter because I don’t follow people who don’t follow back. If I am interested in them, I just go to their profiles. I only knowingly make two exceptions to that rule. The celebs I follow, with only two exceptions, follow me back.
That with Logan Paul, when I saw people on youtube actually begging for censorship I totally wanted to cry. They had no clue how they had been manipulated. That was a total psyops.
I had not really thought about that with pewdiepie but it kind of makes sense. Dang. Where is my handkerchief? 🙂
I think in the early days he got a leg up from elite/state media. We all would like to think he didn’t get the Alex Jones treatment from youtube because we all did our part to help him but it was all bullshit.
He now gets 4 to 10 million views (real or bot, who knows) and the rest of us are lucky if we can get 100 views of people actually watching our video. But like I’ve heard you say, youtube gives us “free” hosting and “free” bandwidth so there is that. Of course that “free” is kind of like you replying to pewdiepie, you never know when they are going to try to ruin you. There are hidden cost.
Google is toxic and the culture they have created is toxic. Any top youtube creator, it is best to avoid. They are part of the system.
they didn’t even do pewdiepie as badly as they have done Steven Crowder. they took pewdiepie out of the special ad program but they didn’t stop ads on his channel. As far as I can tell they don’t do ads on Steven Crowder any more at all. if you look back at the pewdiepie situation with open eyes, it was kind of like a Psyops to excuse, justify the coming censorship that the elite already had been planning as talked about by Alex Jones and Matt Drudge. I think that with Logan Paul and the suicide forest was a more obvious psyops but I think they both were a type of psyops. I am not sure LP knew the situation he was going into or was an unwitting dumb ass. To be clear this is all just opinion–got my tin foil hat on 🙂
I wouldn’t say avoid all top youtube creators. If you enjoy them, you enjoy them. Just be weary of them. But I get what you are saying.
Wait. So do you think that what pewdiepie did to get himself in trouble was intentional?
I did not to begin with. I took it all at face value. But think about it. Would you have done what he did and not have expected any blow back??? Now mind you, for THE top youtube creator he was not that well know. He really wasn’t. So if he did intentional–not sure that he did–what he did or went along with may have been to try to increase his name recognition. If true, to whether he fully realized the blow back or knew that he was part of a psyops operation, that is another question. I realize it all sounds rather weird and paranoid and unreal. But the censorship that followed was REAL just as Alex Jones and Matt Drudge had talked about. Reminder: this goes into the realm of conspiracy theory and so take with a grain of salt.
so he hid your reply from HIS thread. big deal. By the way I would give it an 8 out of 10. I kind of liked it.
Also I like the story you are writing. I hope you make the next deadline for your goal. Stop worrying about dumb pewdiepie. he is not worth the energy.
Yeah. I get your point. Silly twitter drama. I don’t know why it pissed me off but it actually did. I think part of it really has nothing to do with pewdiepie. It is just I am doing so badly on twitter and youtube anyway and that kind of shit is just something else slapping me down. Like why? Just weird.
I think I should make the next goal deadline. Sorry that I am missing so many deadlines. Last few days when I sit down, I am so tired I fall asleep. But I will get it done.
Thanks for the reply. Thanks to everyone for the replies.
Correction: I’ve had to change the goal date for Chapter 6 to unknown. Hopefully, I can reset a date soon. Sorry.
On a funny scale of 1 to 10 I’d give it a 7. Given the thread and what is usually in his threads I don’t know why whoever felt the need to hide your reply other than that they are ass wipes.
Other than wanting to stand up for free speech I don’t know why anyone would lift a finger to help any of the big creators when the big creators don’t give a damn about the small creators. They are as bad as the elite media.
To him you, like all of us, you were a nobody to be stepped on. But if they have any problems they fully expect us to rally around them and I once did but I don’t any more.
When I was first looking at the top creators back whenever I was like who the hell is pewdiepie. I had no idea. When the controversy started and I talked to people they had no idea who he was. Of course that said, I could not now tell you who the other creators were on the list at the time but I do know pewdiepie was on the list and I now know who he is.
If I remember correctly (I think it was him and not a different big creator) pewdiepie defended when youtube demonetized most small channels. He was like, you aren’t making any money anyway. And I guess that was one way to look at it but it was still insulting. It was like him saying the small creators should not even be given the hope of making money on youtube.
I don’t mean to be insulting but I don’t know why any of you people stood up for him. I get the free speech aspect but he doesn’t even stand up for free speech. How many banned channels has he stood up for on behalf????
So anyway, I am not shocked that he did that to you.
I had no idea who he was the first time I saw him on a list either but I am not familiar with a lot of the gamers.
I never really hoped to be monetized. I would NEVER put google ads on any of my websites. Google treated me badly going back to the days when they first started taking traffic from goto, altavista, yahoo, dmoz, etc.. But I don’t blame people for having that dream. It is just I knew too much about the real google from day one from experience.
but yeah, obviously pewdiepie is part of that google culture and I should have better understood that.
to be clear I love youtube despite the various issues. support the small creator even if google doesn’t. And yes, we should be more weary of the big creators.
I thought that was cute. I don’t know what his problem was, but then I freaking hate Minecraft 🙂
Maybe it was you calling the space alien Hillary that triggered people and he responded to their complaints.
I agree on the bots. I think most of the successful youtube channels have had bots used to help them, whether they were fully aware or not . I think for some people youtube looks the other way but not for everyone. I am sure they would not look the other way for me. They would ban my ass.
Thanks. Yeah, maybe calling the space alien Hillary was crossing some imaginary line.
I know a little bit about bots but I don’t use or pay someone to use. At the same time, to be totally honest I don’t really judge on that because the platforms tend to be assholes and are kind of asking for it. For example, a creator is trying to get monetized and youtube puts all the crazy rules in place. The creator feels like they’ve been screwed and it is very tempting to want to fight back.
Especially on the gaming side of youtube, you know pretty much all the let us play creators know how to do all kinds of shit to GAME youtube. Hell their moms probably know how. “Well my trying to get Johnny into a good college didn’t work, so let us see what we can do to manipulate youtube.”