Update: Yeah, I just did another tweet. LOL
I know I have done similar posts in the past where I’ve said I am finished with twitter and then wasn’t. The truth is that twitter is addictive where you see something you either like or don’t like and then there you are putting it on twitter.
I have done that as well have done political tweets and of course used it to promote this website.
As many of you may know twitter has suspended a large number of accounts. The elite media propaganda is that they were fake accounts or bot accounts. Of course many of us know people that twitter murdered (in a figurative sense) off its platform who were very much real and very much hurt by twitter’s psychopathic, murderous behavior.
I have been on twitter since 2009.
7/14/2018 I did two tweets promoting sayata that received a grand total of 6 impressions with 4 on the first one and 2 on the next one. My tweets generally don’t get a huge number of impressions but start at around 12 to 18 and then build to between 100 to 200 impressions with an occasional jump to a few thousand. On those two tweets, there was no building number from a low count. It remained at a low count.
When that kind of thing happens–low tweet impression count–that pretty much means someone or a group of someones or a group of bots or twitter “employees” themselves have extolled a great deal of hate on me and my twitter account. So anyway, although twitter may suspend my account for no reason–I have done nothing wrong and I have always kept it real on twitter–I am not going to delete my account. At the same time though, until and unless I change my mind, my tweeting days that go back to 2009 are over. My intention is to no longer tweet. [update: but it did not stick]
And no, I will not link to this post on twitter. 🙂
If you use twitter that is cool. Just know that if you want to know when something new is posted here don’t expect to see it on twitter. [update: I will start back mixing random tweets with mentions of content I have added to sayata.net]