Month: January 2019
“I wish him luck, Trump said. “It’s going to be a beauty.”
And who was President Trump talking about? He was talking about his seeming “enemy” Jeff Bezos and Jeff’s impending divorce from his wife of 25 years, MacKenzie Bezos . Whether a marriage ends with a fizzle, as the candle of love has slowly burned out, or an explosion of emotion where the people still have strong feeling of love and hate for one another; it is a sad thing.
Somewhat oddly Jeff Bezos chose the social platform that Trump seems to most enjoy, Twitter, to announce Bezos’ impending divorce. At the time of the tweet few people knew that the reason for the announcement was that the National Enquirer was about to release a major expose on Jeff Bezos and his “mistress.” Although it had been kept fairly quiet–I didn’t know :(–in truth Jeff Bezos and his wife had been separated for quite some time. The National Enquirer had learned of the separation when they were doing their piece on Jeff Bezos. The coming Nation Enquirer article will include 11 pages of pictures on Jeff Bezos and his mistress.
Now that the piece is known about, there are questions on whether the National Enquirer did the piece because Bezos is Trump’s perceived “enemy.” The National Enquirer is said to have buried some articles that would have made President Trump look bad during the election. President Trump has had a friendly relationship with American Media Inc. boss David Pecker for decades. (American Media Inc. is the parent company of the National Enquirer.) But most people believe that the National Enquirer is simply doing what it and its employees ( and stringers, regularly paid freelancers) do best: dig up dirt. Fairly beat up through the years from Hollywood and with various other problems, they had almost fallen to becoming little more than an echo chamber for highly spun press releases with little real information. But now with this coming National Enquirer article on Jeff Bezos, sort of speak, yeah, “the bitch is back.”
The Enquirer and other outlets identified the woman with whom Jeff Bezos has been having an affair as Lauren Sanchez, a former anchor for Fox’s local station in Los Angeles. I have no idea on whether the affair began before or after the separation of Jeff Bezos from his wife MacKenzie Bezos .Most people know that even though I don’t agree with President Trump on everything, I supported him and continue to support him. Even though Jeff Bezos at the Washtington Post has been fairly anti-Trump, I still like Jeff Bezos and his wife for what they accomplished with Amazon. I have promoted Amazon from just about the very beginning and I will continue to promote Amazon. Some people, who have been strongly anti-Trump, have not just attacked Trump but all of us who have supported Trump. As far as I know Jeff Bezos has never crossed that line to any large agree. To whether any of his writers at the Washington Post have, I don’t know and don’t really care. Jeff Bezos has a conservative side. He is like a lot of us where his politics are mixed based on issues. I, myself, have a strong liberal side and a conservative side depending on the issue–and sometimes depending on just my mood at the moment.
I wish both Jeff Bezos and MacKenzie Bezos the best.
At the same time I am kind of glad that the National Enquirer is back to digging up dirt. 🙂