Any Truth, Proper Grammar, or Correct Spelling is Entirely Coincidental.
I have the debates recorded, that is when the storm was not locking the signal up, but I have not fully analyzed them. Today, the propagandists on FOX are singing how great the debates were and suggesting in their hypnotic voices who viewers should believe won the debates.
Fox obviously set out to sabotage Donald Trump and knock his poll numbers down while at the same time be protective of Jeb Bush. The propaganda networks did similar when Romney was running against the Republican field. Every debate the pundits set out to knock the leading candidate down until they could get Romney to have the poll numbers that would make the election look real.
Today Fox propagandist bemoan that the economy was not much discussed in the debates. Well, the candidates are the not ones who wrote or chose the questions so whose fault is that?
From the bit I watched it seemed to me that Trump did hold his own. Mike Huckabee sounded good on Social Security and made Chris Christie look like the evil piece of thieving crap that he is. Rand Paul also did his part to make Chris Christie look like the un-American, anti-constitutionalist, fascist that he is.
I am an independent with libertarian leanings, though I do believe in helping the poor. I do believe there is a role for government but it should be limited. I believe in its role, the government should be more helpful than hurtful to its citizens.
Hopefully I will have a chance to analyze the debates better and be more insightful regarding the candidates in the future.
Some conservative are obviously mad at FOX. While FOX does still allow some libertarian & conservative voices, the truth is that FOX has always been a backdoor propaganda tool to advance a globalist agenda whether that agenda has been under Bush or Obama. It really has never been about Conservative or Liberal or Libertarian. It has always been about advancing the globalist agenda and it is the globalist they will support in these debates.
I know when I try to explain to people that some of the FOX propaganda has always been to advance the Obama globalist agenda people tend to look at me like I am crazy. It is confusing because some of the propaganda appears to support the conservative cause. In truth though, the propaganda has been to get liberals so busy pointing and laughing at conservatives that they don’t realize when Obama advances a globalist agenda that they, as real liberals, should have been in the front and center in opposing. For example, Fox had liberals supporting Romneycare rather than a more workable, less hurtful, public option in competition with the private options.
Anyways FOX is FOX and it is the perfect name given the propaganda games that they play.