This piece is opinion. If you have a different opinion. That is cool.
Apple has reportedly pulled QDrops–an app which sent alerts about what conspiracy idea QAnon is talking about–from its App Store after an anti-Trump conspiracy site called NBC did a troll quest to destroy–also known as when a sniveling 14 year old girl gets all pissy–inquiry.
If you use google search you will see where the usual suspects are doing their own conspiracy theories and doing quite a bit of name calling against Q. To be honest I am hardly an expert on Q but what I do know is that the elite media is out to take control of the internet and push those of us off the internet who do not act as an echo chamber for their anti-Trump pro-globalists foolishness.
Comcast which owns NBCuniversal would do well to worry less about Q and more about the sniveling 14 year old girls (many of whom who are old men) who never grew up and who are destroying their own company.
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